My my my......another year has come and gone by so quickly. It is time to say good-bye to 2010 and look forward into 2011. I realize it now that it really was an incredible year though for me personally and professionally. Over all I have to say I learned a lot this year and I look forward to so much more in the future. 2011 is around the corner and I believe we have another impeccable and exciting year to look forward to again. I want to do something big, something different. I have spent a lot of New Years occasions indoors. Lol partially because of the weather or economical reasons. But I am going to do something a little different because I was watching one of my favorite movies. In one scene it made me realize how important the New Year is actually because the person you are with at that moment. That day will define the rest of the year. This year my New Year's 2010 I wanted to spend with someone I cared about at that time. It was important to me because I wanted to share that moment with them. Having done a lot of soul searching, thinking, and discovering a lot about what I really enjoy and like now as an adult. I believe you need to celebrate!!!!! Don't sit home alone people, be with your friends, family, go out, start your year off right with something new.
This year I plan to party and really enjoy myself. Look with things with a new perspective of taking on some new chances. I want to continue to do what I desire in my heart. I believe this year will be successful for myself and others who I am close to as well. So let's go in with 2011 with a new positive outlook, new start, no new year's resolutions. I am going to look at this year ahead with new adventures coming ahead, new opportunities for a successful year.
I am not promising anything I just plan to enjoy myself and do something different. Something I want to do not what everyone else wants to do. So live it up, toast, drink, be safe, and let's get ready for a new exciting year ahead. To tell you the truth it really is a new beginning for me personally because I am done with college and I don't plan to go back for quite some time. Probably not until I have a stable career set first. Also there's so much I want to do and I think this year for me is about really starting my adult life and saying good-bye to the college days and all of that for now. So for 2011 it's a new start in the life of Chloe aka "Honey Brown Sugar". I will be completing my blog entries the end of this year and make my blog into a book. So my last blog entry of this year will take place on the 31st of December, 2010. Then I go to print in January. I dedicate it this to you my beloved blog readers thank you for sharing your comments, reading my blog, and showing interest, I wish you all a successful year ahead, joyful smiles in your heart, excitement, and so much more.
Also people if you don't have anything to do please check out http://www.newyearseve.com