Monday, August 26, 2024

30th anniversary of VAWA Act


I told a friend of mine about this when I discovered it about 5 years ago. I was working as an administrative assistant for a property management company/non-profit organization. I have worked for a couple of real estate law firms too. I am glad I discovered the VAWA Act reviewing some leasing contracts at work. I am glad I came across it. I didn’t realize one day one of my friends would need it. It's one piece of advice I want every woman especially to have in her back pocket at all times no matter where you are and where you come from.  It’s something sometimes we often do not take seriously-your safety at all times home, work, and in out in the world. Your safety is the most important thing in life. Especially for women in the case of situations that are truly out of our control. Your health overall comes first, we know family comes first, but your safety should always be the main priority too. I want to thank our 46th president, Joseph Robinette Biden who just stepped down a few weeks ago from the 2024 campaign the third president to do so in a very long period of time this has not happened since the late 1960s. I realized how much he has accomplished during his time as senator, vice-president, and president during his 50 plus year career. You realize your appreciation for someone even more when you realize you’re going to lose them after a while. Isn’t it at the moments when we realize someone’s value even more when we are about to lose them. I think America certainly would agree with that however we also are aware our health, our energy, our sanity, our peace of mind comes first. Especially for such a large responsibility in office at the highest office in our country. 

 If this was a monarchy and let’s say we had King Joseph of the United States if Madam Vice-President, Kamala Harris had been “his daughter” she would be next in line for the throne. That’s how it works in monarchies. In our country the United States of America the closest thing we have to any form of a monarchy would be the people we have in our highest positions of office in our country. 
 The announcement of Biden stepping down from the 2024 election was a huge defining moment for our country. 

We often don’t even realize the significance until we actually sit back and watch how everything unfolds. His debate against Trump in June of 2024 this summer was moment where we saw a realization about our president he was battling exhaustion, his voice wasn’t as boisterous, and energetic. It was not quite the same as we normally see him in speeches, press conferences, photos, and more. The significant change of his debate performance threw everyone for a loop. We were all surprised and stunned that his team had let him go out and perform during that time. It was vastly evident that he was unwell and would need to take some time to relax and recuperate. July 17th, 2024 was the announcement that Biden would have to step down from his campaign. Meaning that of course in every hierarchy the next person in line would have to be his successor to complete the goal that he had in mind. His ultimate goal was to become president again and complete a second term. Kamala coming in as not only as his vice-president but a woman with an impressive, vastly remarkable background in her career. She would be next in line so to speak. She would be able to complete the 2024 election. We cannot diminish his huge accomplishments in these last 3 years as president and his 50 year plus career. He may not be our president in 2025 but he will continue to still be a part of the legacy, the history of our country, and he will still be able to give his opinion, his values, his efforts from a far. He may not be in the spotlight as much after 2025 but he still has a significant role to all of us and will never be forgotten what he has accomplished in his administration, with Barack Obama as his vice-president, and our country over all is historical and phenomenal. He came in during a time our country was in a huge war zone and complex. 

 That is another reason why I wanted to discuss this topic because it not only hits home for me and for other females and males. It is a topic that should be recognized because he was one of the people to sign the bill back in 1994. I always mention this to one of my dear friends after learning about it working as a contractor and administrative assistant in real estate and real estate law in the past. The VAWA Act is one we don’t pay attention to until it comes time and life hits us all in the face hard. I always tell my friends to use this to your advantage it is one that is life changing and can give you ultimate power and control over your life and autonomy as a woman. For a man the same applies but you can also consider the health and the respect of the women or men that you date, marry, and raise one day. You choose to respectful, sane, polite, courteous, and not cause harm to any woman or man in their home and abuse their privacy. 

 What does the VAWA Act state it states how any woman or man living in an apartment or home has the right to safety, privacy, no stalking, harassment, or abuse. I have heard stories and seen situations that are truly unfair to innocent people who just want to go about their lives. It is harmful, it is embarrassing, humiliating, and frustrating. In times where the person can be way too persistent and want to cause harm to another individual. I believe with the VAWA Act this is groundbreaking because it really does allow women, men, and children to see you deserve privacy at all costs. There should never be any intrusion at all especially when you say “No” the first time. I applaud Joe Biden who was the Senator at the time of Delaware, Patricia Shroeder, and former president, Bill Clinton who signed the VAWA Act at the time. On September 13, 1994 the act officially went into effect. I once thank them for this and believe every young person really should read up on this if they anyone

has been mistreated, violated, or harmed while they were dating, married, or had an ex-significant other who may have caused an issue. Please pass this information along. Visit for more information. 

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