Why oh why Oprah are you leaving in 2011? I don't get it I mean I thought your fans and everyone were really doing well. I hope its not for hype missy. We love you and adore you. You have been on since the year I was born and my family and I love everything you do. I wish you would stay for another few seasons but we will miss you very much. You have really been a huge part of my life and I am so glad that an African American woman has paved the way. Its phenomenal and amazing what you have done. You have touched the lives of so many people and I am one of them. You inspire me to be a better person, inspiring journalist, and young woman. I am wondering who are you going to pass the torch to? Who will be next in line will it be Tyra, Ellen, Wendy Williams, or are you grooming someone we have yet to meet? I wonder I wish I could fill those shoes. You are such a force not to be played with I know you have something in mind to keep your television fans excited. I wish you all the best though really. Thank god for you and I will be continuing to watch the show and I hope I have a chance to see you again in person. Minus all of the trucks and police. I went to see you in NYC but was running a little late but fortunately I was able to catch you at home. I hope I will see you in person so I can say thank you and good luck. =) Love U Queen Oprah, the queen of media All the best.