Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My my my......another year has come and gone by so quickly. It is time to say good-bye to 2010 and look forward into 2011. I realize it now that it really was an incredible year though for me personally and professionally. Over all I have to say I learned a lot this year and I look forward to so much more in the future. 2011 is around the corner and I believe we have another impeccable and exciting year to look forward to again. I want to do something big, something different. I have spent a lot of New Years occasions indoors. Lol partially because of the weather or economical reasons. But I am going to do something a little different because I was watching one of my favorite movies. In one scene it made me realize how important the New Year is actually because the person you are with at that moment. That day will define the rest of the year. This year my New Year's 2010 I wanted to spend with someone I cared about at that time. It was important to me because I wanted to share that moment with them. Having done a lot of soul searching, thinking, and discovering a lot about what I really enjoy and like now as an adult. I believe you need to celebrate!!!!! Don't sit home alone people, be with your friends, family, go out, start your year off right with something new.

This year I plan to party and really enjoy myself. Look with things with a new perspective of taking on some new chances. I want to continue to do what I desire in my heart. I believe this year will be successful for myself and others who I am close to as well. So let's go in with 2011 with a new positive outlook, new start, no new year's resolutions. I am going to look at this year ahead with new adventures coming ahead, new opportunities for a successful year.

I am not promising anything I just plan to enjoy myself and do something different. Something I want to do not what everyone else wants to do. So live it up, toast, drink, be safe, and let's get ready for a new exciting year ahead. To tell you the truth it really is a new beginning for me personally because I am done with college and I don't plan to go back for quite some time. Probably not until I have a stable career set first. Also there's so much I want to do and I think this year for me is about really starting my adult life and saying good-bye to the college days and all of that for now. So for 2011 it's a new start in the life of Chloe aka "Honey Brown Sugar". I will be completing my blog entries the end of this year and make my blog into a book. So my last blog entry of this year will take place on the 31st of December, 2010. Then I go to print in January. I dedicate it this to you my beloved blog readers thank you for sharing your comments, reading my blog, and showing interest, I wish you all a successful year ahead, joyful smiles in your heart, excitement, and so much more.
Also people if you don't have anything to do please check out

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


When it comes to relationships everyone is looking for that perfect partner to determine who can complete their life and make them happy in a relationship. However when you look at the love of your life how can you determine if they will be faithful to you? You can look them in the eye all you want, try to believe their words, but actions and behavior always really convey the truth. You find out more about a person I heard from non verbal communication and it is so true. Let's say for instance you will never know if they will be completely monogamous and faithful but what if you hear he or she utter these words to you. "I am sorry baby I didn't mean it...I cheated because it's in my genes!" LMAO!!!! When I heard this I thought are you serious? You really have to be playing with me on this one. The new perfect excuse for cheaters to say "Yeah man...I got that DRD4" but really though all joking and playing aside. Scientists have decoded and found that cheating can take place in your DNA? Now it's not like your born a cheater but technically it is behavior that can be developed over time from adolescence and into becoming an adult too. First thing is first though the reason why there is such a problem with it is because of a little known thing called DRD4...this gene trait is what affects people with cheating. They have a strong thrill seeking personality. They're the people who want to go sky diving, bungee-jumping, and trying all these crazy daredevil activities. The thing about this behavior is that not only does it affect the way they act and doing all these crazy activities but you have to also let your partner to continue to behave the way they are though too. It can become too much for the woman and man in the relationship. Now I don't want anyone to drive themselves up the wall wondering if their man or lady has this gene. Only time will tell and you have to give them time in the relationship to prove their true side.
If you have misconceptions about them right away about cheating it will affect your relationship. The best solution is to have proof first and look at their behavior and actions first before you presume that they may be cheating or have the gene too. Make sure that before you both start dating or a relationship you don't get that inkling or conscience tells you this man or woman may be a cheater. If that is something you feel go with your instinct and let everything play out in time before you. As far as the DNA is concerned if this behavior is something that can be hereditary then it's something people will just have to live with as well. You cannot change your DNA just because of this one condition hopefully the man or woman who would be living with this they will manage it wisely, intelligently, and also consider their partner's feelings too.


Emancipation-To emancipate, free oneself from bondage.

