Tuesday, July 29, 2014

“Life of a Bridesmaid with Honey Brown Sugar”

 I decided to document my life a bit more but this time it will be for a year until the big day of one of my closest friends wedding. I believe this will be a lot of fun to give you a glimpse of what its like when conducting a wedding. A wedding takes time, preparation, thought, consideration of  both parties, the bride and groom, their traditions, and their families. I am very happy to be apart of this day cause they both mean a lot to me.  
So from now to next year you will learn about  the production of a wedding and the process it takes to get everything done behind the scenes.  Who’s getting married?  Well two of my best friends next summer, Christian “Chris” Fernandez to Marisa Elizabeth Sardella aka “Macaroni”. I call her  "Angelita" and "Macaroni" and I am Chloe aka “Cheese” or “Chlois” (Chris calls me)  cause our bond has been so strong. We really have a great friendship and it has stood many tests. Yet we stick together just like Macaroni & Cheese the name works so  I have so many nicknames, if I adore you, you’ve been or become a part of my life you probably have a nickname by me.  So I wanted to share with you my readers.
LOL, a throwback of me and one of my besties....lol! "Macaroni (Marisa) & Cheese (Chloe)" for life lol =) circa 2007
well cause one she’s Italian American, and I can be a bit cheesy sometime lol. Plus the combination just works really well and we just stick together and have a great bond. Who doesn’t love “Macaroni & Cheese” lol.
I really had to sit back and think about some of the weddings I have attended I have been to since I was 16 about 4 weddings now this will be my fifth,  I even been a witness to a wedding in a courthouse, the first wedding I attended I went to in Queens a long time ago it was summer of 2002, with some friends of mine, I actually met one of the guys his name was  really handsome his name, Russell (his middle name Handsome not kidding) I went on my first date with him at this wedding. 
We dated briefly, keep in mind this was 2002, not now,  we went to see “XXX” with Vin Diesel lol! I love that movie and him in it. That was my first real date that summer.  This will be my fourth wedding actually and I am so proud to be attending and also witnessing, being apart of the wedding behind the scenes and in front as well. How long have I known Marisa Sardella, well let me tell you the story, she always laughs when I tell people how we met as young kids.  We even documented it once on tape, cause I think its pretty funny. So I am going to tell you….the truth, how, why, when, and where we met….which led us now to this day.
All right lets go back to the past a bit and I will tell how we met.  Keep in mind this was 14 years ago…..It was summer of 2000 I just graduated from St. Peter’s Grammar School in Jersey City, New Jersey where I was living in Newport Presidential apartments in the downtown area. I was going to class but I was struggling for a long time probably since first grade. I always had an issue with Mathematics and always needed assistance. However, when I got to junior high I really needed to improve my Mathematics  skills and even English as well. I had been going to tutoring which my school provided, but I was also given the option of extra private tutoring as well. So I decided during that time I didn’t want to go, I got afraid, fearful, and a bit lazy too. I had a Math teacher who was also my eighth grade teacher who intimidated me. She tried to instill fear in me. Yet that never happened my parents wouldn’t allow it , the proof’s in the work now believe me. =)
 I just decided not to attend, my mom was giving me money and I kept the payments never giving them to my tutor (bad girl but really just not living up to my potential back then not considering what I would accomplish).  My tutor, Ms. Peretti was awesome,  sweet, and I don’t know what came over me. I just didn’t feel the need to attend at that time. So what happened, here’s the twist of what happens next. On my graduation brunch day, I kid you not at all I had a strong intuition something bad may happen that day only because I just didn’t feel right. I have a strong intuition it can just be something come over me and I know it’s not the best thing for me.  
            I couldn’t believe it, but here’s the interesting twist that summer day in June.  My teacher approaches me, and wants to meet my mother actually. I am not lying to you she comes to my mom and tells her “Chloe’s been missing tutoring she never showed up”. Oh man, when my mother and my stepfather, Mike found out. All hell broke loose, my stepfather used to have a black 1998 Navigator which he named, “Eva Naomi”  (after his aunt & grandmother) he parked the car, we drove off, and my mother was livid. I was screamed at, yelled at, and I couldn’t even come up with a good excuse either for why I didn’t want to attend tutoring, why I didn’t want to go, and also I had to deal with the consequences.  I felt horrible, embarrassed, ashamed, and disappointed I let my mother down. She just bought me this beautiful turquoise dress, for my graduation, spent money on my graduation dress it was a yellow and white ball gown dress with a yellow corset I remember I even had to get the dress tailored too the zipper needed fixing. I had just went to summer jam as well. Lol!  She went all out for me, including dinner at Newport Café at the Marina on the Hudson (I had my 13th birthday party there too).  I had to attend summer school and it was the only way to improve my grades, as well as admit me into the high school. 
