"It's Too Sweet" (A dedication to you*) by Chloe J. Riccardo
It's La Dolce Vita with you babe.
I feel like I'm on a high.
I love staring into your eyes.
Everything is so new.
Yes I'm into you.
It's too sweet my babe
Oh so real and true but why did it take so long for me to find you?
It's too sweet. muy dulce por mi corazon. Yo quiero nuestro corazons junta por ahora.
Tu haces mi alegre. Todos los dias. (Very sweet for my heart. I want our hearts joined now. You make me happy. Every day)
Yes you have me speaking spanglish thats how I feel with you its too good to be true but its too sweet when I'm with you. =)
*You know who you are.
The Original Manhattanite is a pop culture blog focused on entertainment, television, music, art, fashion and more, written by pop culture enthusiast, freelance writer, and the queen who wears her New York crown proudly and many hats, Chloe Jewel Riccardo her blog has been published and was created on October 21, 2008 in New York City.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Blue Mood by Chloe Riccardo
A poem I just wrote to ease my frustrations or disappointments. Remember through pain comes beauty that's my quote. "Through pain comes beauty".
Blue Mood
Yes, I'm in a blue mood not a gray mood, or black mood but a blue mood.
I am frustrated with the fact that in life. There's always a set back. Something to keep you from going against or for something you need or really desire. Something you even want to do for another person. So I'm in a blue mood. That's not pleasant I know to some folks but when I think of the past 23 years how much I have been through and witnessed outside of home or experienced. I think is this really the way things have to be? So yes for today I am in a blue mood. I just need to kind of escape and let it all out of me. So I can feel content.
Blue Mood
Yes, I'm in a blue mood not a gray mood, or black mood but a blue mood.
I am frustrated with the fact that in life. There's always a set back. Something to keep you from going against or for something you need or really desire. Something you even want to do for another person. So I'm in a blue mood. That's not pleasant I know to some folks but when I think of the past 23 years how much I have been through and witnessed outside of home or experienced. I think is this really the way things have to be? So yes for today I am in a blue mood. I just need to kind of escape and let it all out of me. So I can feel content.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
ZZ Zodiac Coin Purse by Melie Bianco - $26.00 : Fashion Wallets And Coin Purses at LuLus.com

ZZ Zodiac Coin Purse by Melie Bianco - $26.00 : Fashion Wallets And Coin Purses at LuLus.com
Check out this great website I am in love with they have beautiful, artsy dresses for cocktail parties, night life, and these gorgeous zodiac coin purses when you don't feel like carrying much on your person.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Alicia Keys's new album "Element of Freedom"

I am a fan of Alicia's you know I am if you have been following my blog for a while. I have all four of her cds and yes I have been here since 2001 rocking with Alicia Keys. So I want to tell you "Element of Freedom" is a well written cd to date I see and hear a lot of growth from her "Songs in A minor" to now Alicia has matured and grown into an incredible artist. I am proud really she's multitalented. I can see the changes in her. I love the songs and I hope a lot of you will be going out to buy Alicia Keys's new cd as well. Love her. I can't wait to have a copy of my own.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
3X in Beyonce's lyrics
Someone brought it to my attention that in Beyonce's songs she repeats and writes everything three times i thought this was a hilarious idea for me to write about in my blog. Its so true when she was in Destiny's Child she wrote "NO,NO, NO" then "Bills, Bills,Bills" , "Say My Name", and then "Single Ladies" lolz. So my dear Beyonce I have to say I love you and your music but what's with the emphasis on three times in your lyrics? Is it because you want us to remember the song well or you just want us to keep it in mind that you want people to remember that three times will make the impact. So maybe she does it so we can remember the song or so we at least feel the song. Has anyone else noticed this lolz its funny actually. But let me know this is an open blog i don't mind your opinions and if you know other songs let me know. =)
"The Best Things to do in NYC when you visit"

I am a New Yorker at heart I was born here 23 years ago in Man-hatt-an! Lol so it truly has a place in my heart from its eccentric crazy characters, the food, the shops, the many places to visit, and sites. It reinvents itself much like I do. I think we have that in common. So one thing I will say to the place I so truly have affection for is I <3 You New York and thanks for being so good to me. You're like a fun boyfriend looking out for my best interest. So to NYC here are my favorite places where I have gone or will go in the future. =)
Chloe's places to visit when coming to NYC:
1. Visit the Empire State Building located on 34th and 5th avenue you should go to the top of the observer deck. I havent yet but you should.
