Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Why have we Millennials waited so long for marriage?

Hello my fabulous handsome and beautiful readers! I have missed you all very much but you’re all the thousands of you always on my mind. I always have to thank you who have been reading and following my blog for the past 10 years has been such a huge gift not just for me but for every single person who I have discussed and shared a piece of their life, their story, promoted anything that I believe is worth sharing for everyone to learn, be informed, and stay current on what’s happening with all of us. I am still celebrating the 10th anniversary because truthfully I really cannot believe I have had this blog for such a long time. It has become a huge part of my life now. So I want to continue with it as much as I can.
I told you all I would discuss many more adult topics. The blog has grown up with me and now that we are entering a new phase of life, some very new chapters, and also a new year very soon. I wanted to talk about more topics that apply more to my adult audience too. It does not mean I have forgotten the kids, the college kids, or teens. I just wanted to make sure I cover my generation and other age groups too.
So let’s talk about marriage. I am going to do a two part chapter to this topic. How it affects the economy....Now we all know how marriage is a beautiful thing it’s about a union of two people who protest their love, faith, commitment aloud, proudly, and loudly to their families, friends, coworkers, community, and those who are apart of their lives. I still believe in marriage and commitment especially in 2018. I wrote on one of my last blog posts, “Five Families of You Tube” which featured five couples who are all millennials and have started their families and are raising children currently in this second decade of the 21st century. I believe just like everything it evolves, it becomes more detailed, intricate, we learn more from it, and we find ways for everything to become more convenient and better for all of us.  I believe marriage in our society has gone through several phases. There was a phase where people didn’t believe it in they were against it. They decided “well I will just focus on my career and work success first”, then there was a phase where people insisted on it happening immediately as a necessity, and then there was a phase where people thought it was becoming obsolete. I thought to myself wait a minute how can marriage that ultimately promotes love, happiness, joy, and celebration become obsolete and fade away? How does that happen today?  It’s about families coming together to unite, you receive more family members, more friends, and you share it with the person you love and will cherish the most. How amazing and beautiful is that? So I thought ok let’s dig deeper then it hit me recently. I have several friends who I have grown up with I have talked about them on my blog too. Many of my friends are married, raising children now, and are planning to marry in the future very soon. I have watched them all grow up along with me and find love. It’s been a great thing to witness, but for some people it didn’t come that easy. There were other factors that played a part in their lives too. I realized why were people finding it to be obsolete…it was a simple five letter word M-O-N-E-Y. It’s sad but so true that money became a huge factor when wanting to start a commitment and family.
People have been asking me a lot lately especially now that I have hit 32 years old…”Do you have children?”, “Do you want to be married?” “Yes and Yes “ Of course I do I always wanted children I wanted a big family. I used to dress my cabbage patch up, my Barbie dolls, stuffed animals, and always wanted to have babies. I always wanted marriage not because of the wedding but because I knew I wanted a partner not just a lover also a person who was going to unite with me as my teammate. The person I would share my whole life and journey with along the way.  I realized that thousands of young women in their twenties and thirties want the same thing as well but don’t run down the aisle of the church that quickly because of finances. It’s a bit sad and makes you cringe that you have to hear that your friend, sister, niece, cousin, coworker can’t marry because of finances. It’s not about the wedding…you have to hear me it’s the engagement, the engagement party, the bridal shower, the bachelor/the bachelorette party, the wedding ceremony, and the reception. It’s the lifelong commitment of a lease to an apartment, a mortgage to a home, raising your children, paying their tuition for preschool through college, and also adding your own personal financial debt too. It’s about uniting family traditions, customs, memories, and building a family that will come together. That’s what it is ultimately about. However you want to use your brain, your heart, and spirit when it comes to this choice. You want to know you’re making the right decision that will give you the greatest joy.
