I have been in love with "Sex and the City" since it first aired on television back in 1998. I was twelve years old and I didn't realize that I was going to be a fan of this show for years to come. It would become a part of my identity and a part of me as a person completely. It also would be apart of the career I would want to get into as well....journalism like "Carrie Bradshaw" played by the beautiful and talented, Sarah Jessica Parker. I love to write and have been writing stories since I was a child. However it developed for me and blossomed from writing stories...writing poem...then writing songs..then wanting to write news articles when I fell in love with the career of the character, Carrie Bradshaw. I love all four characters you can tell they really do love each other as friends and sisters. I watch the show all the time. I cannot wait to see Sex & the City 2 in theaters. I have the first one on dvd and I watch the show when reruns air. I love how they can be frank with one another, give each other support, advice, and be one another's soulmate at the same time. I look to them as my inspiration for wanting healthy, wonderful, understanding, and meaningful friendships with my girl friends. I would love for them to have all the characters reunite again but its good to see the show evolve into books, movies, merchandise,etc. I even have a sex and the city shirt too which me and my girlfriends will be buying more too.I love this show and I even attempted to have a sex and the city themed party too last year. So we'll see maybe when funds are poppin' and I have my real journalistic/reporter/ writer career. For now I have felt some situations the characters have experienced no not marriage but some of the funny issues that come across their show. Some of my friends even remind of the ladies as well a lot of their personalities. Someone told me who are you like "Carrie" of course because yes I have encountered so many situations when it comes to the Love word and relationships so far in my twenties. So yes I am like Carrie and one of my besties is so much like Charlotte actually. Samantha I know a lot of people like her and i would have to say i know a lot of Mirandas too. LOL. So I want to say congratulations to Cynthia Nixon, Kim Cattral, Kristin Davis, and Sarah Jessica Parker or SJP. I love all your work and have seen your other projects too. Looking forward to seeing you ladies again on the big screen real soon.
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