So what happened next….I had to go to summer school  at one of the 3 high schools I had chose before I entered as a freshman that fall of 2000. I had to take a standardized test before we were to choose which high school we would attend in our area and section as well. It’s so funny how life works and I did not see this coming at all, but sometimes in life things have a great way of working out for a special reason. I chose St.Dominic’s Academy, St. Aloysius High School, and Academy of Sacred Heart. The last school was the one that accepted me and I was admitted into that high school that fall. I started summer school late June the last week in 2000 and it ended the last week of July of 2000. My stepfather dropped me off that morning and wished me luck. He never judged me with that, he supported me, and wished me well.  I went into the small school it had about 5 floors though. I started the class English first person I met was one girl named Karen L. I will call her and  the next 4 people would become apart of my life as well. I met Marisa she was wearing a purple outfit I believe, and these cute black strappy sandal shoes I loved. She seemed sweet, fashionable, fun, but very reserved.I met her when we were thirteen our birthdays were both towards the end of the year. I am a month older, we always just hung out. The next thing  I know we became fast friends, we all hung out together at lunch, in class, and because our last names were towards the end of the alphabet we always were seated near each other. We had tons of people sitting our lunch table always coming and going. It was she, myself, Karen Samaniego one of our other dear friends, Lisa C., our dear friend, Kaisa, and probably 4 or 5 other people. We always had a great time and hung out telling stories, talking about our lives, and everything. I learned a great deal from those girls and they became part of my life in some big ways.  Oh by the way I passed both of my classes I even took my homework on vacation. I did very well at Academy of Sacred Heart. I made really great grades, participated in Basketball I was a center for only a year, Drama Club, and Choir.  One thing I should mention I left Academy of Sacred Heart a year later, and attended high school in Manhattan I graduated from Cathedral high school. However, Marisa and I always remained friends I would visit her at school, we kept in touch, she even walked with me on my graduation day. See how good of a friend people can be they will walk in 90 degree weather, I appreciated that tremendously on that day. A lot of important people in my life were missing that day but I thank god she was there too. We also went to college we attended Bergen Community College.  together for about a year in a half she left me in the fall of 2006 only cause she was moving (there came the true test of friendship) and she went to Rider University, she majored in Liberal Arts and Languages. I left a year later got my associates and you know my loyal readers I got my associates in Journalism, went to Hunter College, majored in Media Studies, and graduated as well.  
 Time changed us all we went through a lot. I can go in more detail as my “Life of a bridesmaid” series goes on but I will tell you this nearly 15 years later the two of us are still friends. We have been to Italy, Las Vegas, and other places of course. We have been on double dates together, one of my boyfriends she went to school with as well his name was Justin Lamboy. His best friend, Asaru was Marisa’s ex-boyfriend and first boyfriend as well. I tell you this though honestly it was puppy love, we were so young, immature, inexperienced back then.  I can tell you some funny stories about that time.
We grew up together though always hanging out high school dances at Hudson Catholic or Saint Peter’s Prep, birthday parties, sweet 16s, sleepovers, two talk shows: Wendy Williams & Tyra Banks, double dates, graduation celebrations, going to the movies, shopping (a lot of shopping or window shopping), traveling,  we even lived together with 4 Italian girls in Italy for nearly 2 months, and so much more. We have been apart of each other’s lives through a lot of difficult moments, challenging moments, and many things and now that we are adults it means so much more now.  
We have met so many different people but managed to maintain that friendship and bond though for years. I am fortunate and I am thankful that we have a friendship that has gone through some tests, even with distance, we just maintained it, thank god for technology! That’s one way we kept in touch even being apart from people, you have to find a way to keep the bond strong and maintain that. It’s a lot of work, but I am always happy that there’s someone in the world who can I consider a friend though. It was not easy trust me. If you knew what we both had to go through you would be like “Damn!”.
So now that everything is finally falling into place and that she has the life she deserves and that she has wanted I am very happy, proud, and honored to be apart of this huge piece and part of the life and chapter of her story. She always told me one of her dreams was to become a teacher, accomplished, she wanted to married to the love of her life, accomplished, I think God has blessed her truly and her family is so sweet, understanding, and supportive of the two of them their story has blossomed. Happy to see it get here. =)
So now we are getting ready for the first dress fitting there will be different selections to chose from now.  So we will see what happens in the future. 5 bridesmaids and 1 maid of honor her little sister who I think is too adorable since I first met her she’s not a little six-year-old princess anymore she’s grown up into a young woman on us  as well lol.  The groom’s brother and sister I have seen grow up as well so it’s really sweet to see it happen for them. I am trying to convince her she needs a cute flower girl for the ceremony Lol! =) but we will see I am going to keep working on it. =) I know we are all in for a really fun, exciting, meaningful, enlightening adventure and experience of our lives. Congratulations and Thank you again “Macaroni” and Chris see you soon. All right readers stay  tuned to more information and my adventure as a bridesmaid. =)