I also realized life experience-education, life experience, age, and other commitments played a big part of me not wanting to marry right away I believe. I am glad I did not marry at 20 or 25. I was not ready….I thought I was back then but looking back on it. I see that I needed molding, shaping, and I needed more spiritual guidance, more assistance with understanding myself as a young woman, a human being, and who I wanted to be in the long run. I was also enjoying my life…I was in college from (age 17-age 23 from August 2004- June 2010) when you see those numbers in the moment they seem so simple but you realize how young you really were and that those were some of the best years of your life. I would have been so selfish, not present. I would have been a great mom but I would have wanted to have my time to myself back then too. I would have wanted more time to travel too. I am glad I didn’t take that journey so fast.
You needed to grow, you needed to find yourself, you need education at that age. I have no regrets at all for taking my time to date, travel, explore, meet people, find the woman I wanted to be and how I wanted to mold and represent myself in society and in the world. A 17-year old teenage girl would have to grow up quickly too fast. She would take on way too much responsibility when she should be out enjoying her life. I think it’s smart that some people waited longer because you can build. You can figure out how to become financially responsible-how to earn credit, how to pay for your home, your car, take care of your house, the maintenance, maintaining your car, how do you want to raise your family….will they be vegan?, will they eat meat, will they follow the Catholic faith, Protestant, or Muslim faith, you know these are questions that cross your mind when you think of marriage, marrying someone who may be a different religion, ethnic background, racial background, and political background too.  What kind of lifestyle will you both have and how will it transition down to the children too. I thought about all of those factors. I am glad I took my time….I think God knew she needs a couple of tweaks and edges smoothed first. She needs to know who she really is completely first. I hope people will ask themselves those questions too. You want to know who am I marrying and what am I marrying and getting myself into too.
My parents were married for 10 years together 17 years. They were very young my mother was 23 and my father was 29. They knew each other love very much, knew each other very well and had many similarities. They were both raised by single mothers, that both each had 3 children in their families, they were both middle children, and they were raised in the Catholic faith. They also loved similar activities watching basketball, throwing parties, going to concerts, traveling, and they loved kids. So I think with their marriage and union for them at that time. It was a match in God’s eyes I believe were many benefits came out it.
That’s what I think people need to focus on are the benefits that make you better not just the finances because keep in perspective the wedding day remember it is one day. The marriage that’s the long-term commitment. It’s that real contract and life contract where you want to make sure you know what and who you are investing and building with down the road. I believe in trust, I believe in loyalty, and I also believe you must marry for love. There should not be a doubt in your mind when you say “Yes….I do….Yes I will marry you”. I think you ultimately have to accept their flaws and who they are too.  It’s all about knowing what you need too. I am happy 10 years ago I didn’t jump so fast and say….”Let’s go!”. Now that I have seen the world, I have traveled more, and have had a chance to know who I am. I know what I need and what I would desire in a partner too.

