I am no expert at all in this field of judging character cause I believe in the fact you don't know a person until you have spent a lot of time with them. When you're around them, their friends, their loved ones, their co-workers, and every one else important in their life. Then you can judge to see is this person he/she a good guy/girl or a bad guy/girl. Now in the beginning I was only going to focus on a good guys personality and how he treats a woman. However, now I have something better in mind. Let's take it both ways because as human beings no one is entirely perfect at all. You can have a perfect physique but there are flaws in everyone. That's what make us all unique individuals wondering this beautiful planet every day and night. Okay here we go my beloved blog readers....Good Guys vs. Bad Guys first. Let's say ladies you are out on a date with a guy and he is with you in the location you are at. A beautiful woman walks in the room and you see his eyes glance over at her. How do you respond? How do you react? Let's say you run to the ladies room and he begins speaking with her while you are in there. What do you do? Do you overreact or do you just calmly say "Who was that!?!". Let's say you're in a movie theater with your sweetie and a chick flick comes on the screen (now this is from personal experience). A chick flick comes on the screen and then suddenly you're sweetie says "I am not taking you to see that". Emphasis on Not...What does that mean that clearly he has some issues with exploring the female psyche. Why not go to a chick flick? Maybe it will help you understand that women sometimes need a guy to have an open mind? What is wrong with that. Especially if its not a chick flick with weeping and dramatic corny scenes. Something more interesting for both of you to enjoy. Clearly if your man says this to you...no matter how long you have been together (one month to fifty-years). You guys need to talk because your boo, baby, sugar dumplin', or sweetie pie has some explaining to do. Another example the ultimate test what does he say about you to your friends or to his friends. This is one of those good guys vs. bad guys tests immediately. If he shows lack of respect of you in front of his friends, his family, or anyone important he's not into being with you at all. If he refers to you in a derogatory fashion the man is not for you! This is when you know that its time to send him packing and get the steppin' lol because he is not interested in being with you.
Good guys let's say...you know when he's genuine...he's patient, considerate, respectful, attentive, he pays close attention to details of you...your visage (face), your physique, your hands, your nails, the sound of your voice, your scent, your hair, how you dress. He notices how you interact with others. He prides you on simply being yourself. He does not flirt with you in a disrespectful way or comes on too strong, forward, and aggressive. There's a way to be flirtatious without being obscene and disgusting at the same time. So if he clearly has that problem then he's not such a good guy and maybe he's the gentlemen above I discussed before. Now some other signs are he curious about your interest, he's playful, he wants to care for your needs. He wants to give you the time you need. He can be compromising and open to exploring what you and he wants as well. Now a good guy will know when to bring you home to mama and papa. He will know when he sees that you are not like the bad or wild chicks he has seen in his life. If he sees that this is someone he can put on a pedestal and show her she's a worthy queen and she will be the queen in his kingdom. Enough said he knows you are going to be the one who he needs and wants around him. He knows when you are the person who will be valuable to him. You are important for what he needs in a stable healthy relationship. You're not just his "jump off".
PART 2....Good Girls vs. Bad Girls.
A good girl is someone who you may consider classy, conservative, she has conservative views she may not be the buck wild, crazy, frisky, or party girl you see in music videos or who you see in some nightclubs. She may be a little more than that. She may show you she is above and beyond what you're actually looking for. She has a moral code that she sticks too. She may want to have a good time but knows how to limit herself. She doesn't have to cause a riot for crazy attention. She doesn't have to put on a scene with a whole lot of public attention. A good girl will show you the qualities you desire. Intelligent, Respectful, Funny, Polite, Attentive, Understanding, Giving, Nurturing, She knows how to stand her ground, Independent, Responsible, Considerate, and Helpful. As well as beautiful no matter what creed,race,sexual orientation, physique, or even mental condition. That doesn't define a good girl. Her character defines who she is and what she represents. Now she will try to even be one of the guys with her man and his friends. Even in cases of sexual orientation her girlfriend's needs. Lol So like I say...you will know when she's worthy of your time and when you need to dismiss her like a raggedy pair of old shoes.
A Bad Girl...she smokes, she drinks consistently, she takes advantage of your money and uses it to the 10th power, she insults your family, your friends, your whole being, your religion, your personality, she curses in front of your family. She publicly humiliates you, she doesn't make time for you at all, She cheats on you. She doesn't consider your needs or anything you may want to do at all. She's disrespectful, intolerable, and she dresses provocatively. In a way that goes from sexy to skank. She doesn't want to be around your loved ones just you most of the time. That shows you she is needy and clingy. A bad girl also she can give you signs in about five minutes. She'll take what she wants immediately. She will date someone who is in your inner circle like your best friends in a heartbeat. She takes advantage of your genuineness she will use it every chance she gets. A bad girl there are so many ways to describe her but I believe my beloved readers get my drift. There's a thin line between sexy/skank...conservative/provocative woman. All these traits can affect your relationships and hopefully I hope they will help you to distinguish the two a little better than what you actually want. Maybe you may be one of them yourself. You never know. It's never to late to change. Watch out for them Bad Boys , Good Girls, Bad Girls, and Good Guys. They exist truly.
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