 There’s so much I have learned about friendships from her, all of my friends believe me, over the years as well. I can probably give people tips on friendships. So here are a few to help you. You're never too old or young for friends and "besties" lol =)
  •   First tip….allow and encourage your friend to grow, sometimes we want them to stay how they are when we first me them (I am lucky my friend has grown but maintained her sweetness), but you have to allow them to become the person they are meant to be, sometimes it means sacrificing certain things, or even extending yourself.
  • Second tip….Be honest
  • Third tip…don’t be  judgmental on anything if it’s something like constructive criticism then by all means but don’t judge your friend especially when they chose or you to chose to have them in your life, when they are good to you as well.
  • Fourth tip…Arguments are healthy
  • Fifth tip…Travel together that’s how you get to know each other.
  • Sixth tip…Support them when they need it you never want to see the person you care for hurt, injured, cold, suffering, without food, or anything they don’t have. (I learned that early)
  • Seventh tip…Give and receive gifts, advice, whatever not just material gifts but reciprocating everything pays off on the two of you and your group of friends as well.
  • Eighth tip….Treat them like your family
  • Ninth tip…Help them always especially when they need it the most, to try new things, trying new things as friends (just the two of you or more) that helps build memories and maintains the bond.
  • Tenth tip…Forgiveness is important


“Whitney Houston’s story coming to Lifetime Networks”

“Whitney Houston’s story coming to Lifetime Networks”