Now let’s also discuss a few other factors…societal pressure, I am sure many of you have seen “Say Yes to the dress”, “Bridezillas”, “Four Weddings”, “Married at First Sight” all of these shows have covered different topics and shown us what and what not to do when it comes to preparation for marriage and what we can find when trusting a different source when it comes to walking down the aisle too. I love that I have had a chance to view these shows because it gives you a lot of perspective on what is required and what’s important for marriage, a partnership, and commitment too. You don’t need society to pressure you into it. You need to know if this is best for you.
For me I cannot wait for the next chapter to start but in the mean time I am grateful for all of the life lessons that have prepared me thoroughly. So whether if you walk down the aisle and take that step in your twenties, thirties, or whenever you choose. You should take it when you’re ready, you want that commitment, you’re in it for the long haul, and you truly love the person as well.  

Come back and read part two I am going to discuss how marriage impacts the economy and it affects businesses. So it's not just about's about thriving new companies and major corporations and how they can impact small and larger weddings too. See why it's important to find the right one. Lol =)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Why this upcoming election is important. Vote November 6th!

The midterms impacts the general election. Which means 2018 will impact 2020. Who do you want to see on inauguration day January 20, 2021 take the oath?

See how politics can change your life....I was invited to come see Hillary Clinton in April of 2016 at her pep rally as one of her volunteers. Things can change you have to be willing to step up and make them happen no matter what your role will be. No matter who's side you're or whoever you support just make sure you go with  someone to represent all of us from all walks of life Vote November 6th! 
We are all born I believe at a certain time, day, month, and year for a reason. It’s as if God chose us to be here at that particular moment to fulfill whatever it is in his plan he had for us at that moment. I was born the first week of November on November 6th which happens to be around election day. I never intended to get involved with politics at all. I loved hearing about the news, keeping up with pop culture, and topics that are relevant that can make an impact in someone’s life and our lives every day. I have been fortunate to get involved with the elections since 2008 and now 10 years later I see the difference in our country.
I didn’t realize that I could use this to my advantage and I would be able to use my birthday as a way to get people involved. So I am going to do that because we don’t realize why it’s so important for us to choose and make the right decision. The right decision affects not just your life, your over all well being, it will impact history, it will impact the children and grandchildren who will read, see, and hear about the stories and experiences that you will have with that current president in office. When I was in school I remember my history classes from Catholic school all the way to college. I remember reading how presidents were affecting the community and society. All because they wanted to give the American people the best. They wanted to make strides to give all industries a chance to flourish. I remember reading the stories of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Fitzgerald D. Roosevelt, Coolidge,  Eisenhower, and how they changed our economy.
I have been lucky so far to have seen five presidents I was born when President Reagan was in office but I have grown up with five presidents from (1986-present 2018 have changed our society : President George H.W. Bush,  President William “Bill” Jefferson  Clinton, President George Walker Bush,  President Barack Hussein Obama, and our current president, Donald John Trump who I believe all did  and have done an amazing job and changed the course of all of our lives with their presidential cabinets, their staff, their political campaigns, and have helped to represent America and its people in a light that reflects the spirit of who we really are as a whole. We are people who believe in dreams, we set goals, we set a date, a timeline, and we get up every single morning to make sure it will happen for ourselves and will benefit our families. It should not just benefit us and our families. No it’s about benefitting the human race, all of us as we live our lives. Why would we want to live in a world where there is hate, someone targeting simply who we are and how we were designed by God or whomever you worship. Our country was founded on those values and rights to have freedom, justice, and to be exactly who we are because that’s what America represents. We are supposed to simply be who we are and who we are called to be in the world. It does not mean we should go attacking each other physically or mentally. We should bestow any