Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"I want to belong to him now..."


Hello my fabulous, fierce, loyal, and ferocious readers. Who knew that my love life would take such a dramatic change when I decided to take a huge risk and follow my heart right this past fall back in October 2015. For those of you who read the blog you know exactly what I am talking about. How I went across the country to fly and tell an ex I had a feelings for him still. Yet at the very same time that Halloween weekend/my birthday week I met someone new. I was thinking about that night and how I took a huge risk to even put myself out there in that situation. To be that vulnerable, bold, and expose myself like that was nerve racking but I felt great at the same time. Liberated, free, and I kind of just physically and mentally put it all behind me. I was scared believe me but I let strength, courage, and faith keep pushing me to not be afraid. I had a great time honestly I am so happy I actually took that trip. You have no idea I really did need that.

One thing I remember on my first date with him at Cornet Restaurant on Bourbon Street with this person I will call him, “The New Guy”, was him saying to me, “Well I feel like I am winning” after telling him the complete honest truth about why I took my trip to New Orleans, why I was so honest, so bold, and so brave. How I am not sure if this person wants to even be with me.  It took me in a different direction completely. I thought he was so sweet, charming, he’s bluntly honest, and genuine. (I asked him a few nights ago on Valentine’s day…. why did you choose me…he like all men of course went for the visual approach “Cause you looked good” lol!!!!!That can’t be the only reason but he’ll learn that later). He is very genuine though and even the way he held me the first night I danced with him I felt like I belonged to him. I know it sounds funny cause you don’t know a person in 10 minutes but there was just something about this guy that made him seem very special. He took a genuine interest in me, he wanted to pursue me, he asked me out, he wanted my number. He did and made the right moves. So after a few months of talking, texting, flirting, and everything we can see each other again.  We had a great night fun time at a karaoke bar, site seeing at Café du Monde. It was great and we enjoyed it all. It was the best decision I made seriously leaving behind fear and taking a big step. Believe me could have put my life in danger too but because I am 29 years old, I have traveled all over, and my experience I handled it the way I knew best. I had fun, enjoyed myself did the same thing I always do, do something you always wanted to do and make it happen now. Take advantage of the moment and I did. That approach worked and we both benefited from the situation right away.

We saw each other in January and now once again I can see him in the place and state we met each other. It sounds kind of funny and bizarre but who knew I had to step out of my comfort zone, fly 2-3 hours just to find someone from my birthplace and current home state of New York? How did that happen? I didn’t plan this I promise you how could I? I only planned to have a great time with that person (the man I was emphasis on was in love with at that time). Now I can say honestly I feel like I just want to belong to him now.  I don’t want to go back into the past anymore I am done. I closed those chapters and I feel that if someone did want me in that way. He would have done just as my family has stated made even more of an effort to make the trip and make time for me.  So now I feel like Hmm…can life be taking Honey Brown Sugar in a new direction wait and see. Will she remain in the “Big Apple”, or will she end up in the “Big Easy” or possibly the “City of Angels” (Los Angeles, California or the state of California one day) .I kind of promised myself that if nothing else works out the way I want. I want to take another risk and just go out to the west coast. Take a chance and make something really happen now. I would love to bring my family out there too. If God willing everything falls into place. So we will see I am praying, working hard, all I can do is have patience and we will see how everything unfolds.  Stay tuned folks there’s a lot more coming soon in the ever changing busy world of “Honey Brown Sugar”….the story continues. Oh you will see pictures soon I!!!!


On our first date we actually were sitting on the balcony at Cornet Restaurant and a little ladybug came over between us. I thought it was too cute they symbolize good luck and happiness to wish you well. I take that as a good sign =)

Included two songs one of my favorites "I belong to you" by Lenny Kravitz and "Teach me" by Musiq Soulchild

Friday, February 19, 2016

King Kylie's Sinfully Beautiful Nail Polish Collection, "King Kylie Collection"

I love nail polish have been a big fan of getting my nails done probably since age 6 I believe manicures and pedicures. Very excited one of my favorite nail polish brands will be joining up with one of my favorite reality television show families and business people, The Kardashian-Jenners, the youngest member of the family Kylie is taking everyone by storm. Between her all of her older sisters, Kendall killing it with her gorgeous long legs on the fashion runway and this year’s Fashion week 2016. Kylie is killing it in almost every form of business fashion, cosmetics, nail polish to be included, television show, and they continue to expand and build. I always wanted to start my own cosmetic business as a kid growing up. I still would love to one day even with nail polish.

                My favorite colors of Sinful colors nail polish are “Gogo girl”, “Apple Mint”, I love their fuschias, corals, Midnight Blue, Cinderella (the number says 1106-my birthday lol love that one), Queen of Beauty, 14 Gold Karat. I started buying them originally at Duane Reade at my old neighborhood cause the price was perfect $1.99! Now I have come to love them all. When I finish a bottle or run out, or when they dry up it's like No!  I love them all I have a thing about my hands lol (cause you all know I am a writer) they are the first thing I check on in the morning lol to make sure they are okay. Not just that but I have watched them literally grow and I am proud that they are able to perform all of the tasks I need to them do. Whether shopping, at work writing, doing spreadsheets, creating PowerPoint presentations for fun to practice , placing orders for Bob's Discount  Furniture cooking and creating dishes. In my opinion every young lady deserves a great pedicure and manicure at the end of the week. So I believe every woman should treat herself, don’t forget your femininity. You should drive on over and get Kylie's collection it debuts February 26, 2016 just in time for those fabulous Oscars parties you will all be celebrating I am sure.