Ya Ya Decosta former America’s Next Top Model, actress will play Whitney Houston in the film this coming fall. As we all know Whitney Elizabeth Houston was born on August 9, 1963 and passed on February 11, 2012.  Now I will be honest, I thought it would be a little too soon to make this film and too new because her passing still touches us all. Yet at the same time it should be though, if I recall Selena’s story was told in about 2 years after she passed in April of 1995. So with this story it is fitting and I hope that they will capture the essence of Whitney, her voice, her beauty, her generosity, and who she was as a human being. Whitney was also very close to being a triple threat, singer, dancer, and actress. She also produced as well some very well known projects, anyone remember “Princess Diaries” or “Cinderella” well the Queen Whitney executive produced as well in those films and played Brandy’s godmother as well.  She of course acted in several television shows, made guest appearances in the 1980s, she was in “The Bodyguard”, “Waiting to Exhale”, “The Preacher’s Wife”, and her last film, “Sparkle”.  Every single film Whitney was in you saw all of her abilities, she could escape very well into a role.  Also she had the ability to make you almost believe she was the character.  Whitney was involved in many projects, and as we know she has many layers to her life. You have the star, the person, the singer, the actress, her role as a daughter, her role as a mother  and wife as well.  The story of Bobby and Whitney will be included in the film they were married for nearly 15 years, (1992-2007). Arlen Escarpeta will play Bobby Brown in the role.
Whitney voice as I mentioned was distinctive but recognizable, now due to Decosta’s non being able to sing Whitney’s parts herself. Deborah Cox Broadway actress and singer will step in and sing Whitney’s singing parts because of her vocal abilities.  She will fill in and Ya Ya Decosta will lip sync. Now that everyone knows ahead of time, you won’t have to stare at your television screen and wonder, “Wait I didn’t know she could model and sing”.  If she could that would be fantastic! So it works perfectly and I believe with Deborah Cox’s range she will carry on hitting Whitney’s vocal octave range. We know she could hit some powerful high C over E notes whether singing gospel spiritual hymns like “Jesus Loves Me” or singing, “I Will Always love you” or “Shoop Shoop”.  She will supply all of the vocal tracks needed during production of the film.
Her movie comes out in 2015 next year and the date will be announced very soon. I will have the trailer posted as soon as more information is posted when the film will be out for you all. I am just hoping that her family will be more cooperative when it comes to film being released just as I mentioned about Aaliyah's biopic film, a thousand films can be produced in honor of her story just as other movies that have been made. 
Arlen Escarpeta as 80s, 90s, 00s R&B singer, and group member of New Edition, Bobby Brown 
Deborah Cox cast for vocals for Whitney's singing parts.

Aaliyah film officially cast and new starlet, Alexandra Shipp on the rise.

It’s back up and running Aaliyah film officially cast”
Written by: Chloe Riccardo
It’s official the film will be made this fall and has a great new producer who I love so much as well bringing her view of the late star’s story as well. Wendy Williams-Hunter will and Deborah M. Chase will be pairing up to give her production skills to the film this fall as well. I am extremely excited that they are continuing on with the project. Just as there have been many films made about Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana of Wales, and Princess Grace of Monaco. This is one of those films that should be told and made as well.  Aaliyah: Princess of R&B will be out this fall, It really is about time  thirteen years and Aaliyah Haughton’s story should be told just as the other well known stars who will have their stories told such as icon, Whitney Houston one of the greatest female pop voices we have come in contact with on this planet.
Aaliyah’s story is different though she didn’t do many ballads but her music was more R&B/Hip Hop related. She had smooth, fluid, classy moves which were provided by her choreographer, Fatima Robinson, and many others. Her style was captivated by many with her 5 foot 7 inch frame you would see her wearing small crop tops, baggy leather or tight leather pants, motorcycle rebel inspired outfits, her dark lipstick, dresses for Aaliyah were a rarity while performing. As she got older her style became more feminine and sophisticated as she matured. However she could relate to high-end fashion designers or the girl who lives down the street.
That was the same way she was with her music, you could hear your neighbors blasting the music or someone across the country would be listening to it as well. Now who is the replacement of  Zendaya Coleman who was cast originally enter stage right, 
Alexandra Shipp

who has appeared on MTV’s “Awkward” and Showtime’s “Ray Donovan”. She will be put into the role and has all ready been fitted for costumes, getting Aaliyah’s signature look.
It should be done and considering the fact you have someone and people involved who have a more inside track to what was happening from the start of Aaliyah’s career to the finish the story should be fairly well written and told properly. So it comes out this fall date will be announced probably sometime this summer.
Now some may wonder why not a full length feature film? Well that can still be made with the permission of Aaliyah’s family, her music producers, friends, and family involvement.  Believe me if Marilyn and Diana can have over 5 movies produced about their lives, you can find five different actresses to play Aaliyah trust me. They exist, you just have to do a lot of digging, research, discovering, and find the right people, also a little faith helps, and the story can be told as well.  So my readers get ready Lifetime Networks are going to be working hard on overdrive.  Get ready for a full list of brand new biopics coming to the airwaves this fall. Visit http://www.mylifetime.com  for more information when the film will hit the screen. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