Now this is a poem only just a symbol of being emancipated, free, nothing to be taken out of context this is mostly about just freedom of being oneself and to be free in one's skin, opinions, thoughts, dreams, and to follow what's in your heart.

Forescore and several years ago...I was born on a cold autumn day. I have chosen now as an adult in my twenties to take an oath of Emancipation.

Emancipation being free within oneself to make choices and decisions based on the way I feel and what I believe. It is hard enough sometimes being a woman, being a person, and then coming from a place where at times you don't feel complete freedom.

I am taking a stand against that to be free to do what I want, say what I want to say, and feel what I want to feel. Basically let me be who I am because this is the way it is going to be as long as I can breathe, see, walk, talk, and can feel.

There are so many restrictions at time especially at being a woman. You have to obtain an image that is positive, wholesome, and that doesn't unscathe people's opinions of you. Sometimes it's for the best to have a certain image. Other times you want to be free to do what you want without offending someone. Inside of me is a person that wants to break out and say I am here I can do this set me free. Let me live my life and be who I want to become.

It's about inner freedom, freedom to say what's on your mind so you don't feel so constricted or smothered. I guess at times I feel that way.

So today I take a stand and for the rest of my days of living I choose to be emancipated, free, I choose liberty, joie de vivre, and a sense of being free to do what I have always imagined. It is the only way to live to be who you want to be which is a free person inside and out. Non confinements, I don't have to confine to what every one else wants. Let me choose what I want and do what I want. This is my moment of Emancipation and I choose this from now on for life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st, 2010



I am titling this day December 1st because it is such a monumental day for people in our society and shouldn't be taken lightly. One it is World Aids Day a day that is important for those who want to take the time to support the cause. I am a big fighter for that considering I had a relative who passed from it at 31 years old from the disease that develops from it HIV (Human immunodeficency Virus). I have always wanted to partake in the Walk for Aids marathon that is something I definitely will do when I have the time.

HIV or Aids does not get talked about often it's not a dinner conversation topic but it is something that should be discussed in the household, in schools, and the community too. They are at the top of the "food chain list " when it comes to STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

It should be discussed because about thirty years ago in the 1980s the disease became more prevalent and more of a hush hush topic. It was not discussed by many people in social communities. It was something that people only targeted one audience. However it can affect any race, male or female, any age group as well. Unfortunately due to statistics my age group the 18-25 year olds have it rough because we are known not to be responsible for our safety when it comes to engaging in certain activity with one another. Also drugs as well its still out there and it does not affect just us in America but all the other continents as well Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, Australia, etc. All over the world is being hit and devastated by this terrible disease and there is still no cure but there have been medications to help people deal with the side affects physical and mental as well. There has to be a change hopefully there will be a cure for this one day.

In honor of my relative, in honor of the people suffering from this disease I give you prayers, hope, and love as well. I hope and pray that things will be resolved, pain will be lessened, and love so that you live to fight another day and enjoy your life too.

Secondly why is December 1st, important I should know better because this woman is so influential every time I enter a bus it's because of her heroic achievement and her courage that all minorities: women, people of all different backgrounds and be treated as common civilians. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks is the African American woman from Tuskegee, Alabama who took a chance to stand up for herself when sitting in the white section of the bus on her way home from work on December 1st, 1955. Her heroic victory after being arrested was ignited a spark and flame for all African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. She took a stand and refused to move. People threatened her and fought against her but with her sweet but tough demeanor and personality she refused and fought against the community. Her fight along with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the many leaders who paved the way gave us all a chance across the nation to now sit where ever we choose on a bus, train, or any form of transportation. I never take that lightly at all. I am honored to write about this woman. So on this 55th anniversary during the 21st century I salute you Rosa Parks and all of the leaders and people who fought to make sure every person on in society is treated with respect, dignity, and can stand up for themselves. You can now raise your voice no matter what background you come from. You inspire me and others also. I thank you and honor your memory and sacrifice. I believe things happen for a reason and your courage during that moment changed the world.

So my beloved blog readers I want you to take time to think about this day....Take care of your health your body, your mind, and spirit. Also take the time to realize you have a voice and if anything is preventing you from not getting the respect you deserve fight for it. Our country was founded upon that and take the time to be safe as well. It is important people remain safe and healthy. Life is precious and you should take care of yourself and those you care for as well.
If you would like to learn more information or take part in helping those there are tons of charities to become apart of out there.

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