2. Take the Circle Line located on the West Side Highway you will get a chance to see the Five Boroughs and a whole lot more for one hour.
3. Visit Times Square its in the heart of Manhattan and theres soooo much to do. Say hello to the Naked Cowboy, see a Broadway show my favorites: "Hot Feet", "Beauty & the Beast", "In the Heights", "Raisin & the Sun", "The Color Purple", "The Lion King", "Rent", and many more I plan to see on Broadway like Hair, Wicked, and more =)
4. Go to the M&M store colorful, bright, you feel like your inner child has come alive cheesy but sooo much fun for the young and young at heart.
5. Bubba Gump Restaurant if you love the food.
6.Havana Central where I went the food was amazing. Located on 46th street between 6th avenue and 7th avenue.
7. Any Pizzeria around new york I havent found my favorite yet a couple places on 56th street has the best pizza where I worked at when I was in high school amazing.
8. Wildberry is my new favorite ice cream and Grom in the west village is really good.
9. Where to shop I can go on for days and days. I usually hit up H&M, Forever 21 on 34th street has the best stuff, and Joyce Leslie.
10. I love Houston's my family and I used to go a lot so its one of my favorites the roasted chicken and french fries & the chili burgers whew!!! Lolz too much.
11.Visit Yankee Stadium -I havent yet but i plan to in the future.
12. Long Island has some great malls too.
13. Serendipity located 60th and lexington
14. Bloomingdales 60th and Lexington closer to 59th street.
15. Macy's of course 34th and Herald Square
16. Fifth Avenue shops of course even if you dont have it just walk around like me and my buddies do =)
17.Central Park always something to do. Concerts, Live productions of tv shows, and so on.
18. Brooklyn! lolz something to always do there as well Too many stores and shops.
19.Canal Street
20. Soho I love Soho some of the best places to shop at around.
21. Willamsburg I hear is pretty busy and popular havent visited yet but we'll see.
22. "The Tenenment Museum" if you don't know the history of NYC you should know and I suggest Ellis Island as well.
23. I also suggest going to Sevilla's in the west side of the village in New York.
24. Sushi go somewhere fresh you don't want anything that would make you nauseous or sick.
25. Visit all the boroughs not just one you need to stay 2 weeks to get a feel of NYC.
26. Ground Zero you can get the impact of 9/11 and the history of it.
27. Seaport in Brooklyn haven't been but go for you
28. Saint Patrick's Cathedral
29. The beaches Long Island or BK Jones, Riis, or anywhere else lolz.
30. Radio City Music Hall
31. The Love Sign lolz. I want photos there but go there too.
32. Phillipes on 33 east 60th and Lexington Avenue . I love the food this place is strictly for the grown and sexy. It's a beautiful restaurant the chicken satays in the chef's special sauce are divine.
33. Coney Island visit definitely in the summer.
34. Rick Shaw Dumplings located 61 West 23rd between 5th and 6th avenue.
35. Cafe Wha? located downtown in the west village 115 Macdougal street between 3rd avenue and Bleecker.
36. Dylan's Candy Bar I want to go so badly I can't wait.
37. If you're a singer or a wannabe singer try Duet Karaoke 48 located East 48th between 1st and 2nd avenue.
38. Kurve Lounge 87 Second Avenue
39. The Olive Tree in the Village so good believe me great comedy.
40. Mojito in 82 Washington Ave. Brooklyn, New York.
41. VCafe 345 Greenwich Street NY, NY I love the food I don't know how my mom and I found it but we love it.
42. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.
