I met Jamie Foxx "the renaissance man" actor, singer, comedian, and Oscar winner over the winter break last year on December 16, 2008. I remember now because it was his birthday as well as one of my best friend's, Marisa birthday also. Jamie Foxx is an artist on J Records that Mike Baril my stepdad and the man who has invited me to many musical events (smile) is a promotional director for J Records promotes. We went up to Power 105 (105.1 on radio stations )first. He was promoting his album, Intuition. I was so nervous to meet him but Mr. Foxx he is very handsome, polite, and you can tell why he is a ladies man. I think this was probably one of the best days of my life. It gave me an experience that I will treasure because I love music. My mom calls me a "radio brat" because I have grown up around it going to at least twenty concerts and other events. It's been an amazing experience to meet people who you watch on television or listen to and then see them directly infront of you. It's bizarre but fun at the same time. He told me I have a very pretty name which I am pleased and even more proud of. (Now, that he said it =) ). We first stopped downtown where he did an interview with Malika on Power 105.1 and he promoted his album, Intuition. As Malika interviewed him I found a few things about Mr. Foxx he likes curvy women, he truly is a funny man. He went into the right profession for sure. Then next he was off to Music Choice to do some television promoting for them as well. I really wasn't supposed to be there. However, I felt like it was one of those moments where it's the right time, right place kind of thing. I would love to work there but unfortunately the timing was a little off. =( However, it gave me the insight that when you are in a moment like that. Seize the day and take hold of it and don't turn back. As I watched him on television being interviewed for Music Choice trust me I took notes. 1) Make the person feel at ease and calm, 2) Make them feel comfortable, 3) Compliment them 4) Don't ask about any drama 5) Keep it right to the point 6) Remember they're just people too. 7) Have fun! He was such a nice guy as well as his team his managers, stylist, and so on. Music Choice even decorated the room with balloons and cupcakes in honor of his birthday and release of his album. It was incredible to be there and fun. I encourage you all to buy his cd as soon as you can or download it for for all of you ITunes lovers. "Blame It" is blowing up the airwaves and "She Got Her Own" still is too. Tell all of your friends and family pick up Intuition! Makes a great Easter or Mother's Day gift =)
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