Monday, August 22, 2016

First female MLB player comes to Fox

Hello my dear readers, There’s always something going on of course for me to write about to you guys. This show I couldn’t miss because of the topic and the fact this is a big role and character that could change the game for a lot of women in the entertainment industry and sports industry.  I believe we are in a time where women can pretty much go into any industry whether they want to be in the medical field, legal, inventors, scientists, astronauts, fashion designers, owners of multiple businesses, music moguls,  teachers, professors, and most of all athletes. I was a little bit of a tom boy as a kid even though I was involved in activities growing up from gymnastics, ballet, theatre, choir, basketball, and more. I am a big person on believing kids especially girls can pretty much do anything at all. I love that this television show will be able to open up some doors in a way to showcase to girls you can pretty much do anything that you choose to do and even break some barriers as well.

“Pitch” is a television show that will debut on September 22, 2016 will focus on the life of an aspiring female baseball  player who will open some major doors for females all across the board.  The show will be featured around “Ginny Baker” played by Kylie Bunbury she has starred on (Days of our lives”, ”Prom”, “The Sitter”, “Twisted”, and “Under the dome”). She will star in her first lead role as a woman with a dream to dominate and become the first female major league baseball player.  I hope this role will open young girls, teens, and women’s eyes to seeing that you can be a part of any industry that choose to completely. The film will also star Mark Paul Gosselear, Mo McRae, Meagan Holder, Tim Jo, Ali Larter, and Mark Consuelos.

The show I really love because she reminds me of another famous woman her name is Mamie “Peanut” Johnson originally from Indianapolis, Indiana and became one of the first female pitchers of baseball she dominated and killed it and was standing nearly 5 foot 3 inches tall.  She had a way of capturing the crowd and could really perform incredibly. I see a lot of this woman in this character. You take on a challenge even when the baseball industry and the public may consider you to be different. It can do remarkable things and change your life and career too. It opened major doors for Johnson and she is still well known in the community of Washington, D.C. as well.  It goes to show you that in real life dreams can come true it’s not only happens in the fictional world too.  For more information on “Pitch” visit


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"How Dare You Judge Me"

Ladies and Gentlemen my dear readers I have been going through it this year seriously. I am 3 months away from turning 30 guys and I can tell you do I feel my age….YES!!! I have been through a lot this year some great experiences that have taught me beautiful lessons. I have come into my own and I am learning to “fight fire with fire” now as some people say. My current boyfriend and I were having some problems and I always tried to keep in open mind too about dating other people too. I met a few people this year some I can kind of decipher and know that these men were clearly not going to be Mr. Right Now. Some had potential at one point I became so close actually to meeting someone who was damn near perfect. I met a guy at my old job I used to work part-time and evenings for the well- known furniture discount store Bob’s Discount Furniture. You all have seen the commercials with the little man running around in the bright yellow t-shirt he has brown hair and talks to the real-life Bob. Well earlier this year back in February I met a guy who came into the store. He was one of my customers actually and he came in to order new furniture for his new apartment he just moved into New York. He lives in Harlem and so we had to assist him right away. The funny thing is when I first saw him he was one of the most handsome men I actually seen in person. I couldn’t believe my eyes actually and I couldn’t concentrate when I met him. He was so handsome it through me off from focusing at that time. My co-worker, Zacha had to literally stop me and so
did the other ladies were drooling when they saw him too.

“Chloe, focus here let me help you” I remember she told me. We completed his order and of course everything worked out. I always wanted to go out with him. At the time I was dating “Theo” and I couldn’t because I know how these days guys have consider women not to be loyal or faithful. So I chose not to concentrate just to ignore him. Now about 3 months later…..I ran into him. I am looking for a new place to move to and I have just been looking at some potential ideas. Just looking all around and on this beautiful windy, rainy day I took a bus over to the west side in Harlem to go look at apartments. I ran into the handsome guy again out walking his dog. I said “Hey do you know where this apartment is I am looking to go to an open house”. So he told me where to go and his dog jumped on me. She was so sweet and friendly. So as I walked away I couldn’t stop thinking about him. We exchanged e-mail addresses or rather I took it. I went on to go look for places and I thought about him for a while. I knew in my heart and mind I had to move forward. I had to see where things would go with me and this other person. I didn’t want to lose him to someone else not that way. It’s like let things run its course. Now one advantage I had was because my boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship it worked for us because he has family here and he was going to move here too. So I wanted things to kind of just fizzle out first not just jump into anything. A part of me couldn’t help it though…I reached out to “The Handsome Customer” and he responded saying “Hey Beautiful…I hope I am not being to forward I wanted to take you out…”. I tell you I was dancing and skipping like I was on soul train or a music video lol!!! Yes I was happy but then I thought about my boyfriend I had to talk to my girlfriends about it too. I was worried and I just didn’t want to involve myself yet.  So I rejected him unfortunately…I cancelled twice I think out of fear because I didn’t want to cheat either. I didn’t do it. He was hurt but I didn’t realize it until a couple days ago

So a few months later passed since May and we are in August now I reached out to him and I know this looks bad…he was so mad at me when I reached out to him. Now there’s one funny part to this story I was watching the Tony awards one night and didn’t realize that the Handsome Customer has a brother who’s a broadway actor. He received an award and I didn’t realize it was him. Now I reached out and I thought it was just funny. I didn’t want anything from him at all. I have been to concerts, broadway shows, ballets, operas, and more. I don’t want anything but to get to know you.

