Just a month ago I was with my family enjoying life going to the movies, the library, Broadway shows, shopping, seeing my friends, co-workers, and family members just like all of you. Then the world stopped and was put on hold. I couldn't believe it much like the billions of you. We were all shocked and still couldn't believe what we were hearing about this invisible enemy attacking our fellow humans. It's like we are living in a science fiction film it's a new reality for all of us. So now that we are adapting and getting used to this new world. Stay creative because when we come together all of these skills and talents will come in handy now and in the future.
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Please wash your hands for 20 seconds, continue to, wear your masks, gloves, all facial protection. We have got this and we will get through this united together. |
I thought this was hilarious! The Corona Hotline inside the Food Emporium Gourmet Grocery Store in Union Square. Maybe we need a Corona Comfort Hotline too ? |
One of my favorite lunch spots Speedy's closed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Showing you the reality in NYC. |
I took an empty bus and an empty train ride downtown as a precaution to be safe. It's normally about 50 -70 people inside the train car traveling around the subway on weekly basis. |
I started writing this blog initially to promote my
passions, topics, people I whose projects I am highly interested and support
completely. Plus it is a way for me to get my writing and journalistic skills
perfected. I also wanted to focus on pop culture what’s happening right now as
we are living it. I think of the Original Manhattanite blog as my digital time
capsule for my future children, grandchildren, family, friends, and of course
you! It’s a snapshot of the world we currently live in and they get to see what
we are currently wearing, where we travel to, how the world is at this point in
the time. As they say time is of the essence. So it’s a beautiful time for
social media as our world is coming together, your families, friends, and the
next generations they get to see how we survived it all. It’s my real life
history book that I am actually living and people get to see what is actually
It is April 2020 the beginning of
spring just began, the new decade just began we are only 4 months in right now
and the world has just been hit with a pandemic called Covid-19/Coronavirus
pandemic. Right now as we speak New York City is a ghost town. We have 19-20
million people within the city and that’s not even counting the whole entire
state of New York. I can’t even imagine what the other 7.5 billion people are
feeling right now, that’s a lot of weight to carry, and it’s a flood of
emotions we are all feeling inside our hearts, minds, and souls. Luckily we are
in an age of distraction, resourcefulness, and a productive place. We can keep
our minds, bodies, spirits, and souls in check. So you can go outside take an
hour walk, listen to music on your radio, cell phones, Ipods, I phones, and
laptops. You can pray and worship with your church and hear special sermons to
get you through the day. You can even download apps to have a quick session
with therapists, family counselors, relationship counselors, and counselors who
can assist with emotional crises during this time. It’s just an app away if you
cannot get outside in public, or you choose not to go in person to your
doctor’s offices. You can create and do so much more at home now.
I am going to set the scene for
you….we are walking around the city looking like semi-surgeons or medical
residents and interns with plastic gloves, face masks of all different
creations and personal style to protect our respiratory system. It’s funny in a
way because we look like we are getting ready to do a science project. That’s
how this feels like one big science project where we need to survive. It’s the
game of “Don’t get the Corona virus” game…because the reality is if you lose.
Unfortunately you lose your life.
This situation is extremely serious
people who we see every single day in our friends, our family members, people
in our neighborhoods, communities, our television screens, hear on our radios,
pod casts, and who have major power and influence. This vicious, invisible, and
powerful disease affects all of these amazing people. I am hearing names that I recognize
right away and it’s heartbreaking to hear. You wouldn’t expect it but it feels
as if a bully or enemy just came in and said “I am taking down these people
now”. It sounds dramatic but the truth is it is. This is real life and we have
to do our best as New Yorkers, as Americans, as Human Beings on our precious,
valuable Mother Earth to save our friends. We are losing our friends, our
family members, and it’s unfathomable to believe. Yet it’s true.
It’s amazing how simple that is the very source of our life
is to breathe simply breathe in oxygen, breathe out carbon dioxide, and now we
are walking around with barriers on our face to prevent us from a terminal
disease that can attack your life source-your respiratory system.
I have lived in New York
practically my whole life I am a native New Yorker born here I lived here 4
years went off to Washington, DC in 1991 for six years came back to Jersey City
in June of 1997 and moved to New York 14 years later in the fall of 2011. We
have survived a lot in New York City the blackout of 1977, 9/11 in 2001,
Hurricane Sandy in 2013, the financial and economic depression of 2008, the
2016 election I am sorry but let’s be real, we have survived so many obstacles
and debacles every single day and so has our country America. Covid-19 better
known as the Corona virus has our country and globe on major lockdown.
We survive problems of low and high
from every issue in every single emotional, financial, mental, business
mergers, changes, and relationship I think we can survive a limited shut down
in our country. In between the time of
March 13, 2020-March 31, 2020 the city has been shutting down
progressively. I was let go from a long-term temporary assignment with a major
rental property company/non-profit organization, Phipps Houses. Mayor Bill de
Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo, President Trump, the World Health Organization,
The Center of Diseases Control, Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey, all declared a government shutdown of all non-essential
businesses raising it from 25 percent and shooting to 100 percent of all
businesses to shut down completely.
