In Honor of Love Month Lolz I am going to keep the stories coming too.
“Unconditional Love and Relationships”
By: Chloe J. Riccardo
In Lady Gaga’s 2009 hit “Bad Romance” from her c.d. “The Fame Monster” she indicates in the song “I want your ugly, I want your ugly, I want your disease”. She is basically saying everything that you have whether it is ugly, hideous, or not perfect to you. It can be acceptable to her. Isn’t that kind and generous thought from Ms. Gaga? I believe her intention with that is a great message for all couples and it gives them the ideals of what a relationship should be like at that time.
I used that quote from her lyrics because it is perfect for the message I want my readers to get from this article. People want to be in a relationship with a person who will give the love, loyalty, and commitment that our parents almost give us. I remember learning how agape is the highest form of love people can reach and will reach especially when it comes to having a family and children. You need love from a person who will cherish you and give you what you’re looking for as well.
Plus now in our second decade of the twenty-first century with everything becoming more advance with technology and the way things have become warped around people seeing how celebrities change their looks as well. People begin to feel insecure while they are with their significant other and how they feel about themselves as well.
We live in a society now where people almost have to realize that they have to worry about acceptance from their partner. Some people desire that their partners want a fantastic looking person in front of them, a lot of money, and perfect genes. But let’s say we are not the best looking supermodel, musician, actor, or actress. Let’s say we are an average Joe in a relationship. We do not have much money as well. What do we do at that point? Change ourselves? I think not. People need a person with unconditional love.
We are always looking for love, when we go outside of our home to parties, social functions, clubs, museums, and other activities. But what kind of love I do not mean lust. I mean pure, unconditional, no strings attached love. People need the kind of love where a person can accept all of your flaws. They can look out personalities the ugly and good side. They can accept our bodies, past experiences, and all the other multifaceted parts of our lives. Who make us the individual that we are now.
We are looking for unconditional love. You need a life full of unconditional love or better yet agape. The love our parents bestow upon us every single day to make sure we are loved entirely. You need a person that can go through the good, bad, and the ugly sides and parts of our lives.
People need that every single day. You need your partner to be the person who will love all sides of you. I believe that is the way to live your life is being with a person who will be there for the good, bad, and the ugly. Once again that agape similarly to how our parents love us. They accept the good, the bad, funky, ugly, and everything as well. When people are looking for love not lust you should desire unconditional love. So you feel acceptance no matter if you have love handles, thunder thighs, a small 20-inch waist, you have two dollars in your pocket, or that you have a stutter, a mental disorder, or any other flaw. We are not perfect at all so I believe in unconditional love. It’s pure and should be desired and wanted from a person.
This is crucial in a relationship because you want to really be with a person that can give you a sense of pride, confidence, and belief in yourself. It is essential in a relationship between lovers especially. You need that extra boost in yourself. It is so necessary because women and men always need healthy self-esteem in a relationship.
Unconditional love is a value to a person and what they need for themselves. We need that to keep the relationship progressing and developing into a beautiful, long term bond.
The unconditional love in a relationship should be developed after time especially when a friendship is developed between the couple. That love will carry on into their relationship and they will have something meaningful not just a physical or sexual attraction. They have respect and confidence in one another and themselves.
Unconditional love is what is needed for a relationship to succeed to have a beautiful future together whether it is a relationship of two months or fifty-five years together. Unconditional love is what is going to sustain the test of time in a committed, healthy, and happy relationship.
The Original Manhattanite is a pop culture blog focused on entertainment, television, music, art, fashion and more, written by pop culture enthusiast, freelance writer, and the queen who wears her New York crown proudly and many hats, Chloe Jewel Riccardo her blog has been published and was created on October 21, 2008 in New York City.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Chloe's Valentines day story

Chloe's Valentine Day Story

Daphnis & Chloe
two angels matchmade in heaven>>>>>>>>
Valentine sneakers
Now at twelve or thirteen I did not know any better back then because I have been through more experiences now then I did as a young teen.
I believe every woman or man deserves that special attention from their loved ones. Especially women who work very hard to be everything to a man. You can buy your lady the following air force ones I didn't know they had these. Or design a shoe in her honor and call it her "glass slipper", Perfume, handbags, massages, and all that stuff works too believe me. Or write her a love story with a special ending. Get creative and fun. Plus if you do not have a lot of money make sure you keep it fun and interesting as well. It does not cost a lot to show someone you care. =)
So for this Valentine's day as a "single lady" yeah I'm a single lady lol . My besties and I will go out to see "Valentine's day" of course, eat my favorite ice cream, stop by Godiva, go party the weekend away because I'm off, and play "Single Ladies" by one of my favorite people. So that's my plan for Valentine's day 2010. We usually go out, I go with mama, or my besties. So we'll see. Otherwise "Chloe needs a Valentine" reality show will be coming to airwaves shortly. =)