43. Cafeteria West 17th street the food is amazing!
44. Sevilla restaurant located 62 Charles Street (Corner of West 4th street)
Number 45. Ladies and Gentlemen Tavern on the Green!!!! 67th street & Central Park West so beautiful I would love to go. =)
46. The Trump Hotel in NYC breath takingly beautiful
47. The Waldorf Astoria for one night save up and splurge on your hard work.
48. The NY Public Library
49. The Museum of Natural History
50. MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
PLUS TWO BONUSES 51. (Lincoln Center the Metropolitan Opera House)
52. Columbus Circle
Thats it folks!!!!!
If you don't drive grab a subway map please they have them at every subway stop. I know it pretty well after 8 or 9 years now. Lolz. I run the F and V train baby! Lolz i have taken it for a long time. =) Enjoy your visits to New York City. It the city that never sleeps, it is the city where you can make it there you will make it everywhere, its beautiful, gritty at times, but grows into your heart. Have fun =)
"The Cake Boss is Taking Over Hoboken"

Inside Carlo’s Bakery located between Washington Street and First Street in Hoboken, N.J. The Carlo’s Bakery staff is busy and when I say busy they are very occupied at the moment. There are people running around, some people are scurrying over the front of the counter taking orders, some are assisting other customers on the opposite side of the bakery. Others are running around trying to find their customer’s order on their cake pastries, cannolis orders, and what else they need at the moment. When you first come into the bakery you think oh it’s really nice it’s just a bakery. ( Image of Carlo’s Bakery) No, it’s not just a bakery actually this bakery has become the landmark of Hoboken, New Jersey. Customers are outside down the street trying to get inside and see what all of the fuss is about.
This bakery has become a major success due to the star, Buddy Valastro of TLC’s reality television show, “The Cake Boss”. Buddy Valastro has become a major hit with the public he has designed and made cakes for everyone from A-list celebrities to regular “average Joes” , Britney Spears, Gayle King (Oprah’s best friend), television host, Wendy Williams, and Ralph Lauren’s daughters, Dylan Lauren’s store “Dylan’s Candy Bar” located in New York,NY . Valastro also designed a cake especially for the opening of her store. He even did yours truly birthday cake last month which turned out absolutely beautiful. He put my picture on it and my favorite color pink was part of the icing with multicolored sprinkles. (Image of Chloe Riccardo’s birthday cake by Buddy Valastro)
He has become a hit success and I don’t think anything is going to stop him now. I just went back in Carlo’s and let me tell you he was doing an interview for a magazine when I wanted an interview with him. It was unbelievable because it showed the power of success can really take over. He is tied up and I am not the only one who wants a story with Valastro.
The one thing I noticed was how everyone there is really a team player when it comes to Carlo’s. The staff is so large that they all take turns doing different jobs. I noticed he is a very family-oriented person so that plays a major part in how he deals with his business. He wants his family to continue on with the business and keep it going for generations to come.
Carlo’s Bake Shop is an Italian-American bakery that was established in 1910 and Buddy’s father and mother both became the owners in 1964. When Buddy’s father passed away he took over at the tender age of sixteen in 1992.
The pastries at Carlo’s are divine and amazing I have ordered three cakes from Carlo’s and have eaten many pastries. The stuff is delicious and it isn’t overpowering or fattening. Everything is fresh, delicious, and sweet to the T. I have had his raspberry tarts, vanilla, and chocolate cupcakes, and he made a delicious strawberry and vanilla custard cake inside for my birthday and my mother’s birthday cake. He has done almost my whole family’s birthday cakes so he is a very talented and a creative baker. I highly recommend him for future use.
Buddy Valastro Jr. grew up in Little Ferry, New Jersey he is the only son of Mary and Buddy Valastro, Sr. and he has four other sisters: Maddalena “Madeline” Castano, Lisa Gonzalez, Mary Sciarrone, and Grace Faguno. The family has kept the business with all close relatives including cousins, husbands, brother-in-laws, sisters –in-laws, and more are apart of the team. While his parents were running the bakery Buddy Jr. learned how to manage the bakery and when his father passed he became the primary baker and he took over. He would come to the bakery when he was young and it helped him to run it and he became owner after his father left it to him.
