Wednesday, June 21, 2017

20 years of living in NYC- June 1997-June 2017

New York NY by Frank Sinatra and Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys

LOL celebrating New York City/New Jersey Superbowl hosting as a volunteer Feb. 2014

I love to celebrate holidays, events, personal milestones whether big or small, and anniversaries. Now this particular milestone means a lot because June is a big month for me since I first moved here June has had a significant month for me cause I have a lot of anniversaries to celebrate. On June 28, 1997 I officially moved to Jersey City, New Jersey when I was 10 going on 11 years old. I cannot believe I still remember it. Pieces of my childhood come back to me sometimes whether it’s a song, television show, someone I admired growing up, a food, or anything that may come from growing up I will remember. So now I can truthfully say when you here the quote “If you can make it here you can make it anywhere”. It’s true when it comes to survival, getting around this crazy island, and beyond. Also just daily connections, contacts, and interacting too.
I arrived here in the summer time actually I was just finishing up my final year at my elementary school so now you see how young I really was when I first got up here. I was only 10 years old I wasn’t turning 11 until that fall of 1997. So for me during that time I was a bit shy, reserved, and excited too. Imagine me a little 5 foot 3 inch 120 pound skinny girl. I wasn’t sure how I was going to fit in to this place. Looking back on it I would have told my 10 year old self “Girl, you don’t know what you are in for but you’re in for a lot my friend”.
I was actually I made a lot of friends once I got to my school Saint Peter’s Catholic School but what I didn’t realize was how much my life was going to change in some beautiful ways. I really did grow up here. I moved to the Newport Presidential complex area in downtown Jersey City with my mother, Gina. The neighborhood was renovating, it was a lot of grass I remember when we first got there I think it was a Stern’s, empty parking lots, and like I said just grass. As time progressed my neighborhood grew and changed a long with me too. I would take the very well known Path Train traveling between New York City and Jersey City too. I remember when I got here so many doors opened for me having access to the city. I didn’t realize that New York (my birthplace too) was going to change my life in some very special ways.  Now in 2017 I have been there just this past weekend just to go get some Cheesecake and my neighborhood still looks great and beautiful but it has changed so much in the 20 years before I first got there. It’s now restaurants, malls, Staples, Best Buy, Popeyes, Modells, bars, banks, and corporate offices that have taken over now. I love it though sometimes I just like to walk along the Hudson River, go to the mall, now I like to visit the Cheesecake Factory, or Chili’s too. So for me it’s a pleasant memory I love being able to see my old home because so much of my life was spent here in between these two states of New York and New Jersey.
Now I mentioned in June is a special month for me I will give you some key dates of my life that have been the most important that I celebrated in New York City my birthplace and New Jersey one of my hometowns.
Chloe’s key dates Timeline of my memories in June 
June 28, 1997-I moved to Jersey City, NJ I took the Amtrak train to New York Penn Station and left Washington, DC. All of my boxes and everything were moved up my dad sent me on my way to live with my mother and my life began right then and there.
June 2000-Graduated from Saint Peter’s Grammar School later attended summer school at Academy of Sacred Heart where she passes and met one of my best friends for life.

June 9, 2004- Chloe graduates from Cathedral High School at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, NY.
June 2006- Get permit for license lol I remember being so proud lol getting mine started in high school don't get it twisted but when you live in NYC and NJ the path train and subways become some of your best friends for travel trust me. What's more affordable the subway or paying a monthly bill for parking in nyc. Lol. 

June 30, 2004-Start my first real job as an office assistant at LA Mega 97.9 Spanish Broadcasting Systems radio station right after graduation. 

June 12, 2008- Chloe gets hired to work at Kelly Services Staffing agency and starts her first administrative position as a temp employee and works in the Financial District by Wall Street. I am still employed this staffing agency has been amazing taught me everything I know and has changed my life completely.

June 3, 2010- Chloe graduates from Hunter College on a steamy hot day 95 degrees I remember the sun shining beaming and my parents saw me graduate at the amazing Radio City Music Hall in New York City by Rockerfeller Plaza right down the street from where I first graduated this moment for me is one I will cherish forever.

June 22, 2015- Hired at Hudson’s Bay Company worked here exactly two years. I am hoping that in the future there will be many more highlights for me to celebrate

June 28, 2017-Celebrate my 20th Anniversary of living in New York City I can’t believe it wow I made it through this crazy place. A lot of traveling but I have learned about all 5 boroughs, I have traveled, worked, and I know I am looking forward to so much more anniversaries and events to celebrate.
Chloe at Belvedere Castle in Central Park Summer 2016

Staten Island Ferry on my way to check out some places lol 

My old job Lord & Taylor department store taking Christmas photos December 2015

The Highline Park it's beautiful up there Summer 2016

Hudson on the Terrace nightclub a lot of great memories cannot wait to go back!

One of my first photos at my old job Brookfield Place Fall 2016

Rep yo city yeah I lived there too for 14 years I moved in June of 1997 and left fall 2011 to NYC 

Dylan's Candy Bar

My high school Cathedral High School graduated in 2004


I can be your tour guide if you needed me to be and there are so many restaurants, malls, shops, boutiques, museums, all over New York. If you told me the cuisine you love, the places you like to shop, or what you want to see too.

I am going to give you my top 10 places I frequently hangout at and love in the city. I love being there cause it’s always something to do in this crazy city.

1.     34th Street Midtown in New York I love it is the center of everything you need. I love Macy’s, Sephora, love Jack’s is the best place to get something under a dollar. If you are really hungry I guarantee you will find something less than a dollar there if you need something to eat right away. I would suggest top ramen, bagels, cookies, and they have frozen food. Everything you need if you are on a really tight budget that’s where you go.

