"It's Too Sweet" (A dedication to you*) by Chloe J. Riccardo
It's La Dolce Vita with you babe.
I feel like I'm on a high.
I love staring into your eyes.
Everything is so new.
Yes I'm into you.
It's too sweet my babe
Oh so real and true but why did it take so long for me to find you?
It's too sweet. muy dulce por mi corazon. Yo quiero nuestro corazons junta por ahora.
Tu haces mi alegre. Todos los dias. (Very sweet for my heart. I want our hearts joined now. You make me happy. Every day)
Yes you have me speaking spanglish thats how I feel with you its too good to be true but its too sweet when I'm with you. =)
*You know who you are.
The Original Manhattanite is a pop culture blog focused on entertainment, television, music, art, fashion and more, written by pop culture enthusiast, freelance writer, and the queen who wears her New York crown proudly and many hats, Chloe Jewel Riccardo her blog has been published and was created on October 21, 2008 in New York City.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Blue Mood by Chloe Riccardo
A poem I just wrote to ease my frustrations or disappointments. Remember through pain comes beauty that's my quote. "Through pain comes beauty".
Blue Mood
Yes, I'm in a blue mood not a gray mood, or black mood but a blue mood.
I am frustrated with the fact that in life. There's always a set back. Something to keep you from going against or for something you need or really desire. Something you even want to do for another person. So I'm in a blue mood. That's not pleasant I know to some folks but when I think of the past 23 years how much I have been through and witnessed outside of home or experienced. I think is this really the way things have to be? So yes for today I am in a blue mood. I just need to kind of escape and let it all out of me. So I can feel content.
Blue Mood
Yes, I'm in a blue mood not a gray mood, or black mood but a blue mood.
I am frustrated with the fact that in life. There's always a set back. Something to keep you from going against or for something you need or really desire. Something you even want to do for another person. So I'm in a blue mood. That's not pleasant I know to some folks but when I think of the past 23 years how much I have been through and witnessed outside of home or experienced. I think is this really the way things have to be? So yes for today I am in a blue mood. I just need to kind of escape and let it all out of me. So I can feel content.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
ZZ Zodiac Coin Purse by Melie Bianco - $26.00 : Fashion Wallets And Coin Purses at LuLus.com

ZZ Zodiac Coin Purse by Melie Bianco - $26.00 : Fashion Wallets And Coin Purses at LuLus.com
Check out this great website I am in love with they have beautiful, artsy dresses for cocktail parties, night life, and these gorgeous zodiac coin purses when you don't feel like carrying much on your person.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Alicia Keys's new album "Element of Freedom"

I am a fan of Alicia's you know I am if you have been following my blog for a while. I have all four of her cds and yes I have been here since 2001 rocking with Alicia Keys. So I want to tell you "Element of Freedom" is a well written cd to date I see and hear a lot of growth from her "Songs in A minor" to now Alicia has matured and grown into an incredible artist. I am proud really she's multitalented. I can see the changes in her. I love the songs and I hope a lot of you will be going out to buy Alicia Keys's new cd as well. Love her. I can't wait to have a copy of my own.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
3X in Beyonce's lyrics
Someone brought it to my attention that in Beyonce's songs she repeats and writes everything three times i thought this was a hilarious idea for me to write about in my blog. Its so true when she was in Destiny's Child she wrote "NO,NO, NO" then "Bills, Bills,Bills" , "Say My Name", and then "Single Ladies" lolz. So my dear Beyonce I have to say I love you and your music but what's with the emphasis on three times in your lyrics? Is it because you want us to remember the song well or you just want us to keep it in mind that you want people to remember that three times will make the impact. So maybe she does it so we can remember the song or so we at least feel the song. Has anyone else noticed this lolz its funny actually. But let me know this is an open blog i don't mind your opinions and if you know other songs let me know. =)
"The Best Things to do in NYC when you visit"

I am a New Yorker at heart I was born here 23 years ago in Man-hatt-an! Lol so it truly has a place in my heart from its eccentric crazy characters, the food, the shops, the many places to visit, and sites. It reinvents itself much like I do. I think we have that in common. So one thing I will say to the place I so truly have affection for is I <3 You New York and thanks for being so good to me. You're like a fun boyfriend looking out for my best interest. So to NYC here are my favorite places where I have gone or will go in the future. =)
Chloe's places to visit when coming to NYC:
1. Visit the Empire State Building located on 34th and 5th avenue you should go to the top of the observer deck. I havent yet but you should.
2. Take the Circle Line located on the West Side Highway you will get a chance to see the Five Boroughs and a whole lot more for one hour.