Valastro has a natural talent and his team helps him as well with the designs he comes up with for his sketches and designs for his cakes. He has come up with some amazing cakes one of my favorite cakes he made was a cake in the shape of an engagement ring and he has never had any culinary training he learned everything from his father but he picked everything up himself. He is extremely talented he can make a cake out of every object or anything you can think of when you sit down with him or his staff.
The television show “Cake Boss” made its debut this spring of 2009 with Valastro and his family coming to the airwaves on TLC. It has become a big hit from watching to the point people are stopping literally in front of the bakery to get their pictures taken every single day. Lines are wrapped around the front door and literally are going down the street because of his success. Valastro does not seem to mind the attention he said he feels overwhelmed but he loves it though. He’s proud to be a hometown celebrity of Hoboken. He did say that he would love his children to also continue on with the bakery and become apart of it. Any person who loves to have fun , loves sweets, loves to celebrate life and family they should be apart of Carlo’s Bakery. He just wants to be known as a person who loves his family and works hard. He wants his viewers to take this message away from watching his show.
“Follow your dreams and never give up everything starts out small before it becomes big.”
I think this message sums up everything that Carlo’s, “Cake Boss”, and what every person’s dreams are really about. It’s such a small significant thing to you but once you make it a reality it can become huge. Valastro has become such a hit success he has three billboard posters around New Jersey on Newark Avenue in Hoboken, New Jersey. (Image of Billboard on Newark Street in Hoboken, NJ) . There is also a billboard with him covered in flour, white chef coat, and a pleasant smirk on 47th and Broadway in front of the Virgin Mega Store and where the New Year’s Eve ball drops. (image of Billboard on 47th and Broadway) The location is too perfect for him his billboard is right in the heart of Manhattan where all the most tourists come. He is guaranteed a spot in the limelight. People are guaranteed to know his face and look him up. The Cake Boss is taking over Hoboken and also the tri-state what’s next the world? Buddy Valastro does not seem like he will be a 15- minute famer he’s going to be around for a long time rolling in dough, money, and fondant. I believe this is only the beginning of his success we will see what comes next for Valastro, his family, and the success of the show.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Queen of Media is dethroning television castle"

Why oh why Oprah are you leaving in 2011? I don't get it I mean I thought your fans and everyone were really doing well. I hope its not for hype missy. We love you and adore you. You have been on since the year I was born and my family and I love everything you do. I wish you would stay for another few seasons but we will miss you very much. You have really been a huge part of my life and I am so glad that an African American woman has paved the way. Its phenomenal and amazing what you have done. You have touched the lives of so many people and I am one of them. You inspire me to be a better person, inspiring journalist, and young woman. I am wondering who are you going to pass the torch to? Who will be next in line will it be Tyra, Ellen, Wendy Williams, or are you grooming someone we have yet to meet? I wonder I wish I could fill those shoes. You are such a force not to be played with I know you have something in mind to keep your television fans excited. I wish you all the best though really. Thank god for you and I will be continuing to watch the show and I hope I have a chance to see you again in person. Minus all of the trucks and police. I went to see you in NYC but was running a little late but fortunately I was able to catch you at home. I hope I will see you in person so I can say thank you and good luck. =) Love U Queen Oprah, the queen of media All the best.
Princess and the Frog movie Controversy

So why is it all of a sudden I am checking out information online about Disney's new film "Princess and the Frog" and people are bashing how the little innocent cartoon characters love interest is caucasian. Are we really at a point where people just do not like interracial relationships? Come on now some of the best celebrities are in interracial marriages or relationships and they are doing well. I mean I understand the fact as an African American young woman myself that people are still dealing with the acceptance of those kind of relationships. I mean haven't we evolved at least for now. I mean she's a cartoon character for god sakes! LOL (Laughing out loud for you non text lingo people). I don't understand that what Disney is trying to do is educate the young minds of America on the love is really blind and that society has changed so much in the last fifty or sixty years especially in the media. She's too adorable to have people bashing her because she's dating a prince whos white. I think its sad because of the best celebrities and people of my generation and the generation before me are products of interracial relationships. Give it a rest people. Wake up and take a taste of the chocolate and vanilla swirl okay? I really think this is about fun for children. They probably don't even notice the meaning or what the images are really projecting. I mean I never had a problem sitting there watching "Pocahontas" and thinking ..."Oh why is Pocahontas dating someone who is white?" It never phased me I was enjoying the film and having fun. That's all that matter to me. I believe the music, the characters, and the film itself are going to be something that the children will treasure for years to come. They won't be fixated on that actually. So in my opinion take your babies to see the movie.