Kylie has expanded her brand far from just the hit channel E Network’s  “Keeping up with the Kardashians” she has created a clothing line with her sister, Kendall that has hit major department stores, including one I work for personally (Lord & Taylor). Of course you can find the Kardashian Kollection online but you can also find it on and many more other websites too.  So are you ladies ready for Spring and Summer 2016 to be the most stylish and fabulous betties to walk down your downtown street. I hope you will be so check out ://,, and

You know I always include music with my blog entries here's a song for my fabulous ladies who love getting their nails and hair done lol!!!! "Tens" by Jennifer Lopez ft. Jack Mizrahi

Also stay tuned and make sure you keep on keeping up with the Kardashians on E! and to check out their latest collections and I hope you ladies will visit and tell all of your friends too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

“A new perspective on being a single girl in the city”-How to be single movie coming out Friday!



It all depends on your view of being single when you live in a major city. I remember being single and I know the feeling all too well when you are single I try to imagine and remember how my life was before dating, how it was when I first started dating at sixteen. My mother agreed this would be the age I would start dating. My father was okay with it always too he just had concerns of course like any other father. He always kind of prepared us as well on the kind of people we would meet too. For him it was just about wondering would he and my uncles need to use their shotguns (I am serious gentlemen don’t play with me). So with that being said when it comes to dating of course we know it can get complicated, it can get tiring, you feel like I just want to meet that special person who fits into my life right now.

That is the message with this movie as I take it and who better than the beautiful funny woman, television star, actress, and comedienne, Rebel Wilson and Dakota Johnson who gets to play someone entirely different from her steamy role as the former literature student in “Fifty Shades of Grey” series (she will star in “Fifty Shades Darker” in 2017). The film also stars the hilarious Leslie Mann who has been in films like "Knocked Up" "Big Daddy", and so many more. I love that they are making it a positive thing. I was just looking at some cute, funny articles about things you give a single woman. I think it’s a great idea and gift idea for single women all around. You want to keep them motivated. I think in your late teens and early 20s it’s a great time to date. You are still figuring out who you want to be, your skin is at its peak, your hair is at it’s peak, you are at your best, and you are becoming the woman you want to be as well.

So with this film it celebrates the independence, the freedom you get, you can embrace it, you travel, you meet people and characters all over the world. You get a chance to experiment, you try different clothing choices, hairstyles, you can live how you want to live as well. There’s something powerful for women who are single. You get to call the shots and don’t always have to compromise as well. So if you choose to be single ladies it’s nothing wrong with that at all. Embrace it and do what you need to do.  I am glad actually that I had a chance to really learn who I was before dating, or getting breaks in between time to not think about a relationship as well. You get to have fun and discover everything you really want.

                I hope you all will too and will find that being single is something every woman should treasure! So go see How to be single this Friday, February 12. Visit for more information.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"The King of New York"

He cried when I was born…he stood up for me when I was born, fought security, and always stood up for me if anyone ever questioned, insulted, or had anything to say about me.

He pushed me when I wanted to give up so many times on my first day of school in second grade I cried I didn’t like my new school. He wiped my tears, kissed me, and still continued to push me.

He video taped me cause he made me feel like most special person on Earth. He videotaped all of my childhood events, birthdays, ballet recitals, he saw my college graduation from Hunter I am so proud he had that chance to be there for that.

They say you treat your Earthly father just as you would in heavenly father (God) or whoever you believe in as  well. I try to do both and honor them as much as I can.

He taught me how to ride a bike and forced me to push through never give up.

He cried when I won an award for Washington Opera House in Washington, D.C.

He talks with his big chocolate brown hands, he has a big wide smile. I actually inherited his teeth he always teases me about that. He’s proud I received quite a few of his genes.

He gave me “The Golden Rule” as a kid I wish I still had this but it’s one thing that taught me about treating people with respect, goodness, and being kind to them.

The man who made me feel so special, talented, and gifted is from Brooklyn, NY. He may not be a millionaire but he does have a millionaire’s heart. He would give you anything and everything you ever need. One thing about him always made me love him more was

He’s such a big part of my identity, a part of my soul and my heart. He and I share the same name (my middle name is his name)

I call him the King of New York he can recite to you streets, subways, nightclubs, concerts all in New York. He tells everyone the stories about how and where his children were born right here in New York City and he’s proud to tell you where he came from as well.

To “The King of New York” and the “King of my heart” I can never be or stay mad, disappointed at my father. There is a piece of me that forgives cause he’s such a huge part of me. So I dedicate this to him.

I love you dad so much you know I had to write something about

As Valentine's day approaches I wonder has Chivalry disappeared in 2016?

