The one thing I can tell you dating someone who is younger though has it's disadvantages and advantages too. Now I am going to tell you my little story I was blind-sided in love with this man, this before I graduated from the first college I attended, he was in my Contemporary Moral Issues class, and I fell hard for him. I knew we couldn't be together forever because he wanted to provide him with children, now I would love a family, but at 19 years old back then, honey I was still partying!, I was going out with friends, and I was getting my education. I wasn't thinking about babies at that time. I had a great bond with him, but I believe at the time he was looking for a long-term relationship with the possibility of a great family he wanted four, I couldn't provide him with that and probably marriage. I think at the time if it had happened I wouldn't have had some good experiences I have been blessed to have. So being involved with an older person when you're in your late teens you have to be careful. Especially where you are in your life. I can tell you people have been doing this for years. I know people personally who have been in a relationships younger or older than them it works and for some reason they keep on growing and developing. So for every person it's different, I am not hear to judge my readers ever.

You're dating someone who is 5 to 10 years younger than you or older. One of the biggest advantages that you have is the person is wiser, more mature, they can have give you knowledge and advice that will help you and last for years. Dating someone younger keeps your spirit young, your able to feel and know about the latest things, stories, gossip, technology, fitness, fashion etc. It makes you more appealing to the person because
Dating someone older can often make you feel like you still have a lot of life ahead of you. You may not be able to relate to them. You're not mature enough to handle certain responsibilities. Yet while you are in the relationship and dating them, you grow, you become more confident, and you're learning all of the responsibilities to become a better person.
So people can dating an older man or woman/younger man or woman more suitable for your lifestyle, how would it benefit you, and make you so much better in the end. It gives you something for free knowledge, love, and you're smarter during the duration of the relationship. I can tell you from my experience younger or older it made me more educated in general of people, backgrounds, and taught me minor and big lessons as well.
Is Age just a number, can we scientifically prove that the brain for a normal, mentally competent, healthy human being . The brain for a human is still developing until it reaches its normal adult size at the age of 28. So is it really true an immature 19-year-old girl or boy & a 30 year old woman or man be in a relationship that is beneficial for the two of them? Is it healthy for the two of them. Only time can tell. In the mean time.....please enjoy one of my favorite artists who I love, she sang about it, "Age Ain't Nothin' but a Number" by the late, beautiful, multi talented Aaliyah. If you listen to the lyrics you realize though even though she was 15 when she recorded the song, she was wise beyond her years. Enjoy readers I'll see you around there's always more to discuss and share.
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