I have never seen my city, our city like this at all. I am
used to seeing people, tourists by the thousands pushing, smiling, taking
pictures, posing with cartoon characters, posing in front of Times Square, the
Empire State Building, the New York Public Library, downtown by the Financial
district, Fifth Avenue and Madison, even by Central Park. It is empty and
desolate. Yesterday I took the train just to run a couple of errands and when I
decided to walk from 14th street Union Square all the way passed Broadway,
and then up to 57th and Madison Avenue it was probably no more than
1,000 people probably within the area walking. It was empty, quiet, stores that
we love like Marshalls, H&M, Forever 21, Macy’s, Bloomingdales department
stores all closed with signs saying “We love you New York, please take care of
each other, and we will see you soon.” It breaks your heart I still work for
these companies I havepart-time jobs within the retail/fashion industries it
hurts when you see your jobs go through a rough transition. When they were just
blooming, bustling, and working hard less than 2 weeks ago. Then it’s a slap in the face to the
consumers, the vendors, the business owners, their staff, all of these
employees who are behind the scenes and work on the sales floor of each of
these locations around the city.
You look around at
the place you love and see what’s missing the people who make this city
amazing. We are the souls of light who give the concrete jungle its life source
of energy. When you look at all of the numerous empty buildings up and down the
streets of Fifth and Sixth Avenue, midtown, downtown, Wall Street. Remember
people are the ones these employees are what keep the city rolling, going with
their ideas, creativity, innovation, business tactics, tenacity, hustle, and
drive. So that income keeps rolling and keeps on thriving for everyone in the
economy. It’s a Ghost town in New York City. There aren’t any people to give
them what it needs. We are here but we aren’t doing what we do best. Every
industry has had an impact the creative industries, financial, the mass public
transit, the buses, and trains are the only that continue to emerge are the
medical, food, produce, and factories which keep us alive with food, juice,
milk, and snacks.
The best thing about our city is
that we know how strong our resources and survival skills are so we are able to
bounce back even faster. I think it’s a matter of listening you have to pay
attention and listen. I found out last night that if I even wanted to go see my
father who lives in a different state. I would have to be quarantined just go
to visit him in Florida or my other relatives who live there. It’s not shocking
for any of us but it hits you in the gut though. I am looking around and yes we
have some beautiful days but it doesn’t feel real. It feels empty, cold, and a
bit distant for all of us. As if there is apiece missing the heartbeat of our
city. I know they are doing all of this as a precaution to make sure that we
are safe, we are protected, because lets face it our island is packed with
close to 20 million New Yorkers and that’s probably just the island of
Manhattan count the five boroughs and the entire state of New York. The entire
population of our country has been placed on a hold. This is probably the first
time I have seen in my twenty-plus years living here the impact taken to this
extreme. So everything is very new and unexpected usually with some plans
everything goes smoothly. The government has ordered high orders of supplies,
water, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, gloves, and food to assist with
everyone who will be stationed at the following buildings will be converted
into temporary hospitals because of the size of our city.
One of my old colleges Bergen
Community College was converted into a testing facility for everyone to be
tested for the symptoms and if they are experiencing anything. For the majority
of people who are healthy and you feel 100 percent symptom free. The screening
centers suggest everyone to stay home so they will not be affected or come into
contact with anyone carrying the virus. Or who is the most vulnerable and could
potentially get the virus. Other
colleges like Old Westbury, PNC Theater, the Jacob Javits Center, and many
local state colleges have been converted into hospitals to help support and
assist urgently for large amounts of people.
On a personal note I was screened
as well at my local hospital Mount Sinai Hospital and just as a precaution my
doctors told me continue using your facemasks and gloves. Use them when you are
in volumes of high numbers of people and have close proximity to people. I just had a couple of symptoms for a
cold but I am perfectly healthy and doing great. So I want to help those who
know or may be dealing with this condition on a personal note.
Continue to wash your hands, your
face, and take care of your respiratory health. Eating and drinking foods high
in vitamin C will assist you with this condition, daily exercise, and watching
television programs or films with positive messages will assist you during this
time. For more information for everyone with this condition know that there is
medical assistance, support, many hospitals ready and getting prepared to give
you all the best care right away. No one can be turned away no matter his or
her socioeconomic background or financial status. Everyone will be seen right
away if they are experiencing any health issues.
Here is a timeline for my readers,
the next generation, and a little cheat sheet for you to hear and read about in
your history books. So when you read your history books in person, online on
the computer, or on your mobile devices. I want you to know these facts are 100
percent true. You can go online to watch videos of press conferences, look at
newspapers, and talk to your friends, their family members, your family
members, and your neighbors so you can learn about this time. You will be
informed on why this was happening, and how we all survived this situation.