 He called me the ultimate diss….”A Gold digger, Pathetic, Two-Faced, Evil, Conniving, Manipulative,  I don’t want to know you, date, you or anything.”   I was broked- hearted and felt like someone punched me in the stomach. I know words can hurt…as a wordsmith and writer I know how to cut with words trust me. I told him how I work 2 jobs even more and I have a bachelor’s degree. How dare you insult me and I told him how dare you judge me. I told him I can’t believe someone like you would be so hurtful and demeaning. I told him you never have to speak to me again. I realized you know what he was hurt. I have been called names plenty of times but nothing that demeaning. So for me it’s clear I think just for a little while I need some time for me to reflect just for a minute. Clear my head and focus on my other goals and projects. I am not saying love won’t happen but I just know I need more time. 
 I just couldn't believe the fact he said it to me but I have realized between him and my now new ex-beau. I have to really figure out and find the man who would be there even with small things. I will give you an example if I had no food at all would you come and assist me if I needed something. Or would you be there I am not saying doling out money (I don't need it) I mean support, compassion, sympathy. I know who would be there in hard times and who wouldn't. I just know that at times people may need you to know that you need them too. But I think even when we do that and there's no response at all. You have to move forward and find new people. So here's to the finding some genuine real men who will step up. I dedicate this song,"Don't Judge Me" by C.Breezy (Chris Brown) to this Cause darling you don't know me and don't judge me ever. 

I don't want to post pictures of the man yet who was so rude because you never know things may change. we'll keep him anonymous.
Update we never spoke again but happy to know his famous brother is doing so very well. =) As for Theo he lives in New York now and moved here this fall 2016 in September. So stay tuned my readers. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

King of R&B back to reclaim the movie screens and radio, Usher's Flawed coming 2016

I was walking down the street in the city, with my ipod and I often hear this person’s music anyway all over on the radio and I have been a fan since I was probably in junior high school he was singing his new song “No Limit” feat Young Thug. I cannot believe I haven’t wrote about him in such a long time probably not since “Raymond vs. Raymond” in 2010. He has been up to a lot two children, several albums, hosting the show, “The Voice” with Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, and Adam Levine.
In the last 6 years Usher has been up to a great deal with judging on the Voice, recording albums, (2012’s) “Looking for myself” he had 5 top singles, “Climax”, “Scream”, “Lemme See”, “Numb”, and “Dive”. With now 9 albums under his belt  (Usher, My Way, 8701, Confessions, Here I Stand, Raymond vs Raymond, Versus, Looking for Myself, and now Flawed), he can pretty much do whatever he wants making some incredible moves as an artist, songwriter, and singer. Also actor Usher can act believe me does anyone remember the movie, “She’s All That”, “The Faculty”, “Light it Up” (1999) this came out during the beginning and height of Usher’s career when “My Way” was booming through our radios and cassette players in 1990s. Now in the new millennium he has had a nice list of movies under his belt, “In the Mix” (2005), “Killers”, “Scary Movie 3” (2013), and now his new film “Hands of Stone” comes out August 26th,, 2016.  Also “Popstar: Never stop stopping” (2017). In “Hands of Stone” he will play Sugar Ray Leonard in the film. A role I have been actually looking forward to him playing in a autobiography for a long time. Now with his new albums and his career taking flight again he is on his way to rising as the Prince of R&B.  He is incredibly talented and of course can pretty much do anything of course as far as a recording artist. If he wanted to record a ballad he can sing it, a gospel song, an electronic dance hit, sing on a hip hop & r&b song. He can pretty much do it all. I have Usher lend his vocals to numerous hit singles, I remember listening to him on this website I used to visit frequently called “My Playlist”.com and me as an avid music lover would sit in my apartment creating, coming up with so many songs and hits I loved from pop, rock, R&B, and all genres. I remember hearing him sing on “Ice Box” by Omarion, listening to him sing with Lil’Jon, Trey Songz,  or even now current solo artist Zayn Malik formerly of One Direction. He can sing with anyone and has a way of connecting to some powerful love & heartbreak songs. He has had a major influence on the current R&B and Pop singers the new guys who have made their mark in the music industry. I have listened to all of theses artists I am familiar with all of their stories and yes Usher has had a major impact on Miguel, Ne-Yo, August Alsina, Jason Derulo, Drake, all of these artists he has managed to influence them
Usher is no stranger to both of course the ladies love him with his 8-pack abs, his dimples, his smile, his dance moves, his voice, his charming personality, and the fact that he is incredibly talented since he was singing probably at the age of a toddler.  Usher is a lothario it goes without saying to people.  In 1998 he was named “The Sexiest R&B Star”, in 2004 and 2008 was considered by People Magazine as “Sexiest Man Alive”. In 2010 he was given the title 50 Sexiest Men Alive, in 2013, he was considered as one of the most stylish R&B singers of the 90s. I would say also in the 2000s. I remember it took a long time for Usher to really find what kind of look he wanted to project to the audience. He wanted people to see him as stylish, cool, edgy, but still age appropriate, well tailored. I think for him he looks amazing in his suits, he just needs a great suit, that fits him, maybe a pop of color, jeans, athleisure wear too. You can put him in about anything and he will look great in it. So for him to come into his own as a style icon for young men. That  says a lot about how he will known also as influencing his style.
He has a way about him where you know he was destined to be a true star, he will be a legend, and he will continue to charm ladies of many generations. He is also a

