I was changing the theme on my google page and came across the Disney fictional characters, Beauty & the Beast one of my favorite movies growing up as a little girl. I also loved Aladdin & Jasmine (she was the rich princess with the "sultan" as her father) and he the poor struggling street rat as they called him. Now, as a young adult in my early twenties it makes me wonder now do people find their happily ever after? Do you actually find the person you are meant to be with in the end? Okay let's take the classic story, Beauty & the Beast I love the message behind that story after you read the real version of it not the Disney movie that came out almost 20 years ago. In the real story when the beast passed away Belle comes to his side and manages to revive him and bring the beast back to life through her tears. It makes me think do people find the true love that they have been looking for. I am not saying Mr. or Mrs. Perfect but do people find that person who they believe completes them in the end. Take a look at the disney characters, movie characters, and other fictional characters in film or media. Then look around you at people you know and try to find the people who you know. Do people find their happily ever after. You know when there are fight sequences, battles, or dramatic scenes going on in a movie. It is almost similar to life when you are going through your struggle to get to where you are. Now let's say you're in a movie with your "love interest" aren't you going to fight for the person you want to be with in the end. Similar to Spider Man fighting for Mary Jane Watson...or Superman fighting for Lois Lane...you get my drift? Do people in real life find their happily ever after? Can you truly say you found one person in your life who completed you or made you feel like this is it? I am content....I am happy, I can go on and be free for the rest of my life and know in my heart this is the person I am going to be with no matter what obstacles. No matter what storms come through, no matter what challenges come in our way, no matter what anyone in our family or friends have to say. I will have my happily ever after with this person. It is funny but when you watch movies , music videos, or even in books don't you notice a pattern that the couple who strived and fought wind up being together in the end. I've noticed it a lot. Even in some of my favorite music videos the lead person always manages to get the girl or the guy who was right for them. So my beloved blog readers....tell me Do people find their happily ever after?
If they do actually let me put it this way do they manage to look out for each others best interest at heart. Can they both contribute together at the end of the day. Do they manage to make their love work no matter what comes ahead of them. That's my point actually. I know these are fictional characters but my point is in the end they found love between them no matter what was going on in their life. That's my point they got to their happily ever after as they say. Take a look at the past of romantic comedy films the two love interests always find each other in the end. So blog readers like i said think of your own loved ones, your neighbors, the person down the street from you, people you've gone to school with also, your co-workers, your friends, and family. Did anyone manage to find their happily ever after? It kind of makes you think doesn't it?
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