Valentine sneakers
by: Nike
Once upon a time there was a five foot- seven young lady with medium length dark brown hair, dark brown almond shaped eyes, and a caramel complexion who was a college coed and had relationships but who never had a Valentine before I know this is crazy right? Lol, but let me be real with you on this. I really have not for the past 23 years I've been the girl without a Valentine. Isn't that pathetic? I'm one of the coolest people you will ever meet don't get me wrong. I have been on dates and had relationships of course. But because of God's master plan perhaps I have not had a Valentine at all. I am going to be real here with you because you all are my blog readers and I want you all to know the truth.
Women are crazy about this holiday because this is one of the days that you do something extravagant that you would not normally do. You get to show people you appreciate and love them. That's what its really about showing that you really care and that you want them in your life pretty much. Now in movies and television shows when it comes to children and young teens. It can be fun and exciting you get a little card, a bear, or a rose. I have never had one at all...if I have they have been friends or people who I think probably thought let me be friends with you since you're lonely I'm sure. Lol, so let me be honest with you about my Valentine's day experiences.
My first 10 Valentines day experiences do not count because I was a child and I hardly remember that. Now when I was thirteen I do remember asking a gentlemen friend his name started with an A who I had a big crush on at the time to be my Valentine actually. So let's go with that moment, this is a big no-no ladies. I do not suggest you to ask a boy to be your Valentine. He should be showing you the attention you deserve at all times. Do not ask him at all unless if its a turn around dance and you have to ask him. Other than that do not ask him ever! Now in my case it could have been because I was going through my "ugly duckling" stage and awkward phase at the time. But there's still no excuse. He knew I was going to grow up to be fabulous anyway!
There was another person his name starts with a J. I was close to having a Valentine with at the time. He was a year or two older than me. He was really sweet, family-oriented, and we met literally three days after "V'Day" lol. So we danced and everything but because of text messages, lack of communication, and other things. He was close to being "Mr.Right Now" I believe but after a while time kind of showed me "I think he's more like "Mr. You're Getting Closer to Better Guy".
Our relationship was nice but quickly faded away after a few months but its okay though. I always feel like starting something new is the best way to go. So back to my past experiences...
Now at twelve or thirteen I did not know any better back then because I have been through more experiences now then I did as a young teen.
He should be taking the time to show he is sincerely interested in you and wants to establish something with you. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's really weird actually because you would think the girl who is a romantic actually should have a Valentine who loves her and adores her.
So Chloe wants her own reality television show called "Find Chloe a Valentine" or "Find Chloe her Daphnis" lolz (Daphnis is Chloe's love interest in the book) and the play by Ravel. Chloe was a beautiful nymph and Daphnis was a shepherd who helped rescue her. So I am looking for the man who would come save me or who needs to be saved himself.
I have dated and have always found gentlemen who I have a lot of things in common with as well. I am a generous person and giving. But I believe that when it comes to Valentine's day you should do the same. I have some gentlemen give me a card here or there. But I have never made it to February 14th. Could it be I'm putting too much pressure on that day? Or that simply they were just being cheap?
I do not know. I probably will never know unless I see them again in the future. But what do you all think should Valentine's day be a special day for all the lovers. All the people who have people around them who love them and care? You tell me?
I believe every woman or man deserves that special attention from their loved ones. Especially women who work very hard to be everything to a man. You can buy your lady the following air force ones I didn't know they had these. Or design a shoe in her honor and call it her "glass slipper", Perfume, handbags, massages, and all that stuff works too believe me. Or write her a love story with a special ending. Get creative and fun. Plus if you do not have a lot of money make sure you keep it fun and interesting as well. It does not cost a lot to show someone you care. =)
So for this Valentine's day as a "single lady" yeah I'm a single lady lol . My besties and I will go out to see "Valentine's day" of course, eat my favorite ice cream, stop by Godiva, go party the weekend away because I'm off, and play "Single Ladies" by one of my favorite people. So that's my plan for Valentine's day 2010. We usually go out, I go with mama, or my besties. So we'll see. Otherwise "Chloe needs a Valentine" reality show will be coming to airwaves shortly. =)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Celebrity Fragrance Scents spreading in the New Millenium