negativity in society because it has some superior affect on that person. It makes them feel entitled, powerful, and most of all in control of the world. We need a president in our country to represent the core values of what our country was founded on since 1776. We need to a magnifying glass, this next election is not only about a new beginning, it’s about a new personality fix, a transformative makeover that we need spiritually, emotionally, and morally. We need to look at everything that has happened since November 8, 2016. Did our country really pick someone who can benefit us only financially? Did we simply choose someone because of how entertaining and funny they can be in the limelight? Or did we choose someone because we believed his political slogan. Why didn’t we consider the good and the bad of the person. Why didn’t we want to make history? We had an opportunity to make change and history. I am not at all saying that we needed a change with our economy. I know we needed a change with the workforce, financially, and most of all with the impact of us all in society. I love a president who can change our lives, who can allow us all to grow and give us an opportunity to challenge ourselves. So we can be better versions of ourselves. Not a president who can cause detrimental stress, harm, and make us feel inferior. That’s not the president we need.
This election is simply about regaining our conscience back. We need to regain our morals , our values, and realize we need a new political leader to represent our country. I am going to simply call it as I see it now. We do not have the right political leader I don’t care if he or she is a Republican or Democrat. That’s not what this about this about having a person represent us all completely as the best. Why do people want the best? We want the best so we can feel that spirit of feeling success, a person who knows who they are, they know they are making a difference in a positive impact and way that can change society. I believe this election will impact 2020 and who will hold office in 2021. This is the game changer this is the one that will show all of our foreign allies and leaders around the world. “America, they got this”. Yes sure we may have gotten caught with our pants down a few times, but we picked ourselves up, we took a couple of beatings, and we regrouped. We all knew that there had to be a better and more progressive way to change our world.
America I think this should be our new slogan….”Let’s not just make America great again….let’s find a country to represent us”. America we represent the best. We want to show everyone this is why you want to live here. We have morals, we have values, we have integrity, we are winners, we are champions, we want to succeed, we have dreams, and we make them all happen! I pray, I hope that all of you no matter what your political stance is you need to find someone who represents the person you are, who are you America?, who are we as a country, a strong melting pot of countries who have migrated, impacting business, we value family, we value ourselves, we are intelligent people, who do care about fact checking, who don’t backpedal, who don’t want to disintegrate the spirit of who we are. No we are people who believe in being champions. Lets make America the best in education, the best in athletics, the best in the economy, the best at treating all of our people with respect.
We need to be her teacher’s pet, we need to cherish her, we need to make her physically better with the environment, finding more inventive ways to change our infrastructure, the way we manage global warming, our recycling, our maintenance, and the economy. I believe every single one of us should be employed there’s no excuse someone who lives next door to you they need help. We need extra help, that hard working single mother or father they need help, that parent with a large family they need help, that college student getting up struggling in class they need help, we all need extra help and support. It will benefit all of us. This will make us all the best.
I hope all of you will wake up early November 6th and will go out there to vote, to make a difference and go celebrate because we are about to change the game. 2020 will be different I see someone in office is going to take the oval office seat they will look at all of the people and want to invest and make time for all of us, they want to have that will power to change the lives of all of us. We deserve the best. Let’s choose someone who will give us the best. Who will represent all of us as a whole and is willing to do the job. We need a person fit and able ready to take on this multitasking career and position. This is a powerful and dynamic position that can change the course of your life in a matter of minutes. You have to endure the pressure and impact. It is a job that can change everyone’s lives not just the person who will represent our country and who we are as a whole. Go out and help us make a decision that will change our lives.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