Update 1/13/2010: I just bought my very own Tiana doll. She was $20.00 dollars at the St.Louis airport so I guess I'm a Princess Tiana fan lolz I'm too old to be. But she's adorable. I plan to dress like her if not for Halloween on my wedding day it will be a "Princess and the Frog" theme which would be perfect. Chloe kissed a whole bunch of frogs and got her prince! LMAO! I can't wait one day lol we'll see. But for now I can't wait to see the movie its been out for a month already. I gotta see it soon. =)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Summer 2009 The Things Ms.Chloe J did

My my my how time flies just one year ago we started blogging in my basic reporting class and I need so much to catch up on to my beloved readers or followers. Well lets start with my summer first of all. This summer besides working hard in school with a creative writing class and working. I managed to go visit one of the best places in the United States....Are you ready do you want to know where I went?
I went to Vegas baby!!!!!! Yes I went to Las Vegas, Nevada with one of my besties, Marisa and Chris. Whew we had fun I can't tell you how exciting the town really is. There's so much to do during the day and the night. I can go on and on. We stayed for about close to a week but we really did not want to leave. There was so much to do we tried to squeeze everything within the days. One place we visited I think you all may love was Treasure Island it was fun with the pirates & syrens coming out and watching the show. The next place we went to is one of my favorite malls in the U.S. now I wish I could fly back and go now. Fashion Show Mall is where we went it's amazing, huge, and really nice. I thought it was so cool how a live runway in the middle of the mall is where people are watching the show. The mall was sooooo nice its incredible. The next place we went was The Mirage Hotel where my new favorite candy store is "The Sugar Factory" I love it and its so cool. We need one right in the middle of Times Square in New York so kids and adults can come. I loved it. I also went to Circus Circus which is a hotel but let me tell you this have you ever gone to a hotel with a boardwalk type of vibe. Where a live carnival is inside the hotel. Thats where we went. It had a theme park inside the hotel. It was incredible. We had sooo much fun. I suggest for you big kids take the little kids to go. We didn't want to leave there's so much to do. I also went to several hotels that you may want to stay at The Palazzo, The Mirage, Caesar's Palace,and several others. But nothing compares to my hotel lolz The Trump International Hotel. I loved it. Oh I didn't tell you my beloved readers I met Mr Flavor of Love himself, "FLAVOR FLAV!!!!". I was at Caesars Palace and he was there with a friend about to have dinner and was so kind enough to take a picture with me Lolz.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Birthday Week 2009
I had an awesome birthday week I can't describe the feeling of being proud to be born around a great time. The Yankees won their world series game two nights before my birthday which worked out pretty well because I was able to attend the 27th anniversary parade on my birthday by canal street. Here's my take on the experience....I am not an avid sports watcher maybe when I am watching basketball but for the last couple of weeks I have become a Yankees watcher. I just attended the 2009 Yankees Parade in New York City located between Broadway and Canal Street and going uptown. The parade was the commemoration for the 27th anniversary celebration of the Yankees taking the title of the game from their Wednesday play against the Philadelphia Phillies 4-7. Throughout the whole day I saw a mixture of blue, white, and pinstripes of the beloved Yankees jerseys. Everyone was marching, yelling, and screaming “Let’s Go Yankees!” in sing song formation. The parade of course had floats gliding down the streets. The place where I stood was not the live spot where the coverage took place but I was able to see on the Jumbo- Tron images of prominent Yankees figures Derek Jeter smiling and beaming proudly. I saw that not only adults were dressed up wearing their pinstripes. They also dressed their children in decorative matching outfits. The vendors were out there trying to earn a buck for t-shirts and selling flags as well. I personally would love to wear a NY Yankees jersey in honor of my birthplace’s team. I am very proud to be a semi- New Yorker and to be honoring the Yankees on my birthday as well. Its kind of funny how that all worked out actually.