On the Run tour coming to HBO September

I had the honor thank goodness everything always has a way of working out when you have something you want to see and want to be at. I worked 3 days back to back to see this concert, and it was worth it believe me, everything I had to go through leading up to it was worth it. Now they are doing an HBO special coming this fall in September. Now we remember Beyonce did a special but it was more focused from her perspective, her life, her story, and journey during her Ms. Carter World tour and 4 album promotion as well. Also leading up to the birth of Blue Ivy Carter as well. Now the dynamic duo and power couple have decided to kick things up a notch further. They are doing a special for HBO focusing on the journey and their tour as well, preparation, and leading up to their concert which started in Miami, Florida July 1st. Now they have just swept through the tri- state, I saw their concert at Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on July 12, 2014. I am grateful because one we were coming into the stadium,we didn't hear a single boom, bass, or anything until we got inside and sat down. It was almost like nothing happened until my dad and I walked in the stadium. We found our seats, got comfortable about 10 minutes later the show began. I always look forward to the build up, the introduction of the concert, the music, the visuals, and they have a great concept for the "On The Run" tour which is basically Beyonce and Jay-Z using their Bonnie & Clyde personas to run around the town and terrorize people. Yet at the same time you remember this is all an act, because I kept seeing the words, "This is not a real gun", "this is not real life". You then see them come out in their fully matching black leather outfits come out.  
You see the sweetness, the bond between them of course come out, there is a balance, it's like savory and sweet, spicy and salty, theirs is a mixture of tough beats mixed with Beyonce's pop/R&B sugar pop  lyrics. It had a tough side to it but you remember they are a couple. It also made me proud of her 100 percent because she declared herself as a "feminist" 100 percent in the stadium, displaying it, like yes, I am admitting it because, how can you not though, equal justice for both sexes. I think that's the main theme of the concert though, not necessarily men vs. women. It's about bringing them together and finding that balance that a man and woman can be equally strong, tough, independent, in their music lyrics as they can when it comes to their relationship. You see everything reflected in them on stage, I even spotted him kiss his wife on the neck very lovingly. It was sweet, you see the professionalism but also their relationship on display. 

I loved the ending I am going to tell you the home movies moved me, seeing them open up when they are extremely private believe me. They only allow people in when they are 100 percent ready to do so and in a timely fashion I don't want to give all of what I saw first hand. You will see everything this fall and enjoy it because both Jay-Z and Beyonce put on a hell of a show. For more information also for merchandise I will probably get a couple of shirts to treasure cause it's been a while since I have seen them in concert and together it was explosive just as their pyrotechnics!   Visit http://www.beyonce.com/tour and also http://www.lifeandtimes.com/JayZ

Jay-Z holding up Dynasty signs on stage.

Me at the concert at Met Life Stadium

Look who's on stage performing if you look close "Queen B" herself

Trigga Album, Trey Songz strikes second time with number 1 album

Trigga, inspired by his nickname, the album is in stores now debuted number 1 first week of July. 

I have been wanting to write about this talented young man for a long time. He has been on the R&B/Hip Hop scene for a decade now and was striving to become an artist for a long time as a songwriter and singer. He has had a lot of success in the entertainment industry, I am not only a fan of his work, and him as an artist but he has done an excellent job trying to be bring back the R&B Hip Hop /Soul genre back to a safe, stable place. Some may think a naughty place but that's only some of his records, I know he has more in store as an artist . He's matured since his first album in 2005, "Just got to make it", I am talking about the handsome lothario, Tremaine "Trey Songz"  Neverson.  He has had a multitude of hits coming across the Billboard music charts such as "Gotta Go", "Say Ahh", "Already Taken", "I need a Girl", "Can't help but wait", "Successful", and now "Na Na" released this spring of 2014. He has even won some accolades and awards at the same time.
He is crossing over even more as an artist and now has taken it to another level now, he has come back with the party anthem singles, but he also knows how to always slow down the tempo and find a way for all of his older and new fans as well.

