I was listening to some new music from Beyonce on the radio and it occurred to me that there is a new theme in music now. Beyonce's new single "If I were a Boy" and her second hit "Single Ladies" both seem to have a reoccurring theme. The song "If I were a boy" is very reminiscent of "Like a Boy" by pop/ crunk and b star, Ciara. The songs have a similar message. You get hurt and your scorned yet you would rather be a boy or man to make him feel the same pain you do when you deal with him and what they cause you to go through. It's interesting that women now want to become men or have that type of control. Both women have a similar take and outlook women should feel empowerment and strength. I believe they are right but why would want to be a man when you can actually just be yourself and still get some revenge as well.
Very interesting observation.
men have feelings too...
I couldn't agree more, the underlying idea of women, is that they (we) are not strong enough to get revenge or move on without taking on male characteristics, and I think that it's absurd. This idea is so often masked by strong lyrics, but the true meaning always results to changing who they are (or we are as women) in order to succeed. If women do not become more masculine they're other option seems to be to objectify themselves to men. I think that this was a great post and it is an idea that unfortunately crosses over several aspects of our media and society today.
I agree. But look around. Women want to be president, vice president, CEO. Are they acting like men? Perhaps. Is there a problem with that? Perhaps. Roles are blurred and it's confusing, which probably why we have so many problems in our relationships. Men act like women. And women act like men.
No seriously, they are.
:0/ just being honest!
Females rule!
- <3
Why do women think that by acting like men they can get the same results men do. You can still be a woman and get succeed just like any man. Sorry guys...anything you can do, so can we!!! Maybe even better.
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