"Will miss you...Lord and Taylor flagship store is leaving Fifth Avenue"

To a dear friend who kept me warm and has some amazing people working in their building salute to 424 Fifth Avenue the Lord & Taylor flagship store
On the steps posing with the Christmas holiday display in 2015
Cheesing in the conference room  2016 the year I became permanent with HBC-Lord & Taylor 
Dreams come true....cheesing at my desk 22nd floor at Brookfield Place in the office 

I remember a long time ago when I was getting ready for the prom my senior year at Cathedral High School this was back in the spring of 2004 I remember looking around for dresses everywhere. I looked online at all of these different websites: Jovani, Cache, Jessica McClintock (which I ended up buying a hot pink satin dress strapless long evening dress)  and many others. I even went in person to Saks Fifth Avenue and one store I stumbled upon was Lord and Taylor I remember going in their store just to browse and to look inside to see what beautiful dresses they had at the time. I know it was expensive and I was a very wishful but I loved admiring the beautiful dresses and designs each and every designer and their staff created. 
 Little did I know that 11 years later I would be working inside their flagship store located on Fifth Avenue. I think I may have tried to apply with them too as a kid. It was an honor to work at their store from 2015-2017. I have worked in retail before but this retail experience and corporate experience is different.

Lord  and Taylor was not just a name but it is a lifestyle choice, it transforms you into someone you want to be sophisticated, well tailored, poised, confident, and glamorous. My first day of starting there working I did my best to show that I wanted to represent that completely to the company: elegance, confidence, class, and style. If I was dressed professionally or casually you wanted to show that you knew fashion, style, designers, and what it takes to represent a century old and a half company and brand. I loved working for them because I felt like how lucky and blessed am I to work in a store I always wanted to purchase things and I couldn’t afford when I was in my teens or my early twenties. It was amazing to earn a promotion from temporary employee to a permanent and executive role as their Facilities Financial Coordinator for Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue. Some days to me were like a beautiful dream walking around the store, getting invited to different celebrations and occasions. Some moments were eye opening and many lessons came from working there too. I developed a higher respect for retail employees, fashion designers, stylists, engineers, the people you see but don’t realize what their roles are within such a booming and thriving business. I loved every moment of it. I remember attending my first Hudson’s Bay Company Christmas holiday parties were amazing tons of champagne, shrimp, sushi, beef sliders, desserts, tons of delicious food.  I remember passing by heading to the office on 15 West 38th Street and Fifth Avenue . I would admire,  look at all of the detail of the window displays for Lord & Taylor  and Saks Fifth Avenue changing every month by the visual department. I used to pass that store heading to the New York Public library across the street.
 I couldn’t believe sometimes I had an opportunity to work there. One special day I had an opportunity and a chance to attend a cool fashion collection party when Kylie and Kendall debuted their shoe collection. Everyone walking around sipping champagne, the fun events we would have inside the office during the holidays, the delicious desserts, food, and everything we all did together. I will forever cherish this moment of my life because I started out when I was 28 and when I left the company I was 30 so to go through a big milestone in my career, my life, and everything in between was pretty amazing. When the corporate division relocated to Brookfield Place and we worked hard to prepare, meetings, coordinated with movers, boxing items, and everything we did it was a team effort, especially with my boss and I. One funny story I will never forget the day the roof started leaking in the office was hilarious! We see lights, strobes going off, the fire alarm was blaring, the security guard, Johnny I remember him coming on the AP system to tell us “Please ignore the light strobes” but there was water coming down the ceiling that’s when we knew the store was falling apart with its internal pipes. It was so funny looking back my boss was screaming at me “Chloe, go….go home get out of here!” the ceiling was about the collapse or keep pouring water on my coworkers and I. I think that’s when I realized this adventure just got really fun. It was one of the funniest experiences.
We became a little family under that roof for a minute working in that office and when a dark cloud came over all of us. We were informed that many employees would be leaving and the organization and structure of the company would be different. We all stuck behind each other and supported each other when things got rough too. My boss and I were prepared it was hard because we knew it was coming. I knew actually almost a year before it happen that people were being cut however we didn’t know it was going to be that drastic. I noticed it with a few employees about four months into my job. I knew something was coming but I always knew have a backup plan in case things do not pan out.
Leaving Hudson’s Bay Company was one of the hardest days of my life and so bittersweet because people say when you commit to a company and job it is like a marriage and you intend to give your all body, mind, spirit, soul, and work ethic. You try to make it work and do it to the best of your ability. It was sad but I am forever grateful that one of my first permanent positions was with Lord and  Taylor, I am so happy that I was able to enjoy the last part of my 20s and enjoy that with this company. The funny thing is that I used to go across the street to the library to go look for a job. My job was right in front of me it was across the street (who knew?)
I made some friends, professional contacts, and many people who are forever in my heart and I will never forget that experience. I wish them the best of luck as they close a momentous chapter. This job has opened doors giving their sales associates, maintenance workers, custodians, door, asset protection (special thanks to you all for letting me in during the weekends when I needed to get belongings from the office), all of their staff members who kept that store thriving, alive, busy, booming, clean, and beautiful will be eternally grateful and will cherish the memories of the flagship store. Every tourist and local New Yorkers will remember everything they loved about the brand, the style, and what they provided to everyone. It’s not goodbye because other brands will still be tied to Hudson’s Bay Company but it is a farewell to a beautiful and momentous chapter. All the best to everyone good luck to them. I am so glad I had a chance to be a viewer behind the scenes and in front too. I learned and absorbed so much information personally and professionally. It was a great time for me to learn some life lessons that made me stronger. So to an old friend of New York City I will miss you deeply. I will be there this holiday season to shop I promise! See you very soon.
Visit and 

