(Dedicated to All the Strong Women I know to My Very Good Girlfriends, All the Women I have met, and all the people who have been helpful along the way, to all little girls, teens, and adults as well. All the women around the world).

“Women wish to be loved without a why or a wherefore; not because they are pretty, or good, or well-bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.” | |

There are too many powerful women out here in the world doing so many things to help people, change lives, empower women, guide women, protect them, serve them, serve and fight for our country. Also educate, build, give to women, love, give women beauty inside and out. Do you know I once heard a woman said something so powerful it changed the way I completely live my life now I take this quote to heart a lot.
"When a woman takes a step in the world she changes society". I believe that is true and it's an amazing thing because every time a woman walks down the street, she speaks to someone, looks at someone, buys something, creates something, builds something, or puts her name on it. She takes a giant leap for every single woman, teenager, and little girl around the world. I really have to do this because every single time a woman creates a business, prepares a meal, speaks her mind, helps a child, takes a risk, or comes up with an idea she changes society immediately. In honor of Women's History Month I salute the powerful women and girls who take a step to change society and help.
It's not all that being a girl sometimes....we get our nails done, have sleepovers do hair and makeup,we have girl talk, shop until we drop. We're the primary reason the economy booms. I believe in how important women are because of what we can do it's amazing. We give life, we change life, and we guide life. We are the primary reason our children turn out the way they do. We affect so much and it's a powerful thing to witness. All the time I see women shopping for groceries, rushing their children from or to school, going to work, and then still making sure they have a life of their own to be themselves too. It's a 24/7 and I applaud all the hardworking women, all the women who are dreamers, achievers, the next generation coming up now. They're are so many people to aspire to in this world you just find one woman I guarantee she will change your outlook on everything. Many women and I mean many women from all walks of life have influenced me some related and some I will never even share a conversation with but I know that they influenced my outlook and point of view on how to view myself and others too. So a toast to the women this month in March Be Proud, Be Courageous, Love Your Femininity, Love Being a Woman, Continue to be Strong, Courageous, and continue to be Yourselves too. Take care of yourselves mentally, physically, your health is so important, psychologically, your self-esteem, spiritually, and try your best to believe that you are who you are for a reason. There is no one else on this planet who will ever look, sound, walk, talk, dance, sing, or dress like you. You are your own person and you are your own individual. You can really build anything you put your mind or even think of as well. I am completely all for self-empowerment, women empowerment, and I am sure a lot of people know I believe in just building a girl or woman's life starts with her and the support of others too. I have been around a lot of women and girls to know how important it is to just have girls around you who believe in you and also support you too. Sisterhood is a powerful thing it comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, and walks of life. I believe in that and I hope that more people will honor this month too.
I chose superheroes and positive images of all women to showcase how beautiful inside and out they are and just how our jobs really as just being a powerful species has an affect on everyone. How are jobs are really important as first girls, daughters, children, then friends, girlfriends, lovers, wives, mothers, and our roles in society are so important every day. I hope you will appreciate this and enjoy this too. Something to remember and be proud your a woman and you're a princess or queen no matter who you are. =)
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