3. Visit Times Square its in the heart of Manhattan and theres soooo much to do. Say hello to the Naked Cowboy, see a Broadway show my favorites: "Hot Feet", "Beauty & the Beast", "In the Heights", "Raisin & the Sun", "The Color Purple", "The Lion King", "Rent", and many more I plan to see on Broadway like Hair, Wicked, and more =)
4. Go to the M&M store colorful, bright, you feel like your inner child has come alive cheesy but sooo much fun for the young and young at heart.
5. Bubba Gump Restaurant if you love the food.
6.Havana Central where I went the food was amazing. Located on 46th street between 6th avenue and 7th avenue.
7. Any Pizzeria around new york I havent found my favorite yet a couple places on 56th street has the best pizza where I worked at when I was in high school amazing.
8. Wildberry is my new favorite ice cream and Grom in the west village is really good.
9. Where to shop I can go on for days and days. I usually hit up H&M, Forever 21 on 34th street has the best stuff, and Joyce Leslie.
10. I love Houston's my family and I used to go a lot so its one of my favorites the roasted chicken and french fries & the chili burgers whew!!! Lolz too much.
11.Visit Yankee Stadium -I havent yet but i plan to in the future.
12. Long Island has some great malls too.
13. Serendipity located 60th and lexington
14. Bloomingdales 60th and Lexington closer to 59th street.
15. Macy's of course 34th and Herald Square
16. Fifth Avenue shops of course even if you dont have it just walk around like me and my buddies do =)
17.Central Park always something to do. Concerts, Live productions of tv shows, and so on.
18. Brooklyn! lolz something to always do there as well Too many stores and shops.
19.Canal Street
20. Soho I love Soho some of the best places to shop at around.
21. Willamsburg I hear is pretty busy and popular havent visited yet but we'll see.
22. "The Tenenment Museum" if you don't know the history of NYC you should know and I suggest Ellis Island as well.
23. I also suggest going to Sevilla's in the west side of the village in New York.
24. Sushi go somewhere fresh you don't want anything that would make you nauseous or sick.
25. Visit all the boroughs not just one you need to stay 2 weeks to get a feel of NYC.
26. Ground Zero you can get the impact of 9/11 and the history of it.
27. Seaport in Brooklyn haven't been but go for you
28. Saint Patrick's Cathedral
29. The beaches Long Island or BK Jones, Riis, or anywhere else lolz.
30. Radio City Music Hall
31. The Love Sign lolz. I want photos there but go there too.
32. Phillipes on 33 east 60th and Lexington Avenue . I love the food this place is strictly for the grown and sexy. It's a beautiful restaurant the chicken satays in the chef's special sauce are divine.
33. Coney Island visit definitely in the summer.
34. Rick Shaw Dumplings located 61 West 23rd between 5th and 6th avenue.
35. Cafe Wha? located downtown in the west village 115 Macdougal street between 3rd avenue and Bleecker.
36. Dylan's Candy Bar I want to go so badly I can't wait.
37. If you're a singer or a wannabe singer try Duet Karaoke 48 located East 48th between 1st and 2nd avenue.
38. Kurve Lounge 87 Second Avenue
39. The Olive Tree in the Village so good believe me great comedy.
40. Mojito in 82 Washington Ave. Brooklyn, New York.
41. VCafe 345 Greenwich Street NY, NY I love the food I don't know how my mom and I found it but we love it.
42. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.
43. Cafeteria West 17th street the food is amazing!
44. Sevilla restaurant located 62 Charles Street (Corner of West 4th street)
Number 45. Ladies and Gentlemen Tavern on the Green!!!! 67th street & Central Park West so beautiful I would love to go. =)
46. The Trump Hotel in NYC breath takingly beautiful
47. The Waldorf Astoria for one night save up and splurge on your hard work.
48. The NY Public Library
49. The Museum of Natural History
50. MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
PLUS TWO BONUSES 51. (Lincoln Center the Metropolitan Opera House)
52. Columbus Circle
Thats it folks!!!!!
If you don't drive grab a subway map please they have them at every subway stop. I know it pretty well after 8 or 9 years now. Lolz. I run the F and V train baby! Lolz i have taken it for a long time. =) Enjoy your visits to New York City. It the city that never sleeps, it is the city where you can make it there you will make it everywhere, its beautiful, gritty at times, but grows into your heart. Have fun =)
"The Cake Boss is Taking Over Hoboken"

Inside Carlo’s Bakery located between Washington Street and First Street in Hoboken, N.J. The Carlo’s Bakery staff is busy and when I say busy they are very occupied at the moment. There are people running around, some people are scurrying over the front of the counter taking orders, some are assisting other customers on the opposite side of the bakery. Others are running around trying to find their customer’s order on their cake pastries, cannolis orders, and what else they need at the moment. When you first come into the bakery you think oh it’s really nice it’s just a bakery. ( Image of Carlo’s Bakery) No, it’s not just a bakery actually this bakery has become the landmark of Hoboken, New Jersey. Customers are outside down the street trying to get inside and see what all of the fuss is about.
