A young lady in a
black slinky dress walks into a room the room is full of women and men in a dim
lit lounge. The majority of people are nervous biting their nails, lips, sweaty
palms, they anxiously check their cell phones. Ladies observing themselves in
their compact mirrors and waiting anxiously to meet the man of their
dreams. These women are not only
here to meet the man of their dreams though, they want to have them
accomplished and to escape from their realities. They want to leave the real world of struggling in their
late teens, twenties, thirties, and to enter a lavish world of luxury,
opportunity, happiness, they want to feel secure, feel a sense of affection of
a man, they want to feel the passion between the man and themselves. They also
want to feel that the man can provide them with a better life to be in a world
of plush rugs, champagne glasses, and fine dining. These young
well established, wealthy
and some not so wealthy men and women know exactly what each other
wants. They are both in the same environment because they need to both know
they have their exchange of accomplishing their ultimate goal. The ultimate
goal is for the woman to feel she can have this luxurious life, if she’s
college age, she can spend time with the man in exchange for her college
tuition being paid. Is that fair for a young woman to take the easy way out and
not really learn how develop survival skills and business tactics in the
corporate world. The ultimate goal
of the “sugar daddy” is to be with a woman who will give him companionship and
he can feel empowerment. Call it
stealing from the fountain of youth for sugar daddies not only gaining the
pleasure of a young woman but gaining a bit of insight into the youth and
generation of that time. The young woman she gains more wisdom and knowledge,
but she can also gain more of responsibility and a burden too.
I don't mean these kind of sugar babies |
Well he's not exactly the sugar daddy I am talking about but I will take it. |
women are all on the prowl like a sneaky
slick dark cat at night. These
Are young ladies so blinded going
into this extravagant, glamorous lifestyle dating a powerful man don’t realize
at all they are going to miss out on the best times of their lives. At the tender age of 19 or 20 you are escaping
and excluding yourself from some of the best years to mature, grow, learn how
to be content within yourself, and find the person you will be as a grown
adult. These ladies forget that you need that time to grow, experience real
life, the struggles, learning how to use proper judgment, not just in college
universities but in the real world and conducting yourself. There is so much
more you need to experience and to have a chance to even deal with a variety of
men. Ladies don’t be obligated and only exclude yourself to being with one age
category particularly someone older than you. Try to expose yourself to all
different people of all different
ages and backgrounds. These ladies do not realize you need to be with someone
who is more mature, who you can enjoy your time with as well as expose you to
new opportunities as well. You need to learn how to develop, grow and have all
different experiences before you have a chance to be with someone of this
caliber and background. These sugar daddies not only can make these women feel
sophisticated or well-treated being wined and dined by these men. Yet there is
something unsafe, dirty, dangerous as well, the older man/young women complex,
they can make these women feel uncomfortable in their own skin too. I have a
friend, “Mia Franklin” of Queens,
New York, 34 she is looking to
find a man who is more empowered, confident, he has is life established as
well. She wants someone to spoil, lavish her, to give her the love, attention,
and affection in a relationship as well. Yet at the same time she’s older,
she’s more mature and wants to find what she wants. She has attended the “Sugar
Daddy” parties and she gets plenty of insight into the dark world of older men
with younger women. She has seen escorts, call girls, and women of all
backgrounds walk in the rooms and they are getting groped and often felt up by
these eager and willing older men.
Yet at the same time these college- aged ladies have
more to worry about because they are escaping their world to jump into another
person’s world. They have other options if it’s about money and stability. They
aren’t really investing the time to get to know the woman. You have to really
get to know the person on both ends. These young ladies have an option for
really living with some class,
respect, and honor for oneself too.
Mia Franklin she raised many questions when we discussed the topic. She
makes me wonder do they forget their dreams, choices, their real goals and
aspirations. Are you really that desperate and willing to invest your time with
a man giving you money only for companionship? It devalues the words
friendship, relationship, commitment, loyalty, and building a foundation. It
also raises many questions should relationships in a post-technology, fast
paced instant gratified society where we all need it right now. Are we willing
to invest all of this time? All of this money spending the money on these
websites? Are we all becoming desperate and money hungry. Ladies did you forget
about the movement, equal rights, and being able to provide for yourself and
your families too. Don’t forget you have millions of opportunities and options
for a job and career in life.
Remember a job you can leave anytime, a career is what establishes you
as a professional and for the duration of your life. Young women need to
remember you deserve more to have a bond with yourself first, to have real genuine
love, trust for yourself, being honest with yourself, and not building a
relationship for the sake of finances, wealth, and pleasure. There must be a way for women to
realize you can earn money with your brain, legs, arms, and stick to your
morals, and values too. Thou should respect and love thyself the eleventh
commandment. The twelfth commandment
should be Thou shall provide for thyself to stay fly for life.
more important for women to remember there is a slight scam to these
opportunities, you need something real, not something that will have a fee.
What happened to building love and commitment without the cost of an online
membership or paying at a party. There should be no fee in relationships, if
you build something then consider buying gifts later. There are too many
repercussions at these sugar daddy events. Ladies rethink your priorities. Now
as for "Mia" she is still on the look to find her ideal partner, Good luck " Mia"hope
you find what you deserve, love, and happiness you should have as well.
Now for the other ladies striving and
working hard to find your sugar daddies you should keep your options and
opportunities open. There is a lot more for you to learn when it comes to
building something that will sustain and be worth an investment in a
relationship too. Just found a great website too for you ladies looking to find your next mate.