ATTENTION LADIES....!!!! Something I need to address let me ask you this? Just something thats been on my mind a lot lately and I am not sure if I really want to continue to put up with this in my life. Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes we as women tend to deal with the double standard because we are females? Also...that we have a tendency to be the weaker of the two sexes. Even as tough and strong as we are that sometimes people even believe we cannot defend ourselves. Something recently happened to me and somethings that I have experienced in the present and the past that I am still dealing with now. I want to know do you feel safe? I constantly feel like in this society we have to prove ourselves and we have to show to others that we are tough and we are constantly tested by people for it. It's disappointing and at times frustrating because we have no control over what is happening in society. A long time ago I heard this quote that just stays in my mind every single day. The message was that women affect society every single day and women affect the world. I never forget that at all because we have so much power that we don't even realize it. However, sometimes it is misused and abused because we are dealing with so much every single day. There is a website I found and I am glad I did because without it I probably wouldn't have known about it without some situations that have occurred in my life. It is called Safety Girl and I will include the link below for your benefit.
The website prepares you and gives you tips on how to remain safe that's all I have to say. Safe when you are in a harmful situation. So when anything does occur in your life you will feel completely safe, wise, street smart, and prepared. My question is this though....Ladies do you really feel safe? If you have to even second guess yourself...take a look at this website.
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