Be aware, be alert, and know who your driver is-Car app traveling

One thing I love about this platform of writing I get to cover a wide range of topics for everyone  of all ages and backgrounds.  I love to cover more serious topics on my blog that are helpful, insightful, and full of advice. It's simply to make us all more educated, smarter, wiser, and better at our safety.  This topic is something I know many of you can identify with in our current society. So my dear readers I wanted to discuss the topic of car apps and traveling when you are alone. 
I have heard the several stories in the news and on some popular talk shows talking about how many women and men are being taken advantage of  and are being hurt. We are supposed to travel as human beings we have this ability to leave, vacate, learn, use our senses to explore, and go out to learn more about the world. Whenever I hear a story or something that makes me light up I know it’s time to write. It’s time to get out there and spread the word that women and men both need to be their most aware and alert selves. We  are already in America and we are still  on high alert, we have so much to deal with from day to day to different public displays of hate, people trying to compromise our freedom, enjoyment, and having fun. Now we have to be even more conscientious and organized with our travel abilities within our communities, our country, and outside of the country too. We all want to come back home in one piece unscathed and untouched physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The point of traveling is about escaping your day- to- day reality and life. It’s a shame that now we have to prepare ourselves even more for malicious activity. I heard the story about young woman who was harassed while she was asleep and almost ended up Boston, MA instead of her actual destination which was right in New York City.
The Uber driver intentionally changed the Uber app and headed into a different direction just to confuse his passenger, make her disoriented, and to maliciously attack and violate her personal space. Next was a story about a young woman who made an honest mistake when in Las Vegas, Nevada thought she was heading home when she was kidnapped and taken to a dark secluded open parking lot and location. She was smart, she started recording using the Snapchat app on her cell phone intentionally so her viewers knew where she was and she could have the video ready for the police. The point of all of these stories is it’s unfortunate that we cannot trust Smartphone apps at all. It makes perfect sense because an app can give you information but the physical person is not there with you. They are not on the phone communicating with you for example saying “Yes Helen Smith we are going to 340 Park Road Place and will drop you off in front of your house and that will be $50 dollars for the one way trip”. That’s how Uber, Rideshare, and Lyft need to conduct business. Driving is supposed to be a task where you are focused on the road anyway why are you thinking of harassing your customers who are paying you for your livelihood and to earn income to survive? I don’t quite get that at all why would you harm and maliciously attack an innocent woman who’s just trying to get home to her roommates, her boyfriend/girlfriend, her dorm room, her parents, her children, her husband/wife. It really doesn’t make any sense why these drivers have become so disturbed, malicious, and full of disrespect towards women.
            I heard the story and immediately thought “ I think the universe and God is speaking to me with this story”. The young lady who was kidnapped was by herself and I could relate to traveling alone i  out when we were partying or me by myself. I could never fathom or even imagine the guilt and anger I would feel if my friend left an event and ended up by herself in a strange position late at night at 2 or 3 in the morning.