2.     Fifth Avenue- a place where I have become very familiar with is like a second home for me you want to see beauty and escape the world or the mundane. Go to Fifth Avenue you will see the beautiful shops and stores. I have had the privilege of working at Macy’s and for Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue so its incredible. I think Fifth Avenue means more to me one thing I love doing is taking a taxi and going down early in the morning. I love seeing the hospital where I was born, the places I have visited, the gorgeous upper east side apartments, and museums too. I think for me it reminds me remember your purpose, remember why you are here too.  I love seeing the scenery always gives me ideas, inspiration, and also a lot of innovation too to keep imagining too. Walking is better too cause you really get to see the city too I have walked from 112th Street to 38th street once and it was incredible. It made me proud and happy just to accomplish to see so much too.

3.     I discovered this place a long time ago when I was in  college actually and wish I had discovered it a little earlier in high school. I probably would have been wearing Dylan’s Candy Bar memorabilia like crazy. Not that I cannot now lol. I turn into a kid when I go to this store every time I visit the inner little girl in me is like “Yay!!!!  Candy!” as someone who actually didn’t eat much candy growing up. I actually developed my sweet tooth at a later age so I try moderation too. But I love Swedish fish, gummy bears, Tootsie Rolls, Blow Pops, Starbursts, Apple Rings, I love sweet, sticky candy lol, and of course chocolate. So whenever I go you never want to leave.

4.     Anyone who knows me knows I enjoy one of my favorite meals is anything with chicken actually. I have given myself the title “Reina de Pollo” (Queen of Chicken) cause I can do anything with it as far as preparation and actually buying it too.  My favorite spots here in New York would include Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken in Soho section of New York/East Village by 1st avenue, Kennedy Fried you can find all over in Brooklyn, a place in New Jersey too Pollo Supremo, and  a Puerto Rican restaurant El Nuevo Caridad on 116th street uptown in East Harlem where I currently reside too. So for me it’s not just about eating or just the food but it’s about the fact there’s so much to choose from as far as experience and cuisine here in the city whether you want to splurge or save up too.
5.     Now let’s go back to shopping I am a sucker for costume jewelry I have always loved quirky little rings, earrings, necklaces since I was a child loved showing my fashion tastes and over the years I have noticed how people have managed to evolve with experimenting with jewelry too whether it’s a simple piece or something more flashy and exotic too. So I stumbled upon a store I have loved forever called Pinktown one of my top favorite shops here in New York City on 34th street is somewhere I love to visit if I really want to have some fun.
6.     Central Park is one of my ultimate favorite spots it expands from 57th street and goes all the way up to 110th street it’s massive and so much to see my favorite spots the pool, the Great Lawn, Belvedere Castle is stunning one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen and it’s free! You can just walk right in and you will immediately see the beauty of the city you feel like you just stepped into a foreign country. I was also born right across the street by Central Park. I was born by Mount Sinai Hospital by 105th and 5th Avenue. I also saw Oprah's car roll by once when she had a huge show in Central Park a few years back too. I have seen free movies here in the city too. So a lot of beautiful memories. 

7.     The Botanical Gardens I went last summer and fell in love with the beauty of it. It’s located in the Bronx, New York. It’s gorgeous seeing the observatory the gardens, the rose garden, and it’s just a great place if you want to see real beauty and even just have a fun romantic date or perhaps throw a wedding it’s a great location to take photographs. I would probably go back in a heartbeat I am already a member myself.
8.     One of my other favorite spots is Saint Patrick’s Cathedral because I have history with the historical landmark I love how beautiful it is and will always remain apart of my story and journey from high school and into adulthood as well. I stop by whenever I can just to check in from time to time too.  Saint Patrick’s is located on 50th and Fifth Avenue right across from Rockerfeller Center, Saks Fifth Avenue Store (two other places I love whether you want to go do shopping, see the Christmas tree in the Winter time, go see a Broadway show, and stop for ice skating at the rink you have a lot to choose from)

9.     Soho why Soho I have visited this spot so many times and why it has one of my favorite cupcake spots which I adore and love. Georgetown Cupcakes located on Mercer Street, Mystique Boutique, all of the well known fun shops, The Tenement Museum as well. All of these places have been intertwined with me somehow. I just discovered Lafayette a nice café to grab brunch has amazing food too. So when you’re in Soho visit the art galleries, shops, and stores. You can easily slip right into Little Italy as well and take a detour into Canal Street too. So these places have some great dining and you don’t want to miss out.  There’s a wide variety to choose from all over the city.

10. Now my all time favorite spot I am here way too much actually because I have to pass through this place a lot. I would have to name is Times Square this is the heart of the city and where you will see so much happening around this city. I have been to probably 20 Broadway shows, have done a lot of shopping here too as well. Love Forever 21 which is now located right in the heart of Broadway and 43rd street now. You have so much to see from the theater district, the garment district for all of my fashionistas and those who love clothes. Definitely some great food for my seafood lovers go visit Bubba Gump shrimp, for the classic All Americans go see Shake Shack great burgers and fries, for my exotic people go to City Kitchen where they have a very cool variety of some of the great places to eat like Gabriela’s Mexican restaurant, Luke’s Lobster (I am there way too much I love their lobster rolls), and for those with kids and may be young at heart with a sweet tooth. Go visit Sugar Factory too there’s something for everyone in Times Square from our practical jokers and clowns go to a comedy club, the theater lovers go see a show, or people who want to take it easy you can have many theaters to choose from that you may want to visit as well. We have it all here in New York City so whatever you want go and get it. You dream it we probably already have it. I hope to see you one day when you visit. Have fun and enjoy. To my city Happy Anniversary to us we did it and we made it.
Visit for more information. 
One of my favorite photos South Street Seaport lower Manhattan July 2015

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