Friday, May 28, 2010



"LIFE & LOVE WITH LADYCJR" THIS SUMMER ON coming soon to you get ready to have a good time and ask me about any topic with my special co-host or co-hosts who I hope to find soon. I am very serious about this and have already been signed off by the owner of Shovio for this show. So look for it very soon this summer. I may even have my friends and family pitch in too. So look for it. I think this is the perfect time all you young people and older folks looking for summer romance you made need some wise ladies and gentlemens opinions. So look for your girl Chloe aka "Honey Brown Sugar" aka "LADYCJR" this summer on


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I remember...

I remember walking holding hands with you as you took my hand inside the school to make sure I was safely taken inside to my new school.
I remember you gave me a hug and kiss on my cheek when a problem arose and you said everything would be okay. I remember playing in your shoes when I was a little girl and your lipstick too all because I wanted to be just like you. I remember you came to my talent show and watched me dance and applauded just for me. I remember you bought me a tiara for my prom to make sure I felt like a prom queen for the night. I remember you took me to concerts to make sure I had a good a time. I remember laying in your room and discussing so many topics from boys, to men, to going out, to life in general. I remember baking and cooking food with you for holiday occasions and preparing it with you. I remember always having a good time with you. I remember you coming to my schools all of them to check in on me and make sure I was okay and safe. I remember all of this because I love you.
(Dedicated to my mother)

I remember you video taping every birthday occasion, I remember you making everyone laugh whoever we would meet, I remember you telling me as I child that Chloe you must write legibly on the paper so that everything was lined up and people could read my handwriting. I remember you crying when I received my award for the Washington Opera House as a child. I remember you taking me to Arboretum with my stepsister when we were little. I remember sitting in the car playing "What if?" with you. I remember you coming up to my school and everyone staring up at you because you were so tall and overtowering the children. I remember every laugh and smile. I remember you taking me to the doctor and protecting me to make sure I wouldn't cry. I remember all the things you told me and still do because I love you. I am glad I have had you around me and I know you're just a phone call and a road trip away.
(Dedicated to my father)

Journey through college (Part 2)

I was looking at pictures of my life as an infant and up until now when I am getting ready and prepared for a very momentous occasion my graduation from college. It has been such a journey that I can't even keep up with it sometimes myself. A lot to digest and take into account from preschool to college. It's so funny that I have grown up wanting to become the very thing I have watched on television most of my life an entertainment reporter, or a music reporter. This journey has had so many challenges I can't even describe to you what it has been like at times to pull your own self out of bed to make sure you get there to your classes. I now have completed all my assignments. Now my plan is to get the career I have always wanted. I loved college I had a great time. I was fortunate to stay home. Now, mind you I got accepted to Hampton University but due to the recession I was unable to attend. Now looking back at every single step I took in Hunter College I will tell you this. I am going to be completely frank and honest with you about this. They made me work at this. They challenged me at everything lol and everything in deed. From coming to Hunter with transferring 59 credits from Bergen Community College. Two of my credits were not accepted but it's okay. Next was taking the CUNY Proficiency Exam. It was a challenge in itself. I never worked so hard for an exam like this. Probably not since high school for the SATs or PSATs. It's been a challenge in itself. I remember preparing for it when I was younger back then. However, nothing like that the last exam I took would be a challenge in itself. I am glad that I had tutors to prepare me throughout my semesters and got me ready for the battle. There were times I felt like my heart was not in it completely all the way. I felt as if some other obstacle or challenge would prevent me from getting what I wanted. The only obstacle with this exam was that in order to pass it you must put your whole heart, yourself, and your time to make it through. As I think about sacrificing summers, sacrificing vacation time, sacrificing traveling from New Jersey to New York on the train to be there. That was a sacrifice within itself. I can tell you for a long time I felt like the underdog. I felt the person who was never going to make it and even be able to get this far. I had some nay sayers in my path or "haters" who tried to break my spirit and the dreams I have in my heart. I remember once on a key chain I purchased it said Chloe: "One who wishes for the best peace is the meaning of my life's request". I believe that is true I need peace and stability but I have learned that in order to find that peace and middle ground you need to battle the storms first before the silence comes. I battled my mini storms and I feel that each one prepared me for the challenges I will have to face as an adult. I think that when it comes to this college graduation to me I am really emotional about it cause people don't know what I went through at times. Especially when sometimes I thought of giving up and almost leaving my school for another college. I am very much serious about that. I had a support system to make me stable and to keep me grounded on what I was going through in college.My final classes I believe were the ones the challenged me mentally to show what I was capable of actually. So many people who know me, who love me, who care for me, and who have been supporters know it was not easy for me at all. It was a huge challenge but I know that I can say I accomplished the biggest goal of them all for 2010 my college graduation from Hunter College in New York,NY. I will be graduating this summer from Hunter and I can tell you this Thank you to the professors, the faculty, and the staff who gave me all that was needed to be the individual I have become.
Chloe Jewel Riccardo

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Sex and the City" the movies

I have been in love with "Sex and the City" since it first aired on television back in 1998. I was twelve years old and I didn't realize that I was going to be a fan of this show for years to come. It would become a part of my identity and a part of me as a person completely. It also would be apart of the career I would want to get into as well....journalism like "Carrie Bradshaw" played by the beautiful and talented, Sarah Jessica Parker. I love to write and have been writing stories since I was a child. However it developed for me and blossomed from writing stories...writing poem...then writing songs..then wanting to write news articles when I fell in love with the career of the character, Carrie Bradshaw. I love all four characters you can tell they really do love each other as friends and sisters. I watch the show all the time. I cannot wait to see Sex & the City 2 in theaters. I have the first one on dvd and I watch the show when reruns air. I love how they can be frank with one another, give each other support, advice, and be one another's soulmate at the same time. I look to them as my inspiration for wanting healthy, wonderful, understanding, and meaningful friendships with my girl friends. I would love for them to have all the characters reunite again but its good to see the show evolve into books, movies, merchandise,etc. I even have a sex and the city shirt too which me and my girlfriends will be buying more too.I love this show and I even attempted to have a sex and the city themed party too last year. So we'll see maybe when funds are poppin' and I have my real journalistic/reporter/ writer career. For now I have felt some situations the characters have experienced no not marriage but some of the funny issues that come across their show. Some of my friends even remind of the ladies as well a lot of their personalities. Someone told me who are you like "Carrie" of course because yes I have encountered so many situations when it comes to the Love word and relationships so far in my twenties. So yes I am like Carrie and one of my besties is so much like Charlotte actually. Samantha I know a lot of people like her and i would have to say i know a lot of Mirandas too. LOL. So I want to say congratulations to Cynthia Nixon, Kim Cattral, Kristin Davis, and Sarah Jessica Parker or SJP. I love all your work and have seen your other projects too. Looking forward to seeing you ladies again on the big screen real soon.

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SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...