Fans were definitely proud of their home team some came from their next door state New Jersey as well as just to be apart of the action. I even found some gentlemen who are Yankees fans who wanted to take and pose pictures with me on my special day as well. The parade will be something I will remember for years to come until the next World Series game. They have made me want to go to the New Yankees Stadium in the Bronx a and watch a game in the future with my pink Yankees cap, a hot dog, and a camera in one hand snapping photos. So as the songs “Take me out to the ball game take me out to the crowd…For its root root for the home team!” I heart you Yankees good luck in the next season and congratulations on the win.
Friday, May 15, 2009
New Movies 2009
For the last couple of months I have been seeing a lot of great movies in theaters. I am recommending that you please go see them. There are too many good movies in theaters now. I recommend to you blog followers. Here they are "Obsessed" starring Idris Elba and the talented Beyonce Knowles, "The Soloist" starring Mr. Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr., "Star Trek", "Fast and the Furious", and for you girly girls "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". One of these movies is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and you will enjoy them. Take your man to see "Fast and the Furious", take your girls to see "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past", take your friends to see the other two and that guy or girl who may be a bit of a nerd and was a Trekkie or a Star Wars or any science fiction fan take him or her to see that. I think they are all really good. Beyonce killed it in "Obsessed" because she stepped outside of her role of being a singer. She did not sing once in this movie even which was different to see her in a role not related to her profession. I knew the weekend I went to see it she was going to make the movie Number 1. I am not surprised at all. I am overjoyed and happy for her.
The Soloist starring the man I met about six months ago Mr. Jamie Foxx all I have to say is he did the damn thing. He took it to a whole another level. I am so proud and happy for him. He did a great job.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My own reaction to the economy and the stimulus plan 2009
The economy has been affecting everyone around the world. People have been selling items old and new to find ways to make extra money and looking for part time jobs as well. The economy has affected me personally with unemployment in my household. We have had some set backs and we have had to make some sacrifices. However, we are finding ways to keep a positive attitude towards what comes against us right now. In President Barack Obamas's stimulus plan for America. His stimulus plan talks about making college students tuition more of an increase which would be a bit of a burden on us because any increase financially would be a problem for me. I would like to see this economy change so that we all can benefit from it. Everyone wants and needs more money. Hopefully this time around people will know how to spend it differently. We will know how to spend it wisely. It has affected me a lot because just seeing how life has been within this decade everything is different for me and my family. Times were great in 2000 and 2001. Now in the last three years there has been a rough patch for us. We have had to look at other ways to have access to what we want and need. It has affected us as much as the next person who is suffering and dealing with the economy. Watching news programs, reading articles, and hearing stories about people's personal experience with job loss and the lack of funds for others. It affects people emotionally and psychologically. It has changed many people's behavior and caused them to go to drastic measures. I hope that the economy will get better one of these days. I pray that it will and that my family and everyone will be able to see more progress in the future.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
"The Hills" World Premiere last night

Did anyone catch the Hills last night on April 6, 2009? Well my fellow blog watchers I certainly did. How can I miss my show. (Laughing ) I have been a fan since day one. I love how the producers and writers are trying their best to get Lauren Conrad and Heidi Pratt back together again. It was a shock to see them kind of awkward around one another yet so comfortable. They truly do have a friendship that might stand the test of time. I wonder if it's because after their break-up as friends is it because all of a sudden they miss one another. Or is it simply the both of them need each other now. Or let me guess of course the ratings. Maybe "LC" will wake her up and she will see what a real jerk Spencer really is or maybe Heidi will move on or she will have her cake and eat it too. You never know. I was just glad to see them together again. Especially after such a long hiatus from one another. And my did everyone look fashionably fly. It's interesting that even with the economy suffering still for us middle class folk. The Hills ladies are still keeping it G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S (yeah). I hope to see more of their reunion of their friendship and hopefully they will be a little more economic wise with the times today. Until the next episode of the Hills...I will have more to gossip about. But for now I will keep you posted for more with the Life and Times of Ms. Chloe J. Besos and Bacios!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Soon the Hills won't be alive anymore...goodbye