February 2020- International Travel
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) declares within the air is suspended,
no incoming or outgoing flights are allowed for travelers and passengers due to
the Covid-19 spread and the announcement of international cases in Europe,
parts of the United States, Asia, and Australia declare that the number of
Covid-19 cases are spreading and symptoms develop becoming severe. Later in
March they decide that anyone traveling domestically must be quarantined for 2
weeks before they travel to see loved ones. Later in March the majority of the
United States becomes “the epicenter” of the carrier and virus.
March 13, 2020-“Friday the 13th”
The government and New York State declared officially a state of emergency
against the corona virus pandemic, all jobs and business industries were asked
to work remotely from home and not to return to their offices. They were asked
to continue working if they had laptops and work from home. (On a personal note
I left my long-term assignment I was working as an office coordinator for
Phipps Houses real estate Company in New York City. I left officially on March
17, 2020 Saint Patrick’s Day and was asked to leave because of precautionary
and health measures).
The same day President Donald J. Trump and the Department of
Treasury/Internal Revenue State declared all 2019 state and federal taxes can
be filed up until July 15, 2020.
All entertainment industries are put on hold-Broadway goes
dark for a month, Movie theaters go dark for the first time all across the
country, restaurant industries are impacted and goes dark shutting down for
health measures.
March 27, 2020- The Department of Labor, and the federal
government signs and releases “The Cares Act” releases and states that all
employees will be able to receive unemployment from the government. They will
receive a stimulus package if they filed their 2018 taxes and will also receive
unemployment during this crucial time. This money is to support families during
this impact on the economy.
Governor Andrew Cuomo declares that he will set up temporary
hospitals, Covid-19 screening centers with New York City, Governor Phil Murphy
declares New Jersey State will have temporary screening center locations within
the state of New Jersey. Stony brook University, PNC Center, Jacob Javits
Center, Bergen Community College,
March 30, 2020-The Red Cross Organization’s U.S.S Comfort
ship docks at New York Harbor in downtown New York City and arrives with
thousands of medical staff, medical supplies because we have had a shortage in
medical supplies-masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and most of all our life saver
machine in this crisis (the ventilators). The ship arrives safely and all of
the staff has been dispersed around the city to provide medical support to all
of our top hospitals (Mount Sinai, Cardinal Cooke, Beth Israel, New
York-Presbyterian, Montefiore-Einstein Medical Hospital, Metropolitan Hospital,
New York Hospital Queens, and all local hospitals within the city).
April 1, 2020-Andrew Cuomo declares as a precaution to all
New Yorkers and to keep up with social distancing playgrounds will be closed
for children to protect their lives and to keep them away from the spread of
the disease.
To all of our angels-one of my family members calls the
first responders our “guardian angels” and it’s true. To everyone around the
world right now our real-life angels out there on the front lines, inside the
hospitals, making major life sacrifices all of our hospital staff employees,
the volunteers, the nurses, the doctors, housekeeping staff, the medical
factory companies who are supplying all of us with more masks and medical
supplies and machines, the engineers who are out there right now creating more
machines for the critical patients who need it the most right now, all of the
businesses assisting with food, water, supplies, and making a difference to
keep everyone alive, healthy, and thriving during this crucial time. We thank
you. We salute the military right now for also stepping up to assist with
volunteering, passing out food to the all families, those who need it the most
our people barely getting by, and need the financial support, the charities who
are stepping up to feed and assist right now. We thank you from the bottom of
our hearts, souls, and appreciate your support right now. To our government
employees thank you so much for your assistance and moving expeditiously to
decrease the financial pressure and stress as well. We know they are our
cheerleaders making sure every human being, every U.S. Citizen is counted for
and they are taken care of right now.
This is one of those times we are going to see the city bounce back in
an amazing way. You’re going to see businesses thrive even more, people will
come back from this stronger, wiser, more appreciative, and will have a new
foundation and respect for life even more. When we get to the other side of
this chapter we will look back on it like “Yes we are better, stronger, wiser
for this life lesson”. This is time I think for all of us to step up and do our
To all of my readers please visit the Department of Labor
website for more information http://www.dol.gov,
http://www.labor.ny.gov for New York
State residents http://www.who.gov , http://www.cdc.gov,
http://www.covid19.ny.gov , http://www.covid19.nj.gov and all sites
according to your state within the United States.
Please keep tagging, spreading the word about #AloneTogether
#SocialDistancing #WhereYourGlovesandMasks #StayingHome
I love all of you who read my blog so I included some music selections of all kinds to keep you, your friends, and families pumped up because we are going to survive this and so much more that comes our way. We have got this and we will bounce back 10x times over and more. Stay Positive, Stay Busy, Stay Safe, Talk, Text, Video Chat, Skype, and Love Each Other ☺☺☺ Besos, Bacios, Hugs, and Kisses your friend The Original Manhattanite Chloe J. Riccardo xoxoxo