n different parts of the country and around the world. I have learned over the years now don’t take an Uber by yourself take it with a group of people or someone you know. Also it’s better to find a local car service, a car service that your hotel can recommend to you, or better yet ask a friend or relative to meet or drive you too. I wanted to be in that car with the girl where I could scream, kick, and punch him too. She was badly injured and is currently wearing a leg brace after fracturing her leg and ankle. She was dragged she required immediate assistance and stitches at the hospital within her scalp from scrapes, cuts, and bruises. I just kept picturing a group of my friends and I
You’re in a strange city, you don’t know where you are, and you’re with a person who you clearly cannot trust. I hope that people will take better precautions. Know everyone who you are traveling, do your research, your homework, get to know the concierge, find out who lives in a town you are staying it if you know an old friend, relative, or family member look out for you. Get familiar with your surroundings know where the nearest police station or attract areas with high police patrolling. Which means a tourist spot the more tourists around you and police around you the better you will feel. Do not get into a car by yourself without someone knowing where you’re going, what time you left, and where you are going next. Tips I heard were pretend calling, alert anyone you can, and most of all don’t ever put yourself in a situation you do not deserve to be in or should not be in at all. It’s not worth it late at night if you don’t feel comfortable, leave immediately, and reschedule. Or just bring a friend along right away. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that the times I have traveled by myself people knew where I was….they knew the address, hotel room, I asked hotel concierge for taxis, and people thankfully lived within the state. So I am very fortunate I never had to worry. I say this with best of intentions for all of the young ladies and gentlemen who travel on their own every single day unsupervised. Be cautious, be prepared, protect yourself, give someone you trust where you’re going, and don’t travel alone late at night in an app related car service especially young females in your teens and twenties please always be aware of your surroundings, areas, and its good to reach out to people who know you too in your community .It never hurts to let someone know where you are. 

"The Nutcracker Ballet becomes Disney film, The Nutcracker and the four realms" in theaters now



This story has always had a special part in my heart because  I have been drawn to it since I was a little girl. I was so excited to see they are making it into a major film for the holiday. I love this movie, the music which was written, composed, and produced by Tchiakovsky I love it so much because it brings back some beautiful childhood memories for me of watching the play several times. It never gets old for me I will probably pass the same down to my future little girls and boys when they are old enough to watch movies. I will definitely play the music for them when they are babies. So they can appreciate the music. The Nutcracker is based on a play that is focused on Clara a little twelve or thirteen year old girl who lives with her prominent family. They are celebrating the Christmas holidays and she has a dark mysterious uncle who gives her a magical and beautiful gift a beautiful antique nutcracker. She falls in love with it and cherishes it.
Her family is celebrating at a holiday party and after it winds down she goes to bed one night and as she dreams her sweet dreams. She imagines this beautiful nutcracker coming to life and  turns into “the Nutcracker Prince” takes her off for a magical and beautiful ride of her life. He takes her into the fantasy world full of candies, exotic beautiful international ballet dancers, from all different parts of the world Russia, Japan, Arabia, and many other parts of the world. She meets one of my favorite characters, The Sugar Plum Fairy. I always wanted a costume to perform the Sugar Plum Fairy’s dance.  It’s one of my favorites and the one she performs with Cavalier as well. I can still hear the beautiful music. I think that’s probably one of the first times I fell in love with classical music. I love that this film is coming out right at the holiday season is the perfect time. The film stars Mackenzie Foy as Klara, Keira Knightley as The Sugar Plum Fairy, Eugenio Derbez as Flower Realm King, Misty Copeland as the Ballerina Princess (on a personal note I just watched Misty Copeland’s 2015 documentary, “A Ballerina’s Tale” is an absolutely beautiful film about a modern contemporary woman’s story, rise, and journey in the American Ballet performance world and her remarkable chance to change everything in all of American ballet for all minorities). She will be phenomenal in this role for those who love performance art, live performances, all forms of dance, and ballet. I will definitely love to do a story on her myself in the future  because as a kid who loved performing ballet I took it from age (4-11) and dancing growing up. It’s amazing to see such a great accomplishment happen. The film also stars Morgan Freeman as Drosselmeyer, Helen Mirren as Mother Ginger, Ellie Bamber as Louise, Sergei Polunin, Matthew Macfayden,  Jack Whitehall as Harlequin, Miranda Hart as Dew Drop Fairy, and “Lil’ Buck”.
I hope many will appreciate the film, the history, the story, the music, and the beauty. It’s one of those stories to be passed down to children and adults of all ages for generations to come. Love it because it takes you from your every day reality and transforms you into this beautiful fantasy world. “The Nutcracker and the four realms” is in theaters now.

Kendrick Lamar will headline for the 49th Superbowl NFL games halftime show with Surprise Guests

SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...