Okay my blog readers I'm noticing a pattern and whenever I notice a pattern with anything I usually know it's time to write a new article or story. So for my blog I am ready to give you a story for the fashion portion of my blog magazine with "Life and Times w/Ms.Chloe J the J stands for my middle name of course Jewel. Which is my dad's name he can tell you about fragrances he always wears cologne and of course I love good smelling men and people around me. (Lolz) So in honor of all the fragrances becoming a buzz. I give to you my beloved blog readers "Celebrity Fragrances spreading in the New Millenium"
"Celebrity Fragrances"
I first noticed celebrity fragrances when of course women used to wear White Diamonds by the queen of movie screens and big hits Elizabeth Taylor. But then I noticed it when Jennifer Lopez another well known actress made a mark for herself with "J-Lo" the fragrance it was sweet and delightful. Every one wanted a fragrance by her of course at the time. I used to wear JLO "Live" I loved the name and the smell was incredible. As well as the bottle. Then Britney Spears with "Curious" and "Fantasy".
Now all celebrities need to have a fragrance to market themselves and keep their names on our minds consistently. Let's go with Mariah Carey's fragrances "Luscious Pink", "M", and another version of "M", and "Forever". Then you have Jay-Z's fragrance, "Rocawear 99" and his lovely wife, and my shero Beyonce's fragrance or fragrances "True Star", "Diamonds by Giorgio Armani", and now "Fever". Next is Kim Kardashian's fragrance to debut this February 2010, and my other shero Sarah Jessica Parker with Lovely, SJP NYC, and Covet. Then Usher with "U" and his female and male colognes.
With all this competition a lady or gentlemen can get overwhelmed. It's the truth you wouldn't be able to make a decision on which fragrance or scent is correct for your essence or personality.
I wonder is this what it takes now to become a celebrity all you have to do now is of course record an album, get a clothing line, and then come up with your very own fragrance. If that's the case then let me come out with my own "Charisma" by Chloe.
I wonder who will buy all these fragrances. Who will get them and who will actually wear them. It's something to think about while shopping through the mall, outlets, and department stores. Or even your local street vendors in new york city. "5.00 dollars! celeb fragrances!" Oh boy! so will they come out with bootleg versions of the above fragrances? I hope not but I do believe are we heading for a scentational year with everyones fragrants spreading through our nostrils? I believe let the fragrant smelling begin and buyers beware and choose wisely for your loved ones. Their are choices to make. Floral, Girly, Sexy, Oriental, Sweet, Rich, Light/Heavy, and Powerful. Pick the cologne or perfume to knock your socks off and the one you want to be close to as well. Nothing overpowering though it turns ladies off when men overdo it. Pick wisely and good luck with the shopping my readers!
I went downtown to Macys to try to see Beyonce actually on the 3rd she was there for the debut of her fragrance, Fever it smells sweet like floral , honey, and sugar. Some say like macaroons it does have a note of that. I did not know that when you are in line to see someone for their fragrance. You have to purchase and have a certain VIP pass to get in. I thought to myself wow my connections actually could have came in handy but its okay. I also tried to see Kim Kardashian make her debut in New York but was unable to due to my current internship for college. College comes first Kim sorry! But I am sure I will have a chance to see Beyonce again and Kim Kardashian. One of "My besties" and I really wanted to see her because we are fans and wanted to take a photo op with her as well. But good luck ladies for your fragrances. Its diva against divas. Well not really I am sure they all have respect for one another. But I will try to get something from them as support.
We shall see I believe. Good luck Celebs with your fragrances. There's a lot of competition out there. =)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Earthquake Crisis in Haiti January 2010

I was shocked it's still kind of bad dream almost when I heard about Haiti being struck with a earthquake on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Wow isn't it funny how everything in the second week of January is what defines how our year will be. Like last year took off with Captain Sully landing in the Hudson River in New York City. Now the earth is rocking and rolling and mother's nature decides to make her power felt in Haiti. The way I see it this is perfect not that its good for the people who live there because it's not at all. What I mean is Haiti will receive recognition. One of the most poverty-stricken countries will receieve the attention they deserve so many poor countries never get the acknowledgement they deserve at all. When I see them on my television screen it hurts and it hits you. One thing I am not appreciating at all is this. I'm a media major and one thing I remember learning is how the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) cannot display any images at all that are graphic. If they are shown they can affect the public. Especially the younger audiences they cannot see that. It will cause them to have nightmares and Little Johnny or Sara will ask questions. Believe me. Now back to Haiti these people need help. Immensely they need all the support they can get right now. So of course there will be a tele-a-thon just like the 2005 Katrina victims need and people still need. The Haitian survivors need health care, clothes, psychological, emotional, physical support and love. This is about being selfless and showing love. Showing love of human beings. I hope people will be generous I will do whatever I can.
Now just now I see that some of the biggest bank corporations do not want to be really generous. I just received word from my mama (lol) they have received 10 million dollar bonuses like Chase (my bank!), The Walt Disney Company! no! as much money as they earn from movies, commercials, merchandise, carnival cruises, and their amusement parks they are not being generous at all. They're being frugal I mean jesus! it's a recession but come on they need help! I can't believe this it makes me angry when I see these poor people can't get the treatment they deserve. A poor country filled with young people had a natural disaster happen to them. They could not control it and they need all of the support they can get. So to all these people in Haiti the souls who have joined with God. The survivors we will pray for you. I hope that everyone from the poor to rich, low-class to upper class, man or woman, and child will all help. I hope all the celebrities will do what they can. They need it. I will try and I'm sure everyone will figure it out. God bless them and I will be praying for you all. There's a lot to be done. I know President Barack Obama will be doing his best with his time in the white house and his administration.
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