Has chivalry died in the new millennium? Has decent respect, courtesy, and generosity been replaced by selfishness, forgetfulness, disrespect, and impoliteness. What happened to when men used to open doors for women? Open a car door, an actual door, pull out a chair. I have experienced and seen both sides of it and I can find that a lot of men still need to train their sons. Those women who are raising men on their own should train their sons as well. What happened to a time when there was an admiration and appreciation for women. Now although I didn’t grow up in let’s say the 1950s and 1960s men had a certain quality of respect towards women. It was a different time of course there was more conservatism. Today in 2016, we are way passed being conservative, I get it the current generation we are more open, more liberal, and there is a lot of political correctness that takes place in our society. Even against women I guess some men may feel well she’s got a job, she’s independent, she can open her own damn doors. At the same time my unwise friend you have to remember although she can handle her business in the workplace, take of herself, and provide for her family as well (if married, in a relationship, or with children). She still needs to be appreciated and valued. I have seen some sad faces from women who look disappointed when men don’t take the time just to do a simple act of kindness.

I am going to give you three real life scenarios I witnessed earlier this year it happened literally before my dark brown almond shaped eyes. I will explain what happened and You tell me where was the appreciation or just common courtesy?

Scenario#1-“The Laundromat”

I am at the laundromat and I am washing about 3 large loads of clothes (As many of my readers know I am a busy lady so clothes pile up quickly in my apartment). So I am washing clothes and reading my book as well. I pass the time even when I am washing clothes still multitasking getting ideas for the blog ready, getting clothes ready for the week, you name it, talking on the phone, etc. So a woman ahead of me was getting ready to leave out. She just finished doing about 3-4 loads, mind you also had 3 kids with her a baby, 2 preteens a boy and girl. So they are heading home and then as this man gets ready to leave. He grabs his bags opens the door and leaves the woman standing right there when she is about to leave. I am like really dude come on. You cannot even just open and hold the door until she walks out with her belongings and children? What happened to just a simple act of kindness? I know the men who I have been around wouldn’t do that. If they want to get popped upside the head sure be my guest. Don’t slam a door in front of me or any person for that matter who has things in their hands. It’s just plain rudeness. I know people’s parents raised their children with better sense and politeness than that. How do you feel if someone does the same to you? Upset is usually the normal reaction.

So whoever that man is I hope you will learn the value of decency, courtesy, kindness, and respect towards women. It doesn’t take much but showing her you care says a lot. Actions speak volumes to women never forget it. You can say anything but your actions everything you do for her, to her, with her, and around her family and friends says so much to how you treat her every single day. Also remember someone’s always watching you never know.

Scenario#2-“Stepping in front of a woman”

Okay so I am on the crowded six train in Manhattan on my way to work to Lord & Taylor to start my busy day ahead. Then a gentlemen decides to step in front of me as I am rushing to head upstairs. Now mind you I am a New Yorker I get when people are rushing and you want to push through. However, in this case and situation this was really not cool and I wasn’t too crazy about this actually. It was like something told me no you have to do something about this immediately. You can’t allow this to keep happening not just to you but to other women as well.

So I went ahead I walked right but something told me there’s a pattern here with all of these men consistently showing lack of respect to women and pushing ahead. Is it men feel more entitled to first? Do they feel we should only be treated as second class citizens? What is the problem seriously with lack of respect and common decency? What happened to the men who knew how to value, appreciate, and adore women? I miss those men actually I had a grandfather god rest his soul who spoiled me, and was just the best thing in my life. Without him I wouldn’t have learned about good men like him. He appreciated women and he would open a door or wouldn’t step in front of them or cross them period. It just says a lot and its kind of unfortunate cause there are many good role models out there. They just need to step up and show the younger people what to do.


Scenario#3- “Pouring a glass for a woman”

I heard D.J. Self “The Prince of New York” on Power 105.1 talking about how he was supposed to pour a glass for his lady and he neglected to it. It just reminded me how the simple gestures I mentioned before have become ignored now. If he’s a fully grown man you should understand by now this is an act that is simple to do. You have coordination and stability right? If you have it pour your woman a glass of whatever she enjoys drinking. It shows you adore her you don’t want her to lift a single thing when you’re around her at all. I think this situation is simple it’s something you have to instill in little boys early. Do not hit a little girl or woman period, don’t touch her hair, don’t call her out of her name, I believe these gestures are something a man should do from the beginning. This is how you maintain that connection and bond.

                Women have so much on their minds on their plate and just to give them a word of appreciation, makes them feel like their hard work and efforts to you and themselves were not ignored. I have learned the difference of having a man in my life who can be thoughtful, appreciative, vs . a man who is selfish, inconsiderate, and forgetful.  Don’t do that to yourselves gentlemen. Be her “Knight in shining armor” not the “jester” cause you’ll be taken for a joke and she will ignore you right away.

To my beautiful and handsome readers this goes both ways appreciate and love one another while you can. I hope you will continue to treat other in the highest regard and respect. All the best and see you very soon my friends. Hugs and Kisses to All! Your friend, “ Honey Brown Sugar”






Smart move gentlemen offer her your coat


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