"The Hills" one of my favorite television shows is in it's final season on MTV. "The Hills" have been popular among tweens, teens, college students, and even grandparents! People have found the show entertaining because of the various topics that occur throughout the show. The show has caused fashion trends, drama, gossip, and water cooler conversations. The Hills which is a spin-off of Laguna Beach with Lauren Conrad aka "LC", Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt, Kristin Caviller, Stephen, all of those fabulous people my friends and I have come to love since their high school graduation in 2004 until the show ended a couple years later in 2006 when Conrad received an offer from MTV for "The Hills" is now turning a final chapter. Conrad is now 23 years old with a fashion label under her belt, a fashion degree, a television career, and has become one of the most popular "It" girls in Hollywood. She has made a name for herself. Long after "The Hills" closes she will be successful with many opportunities probably. It's kind of sad because you watch people grow up who are your peers in front of you. Then you have to let them go. "The Hills" became my replacement for "Sex and the City" although it's less risque. It has become apart of me and my friends lives because we almost wanted to emulate them. We wanted to be like the "Heidis", "Audrinas", and "Whitneys" of the show. Now that Whitney has her own show "The City" which debuted last year. It has taken off and people are enjoying it. I am glad to have been apart of watching a show that made me want to feel glamourous and live out in Laguna Beach, Hollywood, or The Hills. I will certainly miss it and I wish them all the best.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Meeting Mr. Jamie Foxx

I met Jamie Foxx "the renaissance man" actor, singer, comedian, and Oscar winner over the winter break last year on December 16, 2008. I remember now because it was his birthday as well as one of my best friend's, Marisa birthday also. Jamie Foxx is an artist on J Records that Mike Baril my stepdad and the man who has invited me to many musical events (smile) is a promotional director for J Records promotes. We went up to Power 105 (105.1 on radio stations )first. He was promoting his album, Intuition. I was so nervous to meet him but Mr. Foxx he is very handsome, polite, and you can tell why he is a ladies man. I think this was probably one of the best days of my life. It gave me an experience that I will treasure because I love music. My mom calls me a "radio brat" because I have grown up around it going to at least twenty concerts and other events. It's been an amazing experience to meet people who you watch on television or listen to and then see them directly infront of you. It's bizarre but fun at the same time. He told me I have a very pretty name which I am pleased and even more proud of. (Now, that he said it =) ). We first stopped downtown where he did an interview with Malika on Power 105.1 and he promoted his album, Intuition. As Malika interviewed him I found a few things about Mr. Foxx he likes curvy women, he truly is a funny man. He went into the right profession for sure. Then next he was off to Music Choice to do some television promoting for them as well. I really wasn't supposed to be there. However, I felt like it was one of those moments where it's the right time, right place kind of thing. I would love to work there but unfortunately the timing was a little off. =( However, it gave me the insight that when you are in a moment like that. Seize the day and take hold of it and don't turn back. As I watched him on television being interviewed for Music Choice trust me I took notes. 1) Make the person feel at ease and calm, 2) Make them feel comfortable, 3) Compliment them 4) Don't ask about any drama 5) Keep it right to the point 6) Remember they're just people too. 7) Have fun! He was such a nice guy as well as his team his managers, stylist, and so on. Music Choice even decorated the room with balloons and cupcakes in honor of his birthday and release of his album. It was incredible to be there and fun. I encourage you all to buy his cd as soon as you can or download it for for all of you ITunes lovers. "Blame It" is blowing up the airwaves and "She Got Her Own" still is too. Tell all of your friends and family pick up Intuition! Makes a great Easter or Mother's Day gift =)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Frugal and Fashionable" Recessionitas
I heard the other day someone mention the word "Recessionitas" when I watched BET's Rip the Runway annual fashion show pretty clever. We are in a recession right now truly we are and when you start seeing people dress differently, wearing older clothes, running to thrift shops, or wearing things at lower prices. It's time to figure out how to save money. I need and of course everyone around the world needs to save money. It almost makes me feel like why the heck didn't we think of this earlier. Everyone lets save money now instead of spending on things we really do not need. So for all the fashionista divas here is some advice on how to save money. Some very fun places to shop at for my recessionita divas. For those of you who want to stay looking fly and fabulous. Why not Target? Target has amazing prices where you can buy high end designers like Alexander McQueen, Isaac Mizrahi, and more all to save money. Forever 21, Marshall's , KMART, Charlotte Russe, H&M. These are all stores that can keep your pockets flowing full of money while you are on the go. Look into it.