smart businessman with collections of fragrances and many business ventures. You can believe you will see a lot more from this father of two. He is father to two boys Nayvid and Usher the Fifth aka “Cinco”. Looking forward to Usher’s film this summer and new album. He can only continue to go up from him. He has sold 23.8 million albums in America, sold 38.2 million downloads in song sales, world wide he has sold 43 million albums making him one of the best recording artists of the 2000s.
In 2008 he discovered artist Justin Bieber when he started record label Raymond Braun Media Group. He took Justin under his wing groomed him the same way LA Reid and Sean “Puff Daddy/P.Diddy” Combs did as well. They taught them ropes along with his former manager and his mom Jonetta Patton. He was able to really find his way as well. He is now under new management and now can manage is now currently managed by his wife, Grace Miguel (he remarried in 2015). He is definitely in an amazing place and cannot wait to see his career continue to thrive.  For more information on Usher’s projects visit You know your girl saw him in 2004 actually I have to go see another Usher show it's been way too long. Lol...but look out for "Flawed" coming this year in 2016.

"When the Bough Breaks" coming in September 2016

Ever want something that someone has so bad but at the same time you have something they want from you too. Well in this movie this is exactly what this film is about. You know we live in a world where we have to fight for things all of the time. Challenges happen even when it comes to fertility and for people trying to have children. That's one of the main themes in the story. How you fight for a baby and you really have to fight now to see what will happen when someone tests you. They want to see how far you can go will you give up. This is what the main character has to go through in "The Bough Breaks". It looks intense and definitely shows the family dynamic being tested between Regina and Morris's characters. 

 I am looking forward to this film because I am a Morris Chestnut  (Rosewood) and Regina Hall fan (About Last Night, Blackish, Scream series, Best Man & Best Man Holiday)fan of course I have seen their (Best Man Wedding films ) and so many more television shows I have seen the both of them but now it’s their time to play a couple. A couple who is struggling with fertility issues so they look for a surrogate who will help them have a child.  They hire Anna played by upcoming and new star, Jaz Sinclair. The couple notice her to be perfect for them but at the same time they notice that she is being tormented by her ex-boyfriend and she also is becoming interested in Morris Chestnut’s character. This film is guaranteed to give you some ideas of what happen when hiring a surrogate can go wrong and you will be in for quite some crazy twists, turns, and surprises. I hope you will go see this film it debuts on Friday, September 16, 2016. 

Willow Smith revamps fashion conglomerate label Chanel

The princess of the Smith family, their baby girl Willow Camille Reign Smith born on October 31, 2000 has now become the new face of fashion for Chanel. Willow who has a budding singing career some of you may remember “Whip my hair” which came out in 2001 and she released her second album “Ardipthecus”. She has had major success in her career she signed with Roc Nation with Jay-Z as a mentor. What better person for her to be associated with in this business who has managed and been influenced by people like Rihanna, Kendrick Lamar, and J Cole. She has the ability to become so much more. I see a lot of model features obviously because with her parents, (Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith) features and genetics you know she will go far and succeed majorly. I see her as part of the millennials generation who will influence many teenagers and twenty-somethings too. She has the ability to give us style, grace, she has poise, she’s unique, and definitely has the look to become a model.

            I have loved Chanel designs probably since I was a kid actually seeing the double linked “C” knowing what it stands for the designs created by Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel it is a high fashion house and it was found in 1909 with a net worth now of $1.3 billion it has expanded over a century and 7 years. Many celebrities and every day fashionistas have been influenced (even I myself) by Chanel’s designs her little black dress, her tweed sophisticated designed suits, her hats, quilted lambskin handbags, of course her perfume “No.5” which has been noted all over the world. Many celebrities like Keira Knightley, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman. Chanel’s clothing has had a major impact on every woman, with major style, attitude from all over who have loved her clothing. The fact that Willow has a chance to be the new face takes the clothing label into a new generation. This will be a big change for millennials giving them a new look and feel. The clothing line continues to change their image and keep up with the times. Models like Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevigne, and Gigi Hadid have graced runway stages with the famous double C clothing label across the stage. Chanel was a woman who had a way of capturing a woman who is sophisticated, classy, graceful, stylish, and can captivate a person’s attention. She has that way of getting people’s attention with her style.  So keep a look out for her you may see ads all ready. Visit for more information. Follow her on snapchat, instagram, twitter, and more. Also visit for more information the latest trends this fall eyewear and accessories 


Kendrick Lamar will headline for the 49th Superbowl NFL games halftime show with Surprise Guests

SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...