One thing I notice in an industry full of young up and coming talent every five seconds, he has nothing but respect and love towards the other artists such as Chris Brown, August Alsina, J Cole, Justin Timberlake, Ne-Yo, Usher,  R. Kelly (of course who was one of the artists Trey emulates and has worked with in the studio) all of the artists who have established themselves for a long period of time. Now Trey I feel is one of the good guys so to speak, you rarely hear anything about him in the media, no negativity, always giving back, he has a charity called the Angel network where he supports gives back generously not only in his own hometown, Petersburg, Virginia. He also gives back to others around the country. For him you don't see him everywhere,spotted everywhere, he's the artist who has been acknowledged but was kind of in the background as well. 

Now with his past success for Chapter 5 in 2012, Passion, Pleasure, and Pain in 2010, Ready in 2009, Trey Day in 2007, and Just Got to Make it his debut album in 2005 he has been able to continue to evolve as an artist, he relates to this generation perfectly, he can identify with everyone, every young man who has had his heart broken, every young lady who has had a tear come down her cheek, every person who's been in love with someone, someone who was even wrong for them. You hear it in all of his song lyrics. He's mastered how to make women not only swoon and want him of course he's handsome! He also makes women realize they should be appreciated, desired, not just for one thing, but embrace being a woman, all of that she does as a whole as well. You should be treated with respect, you should be admired, you should be put on a pedestal if you deserve it as well. 

He has had tremendous success releasing albums back to back and working with other artists featured on their songs remember that song "Girl Tonite" by Twista or "Summer in Miami", "Bottoms Up" with Nicki Minaj,  or even "I Luv It" featuring August Alsina and Chris Brown these were popular songs that we have heard him on the radio in heavy rotation. 

Click above to watch one of his latest singles, "Na Na" above 

Now he does it again with a second number 1 album on the Billboard charts competing against Robin Thicke's "Paula" (2014) and Justin Timberlake's "It's not a bad thing.." (20/20 Experience) album. He has clearly shown I am going to make a place for myself the best way I can. I can see him evolving as an artist maybe going the more E.D.M route some day, crossing over into the other genres as well. It's only a matter of time when it will happen. So don't sleep on Trey lol. 

Make sure you go out and get Trigga which just came out July 1st and is in stores now! 
Also for more information when he is coming to your town, your city, your country near you, visit 

“ Uh oh wait a minute…..Aaliyah movie put on hold”