This bakery has become a major success due to the star, Buddy Valastro of TLC’s reality television show, “The Cake Boss”. Buddy Valastro has become a major hit with the public he has designed and made cakes for everyone from A-list celebrities to regular “average Joes” , Britney Spears, Gayle King (Oprah’s best friend), television host, Wendy Williams, and Ralph Lauren’s daughters, Dylan Lauren’s store “Dylan’s Candy Bar” located in New York,NY . Valastro also designed a cake especially for the opening of her store. He even did yours truly birthday cake last month which turned out absolutely beautiful. He put my picture on it and my favorite color pink was part of the icing with multicolored sprinkles. (Image of Chloe Riccardo’s birthday cake by Buddy Valastro)
He has become a hit success and I don’t think anything is going to stop him now. I just went back in Carlo’s and let me tell you he was doing an interview for a magazine when I wanted an interview with him. It was unbelievable because it showed the power of success can really take over. He is tied up and I am not the only one who wants a story with Valastro.
The one thing I noticed was how everyone there is really a team player when it comes to Carlo’s. The staff is so large that they all take turns doing different jobs. I noticed he is a very family-oriented person so that plays a major part in how he deals with his business. He wants his family to continue on with the business and keep it going for generations to come.
Carlo’s Bake Shop is an Italian-American bakery that was established in 1910 and Buddy’s father and mother both became the owners in 1964. When Buddy’s father passed away he took over at the tender age of sixteen in 1992.
The pastries at Carlo’s are divine and amazing I have ordered three cakes from Carlo’s and have eaten many pastries. The stuff is delicious and it isn’t overpowering or fattening. Everything is fresh, delicious, and sweet to the T. I have had his raspberry tarts, vanilla, and chocolate cupcakes, and he made a delicious strawberry and vanilla custard cake inside for my birthday and my mother’s birthday cake. He has done almost my whole family’s birthday cakes so he is a very talented and a creative baker. I highly recommend him for future use.
Buddy Valastro Jr. grew up in Little Ferry, New Jersey he is the only son of Mary and Buddy Valastro, Sr. and he has four other sisters: Maddalena “Madeline” Castano, Lisa Gonzalez, Mary Sciarrone, and Grace Faguno. The family has kept the business with all close relatives including cousins, husbands, brother-in-laws, sisters –in-laws, and more are apart of the team. While his parents were running the bakery Buddy Jr. learned how to manage the bakery and when his father passed he became the primary baker and he took over. He would come to the bakery when he was young and it helped him to run it and he became owner after his father left it to him.
Valastro has a natural talent and his team helps him as well with the designs he comes up with for his sketches and designs for his cakes. He has come up with some amazing cakes one of my favorite cakes he made was a cake in the shape of an engagement ring and he has never had any culinary training he learned everything from his father but he picked everything up himself. He is extremely talented he can make a cake out of every object or anything you can think of when you sit down with him or his staff.
The television show “Cake Boss” made its debut this spring of 2009 with Valastro and his family coming to the airwaves on TLC. It has become a big hit from watching to the point people are stopping literally in front of the bakery to get their pictures taken every single day. Lines are wrapped around the front door and literally are going down the street because of his success. Valastro does not seem to mind the attention he said he feels overwhelmed but he loves it though. He’s proud to be a hometown celebrity of Hoboken. He did say that he would love his children to also continue on with the bakery and become apart of it. Any person who loves to have fun , loves sweets, loves to celebrate life and family they should be apart of Carlo’s Bakery. He just wants to be known as a person who loves his family and works hard. He wants his viewers to take this message away from watching his show.
“Follow your dreams and never give up everything starts out small before it becomes big.”
I think this message sums up everything that Carlo’s, “Cake Boss”, and what every person’s dreams are really about. It’s such a small significant thing to you but once you make it a reality it can become huge. Valastro has become such a hit success he has three billboard posters around New Jersey on Newark Avenue in Hoboken, New Jersey. (Image of Billboard on Newark Street in Hoboken, NJ) . There is also a billboard with him covered in flour, white chef coat, and a pleasant smirk on 47th and Broadway in front of the Virgin Mega Store and where the New Year’s Eve ball drops. (image of Billboard on 47th and Broadway) The location is too perfect for him his billboard is right in the heart of Manhattan where all the most tourists come. He is guaranteed a spot in the limelight. People are guaranteed to know his face and look him up. The Cake Boss is taking over Hoboken and also the tri-state what’s next the world? Buddy Valastro does not seem like he will be a 15- minute famer he’s going to be around for a long time rolling in dough, money, and fondant. I believe this is only the beginning of his success we will see what comes next for Valastro, his family, and the success of the show.
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