Chris Brown and Rihanna's relationship drama

The day I heard about their fight which was probably the morning everyone else heard it. It was unbelievable for me to hear the story. It was shocking but at the same time disappointing because who knew that the good guy, pop/rand b star and kid would actually do something to almost mess up his career. When I first found out I was extremely shocked because his girlfriend is extremely beautiful and talented why mess her up. However, when I heard the news programs such as MTV, CNN, all the gossip blogs, the newspapers I thought this can't be actually happening. It's like being in a really bad movie when you see your peers and favorite celebrities going through their own relationship drama and problems. I was extremely shocked. I couldn't believe it actually happened because I saw a side of Chris Brown that people probably did not expect to see. I did hear actually last year he was being interviewed by Tyra Banks on her show last summer and he was saying he had witnessed seeing his mother being abused as a child. Who knew it does actually carry on with a person those memories and those emotions can affect you. I am sure he did not intentionally mean to take any anger out on her at all. I am sure he didn't mean it period probably. What I do believe is that it's a wake up call for all of the young people to see that people especially celebrities are just people. No matter if they have sold 20 million cds or people have downloaded all their music, bought their paraphenalia. At the end of the day people are human and they cannot accept the fact that things happen and you have no control over it sometimes. Since they are back together now after a month I believe it's a warning for all of the ladies in relationships to make sure your man treats you fairly. He gives you the time and love that you need. He's not jealous, unsupportive, or never wants to lift a finger on you at all unless it's affectionately. I believe that with their case because they are so young and they are successful their fans will want to see them happy. I wish them the best and I hope that after everything passes they will both be happy and have a good and happy relationship. They deserve it and they are too talented. Plus what goes on in their relationship is their business you really don't want people to speculate and form opinions. No one knows what really happened that night. So until the both of them ever come forward and discuss it openly. I'll just keep on listening to the real authentic newspapers report accurate news.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Barack Obama's Inaguration"

I went to Washington,D.C. for Barack Obama's inaguration back in January of 2009. I was not there when he was sworn in but I did go down to the Washington monument to see him up at the Lincoln Memorial on the jumbo-tron at the National Mall while I was in Washington. The event was unbelievable it was incredibly packed with people all over the world coming to see him. Even before the inaguration the crowd was crazy. My mother, my grandmother, and I came down to see the a glimpse while we were in town. On January 20, 2009 I watched it via television with my father who was screaming from his couch "Obama!" (laughing)=). He joked saying "You know his name couldn't be a Timothy, Robert, or Bob". He had to have a name that had power "Barack Obama". Pretty powerful right? His name exudes power, a new difference, and authority. Barack Hussein Obama powerful man and a man I, my family, and friends now admire with respect. He doesn't even crack under pressure. Although I was unable to watch it live. There was something in the air you can just feel there was going to be a change. I saw a sign at the Stop and Shop grocery store in Washington saying "Congratulations to Barack Obama". I saw people sporting hats, buttons, watches. I even sold buttons, flags, watches, and so on with my uncle and his friends who were both selling them during that time. It was an amazing experience and time. I cried watching him dance with his wife, Michelle as Beyonce serenaded them both. It was surreal, fun, and just beautiful I couldn't be more proud. I was glad to see it all because I voted for him. I even called around for the Hudson County voting phone bank just to get people to be involved with it. My mother and I both are big supporters and from the day he accepted the nomination until now we still cannot be more proud. I am so thankful also to have been apart of it. I even put a Barack Obama button on my bag just so people knew I know this man could probably do it. Sure enough he did. That's what the power of change can bring. I am extremely proud Go Obama!!!!
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