You all know I am excited a long with the millions of Aaliyah fans to see this film , “More Than A Woman” being produced and aired on Lifetime Networks, but its so unfortunate June 30, 2014 Monday morning the media went a buzz right before the BET 2014 awards Zendaya was on the red carpet speaking to press and then announced she would not be playing Aaliyah in the film. It has a lot to do with the backlash she received, the fact that Aaliyah’s family were not properly contacted first. Film production was just scheduled without the Haughton family being notified and with their input as well. It was completely unbeknownst to them and they were never able to give them their permission, especially on the music, copyright permission, which of course is the most important part of the film. If the music isn’t discussed you don’t have a movie, that’s who Aaliyah was though. She was an artist, actress, dancer, and had a talented voice she even performed at the Oscars as well for the film “Anastasia” remember that.
Aaliyah’s journey from a child performing as a kid in school, going on star search, the fans need to see the truth. They need to know who she was completely as a whole, just trust me there’s so much in Aaliyah’s story to be discussed, how she became a star, her relationships, her music, the aftermath. We all know how incredibly talented she was and they cannot deny that at all. I think taking the time to audition and find more starlets and young ladies who looked like the 5 foot 7 inch soft-spoken, intelligent beauty would help. 
Zendaya Coleman backed out of film June 30, 2014
Zendaya got the shade thrown at her and she reacted too quickly in my opinion instead of remembering one thing, “You were chosen to play her not the masses of people”. I think she needed to remember that  it doesn’t matter what the critics say, but I do believe the proper, mature thing for her to do is this. Sit and talk with Aaliyah’s family first, get their permission,  legal permission for the music, for the production of the film, and getting to know who she was as a human being. Do your homework, do your research, prove to them why you deserve this role.  I think she deserved it based off of her talent and the projects she has been apart of thus far in her career. I know many of the critics are color shaming her, making her feel like she is less than black, not light-skinned enough, or dark-skinned enough. Aaliyah’s complexion and Zendaya’s complexion and skin shouldn’t be the issue. You want to focus on her talent, the fact she has the gift, and she could engross herself in the role. That’s the kind of actress you want. I think the actress who is chosen should do the same whoever is chosen in the end.
I hear the family wants someone more seasoned, more mature, and older, Zoe Saldana I do believe would be another great choice, they favor one another, and she could pass for her as well. I think they need to get back to finding the right actress. It seems like Zendaya is passing this opportunity up too quickly. I hope she would reconsider but for now, we will wait and see. I don’t think this opportunity should be passed up at all.  Dust yourself off try again and pick the best actress to play this superstar.  If Zendaya reconsiders we will see in the future.

Thanks readers....!!!!!!We have reached the 80,000 mark!

Six years....(officially October 22, 2014) ....We have reached 80,000 page views! I want to thank you all for reading this blog, I am really serious about that. I just realized that if I didn't have this blog I really wouldn't have an outlet to write about the things I want to discuss, share, promote, or talk about that mean something to me, that should be shared, that is interesting, fun, or worthy of promoting or talking about. All of you not only from the United States but also those of you who live outside of the country, different cities too, also out of the country across the seas too. One thing I forget to mention to some of you comment in good taste, I appreciate your feedback believe me, the more you give back your opinions, the more I can find topics to discuss, and talk about with you all. 

 Thank you, Muchas Gracias!,  I cannot express how the blog has opened many doors not only for me but others as well.  This blog it's allowed me to not only write for this blog but to write for others as well. I am writing a music blog now as well about a new group upcoming hip hop/rap artists as well, called January.  Their blog will be complete by the end of the year I have started it and it will have information up pertaining to the group very soon. I am so grateful a new friend gave me this opportunity. 

 Sometimes I wake up and just get ideas all the time, I spot something, I see something fun, it can be an object, it can be something people do, something I have experienced, a memory, or even something someone else has experienced with me or shared. Of course the blog isn't just about me it's about yes my journey, but also about most importantly it's about what's happening out there, outside in the entertainment world, in our general world, the fashion industry, the restaurants, all over the world itself. Every day something new happens, someone creates something, a new idea, a new brand, new technology, and it should be promoted and shared. I am lucky and fortunate to be in New York where this something to discuss and talk about believe me even as I write this....there's something happening. So always something right? Exactly. 

 So to know I have people who read it or are passing it a long. Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for reading this blog. Now I have a lot to share it's been a month since I have written to you all cause I have been busy dealing with a lot of things personally and professionally as well. Trying to make some major decisions on which direction to go in a lot of different ways. 
But I thank every single person taking their time out to read, share, click on the link, and are interested you have given me a reason to continue on with the blog, and reminded me it must be taken to the next level now my major goal for "Inside the World of Honey Brown Sugar" is to have it professionally done, to have it copyrighted as well. I want to continue on even after I age and I get older lol..... So thank you again and when we reach the 100,000 mark then we all will know we've really made it. =) Thank you again my readers I hope all of you are enjoying your summers by the way.....okay you're ready to find out what I have in store now....we'll let's pick up where we left off at....

Kendrick Lamar will headline for the 49th Superbowl NFL games halftime show with Surprise Guests

SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...