Who will win it's two of the most successful films of the 2010-2011 movie season going head to head, "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech".
I just saw the King's Speech yesterday just in time for the Oscars and the film was phenomenal I got there just in time to watch the film. The movie started and as soon as I watched it I knew I was going to be touched by it. The film is about King George VI (the sixth). He became king after his father King Edward passed and he stepped in succeeded his father. Colin Firth who plays King George VI he managed to transform himself completely his voice, his personality, and appearance as well. He went through a real character transformation. King George the sixth actually struggled with a disability where he struggled with stammering. His wife, the queen managed to come along a speech therapist as well. The rest is history and he changed everything completely for himself and his family.
Personally it hit home for me actually. I used to get really nervous during speeches and sometimes stutter myself and it was something I kind of struggled with and I know some people who have dealt with it as well. I was inspired instantly and fell in love with Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter's characters and Geoffrey Rush. I instantly knew for a fact that I would walk out feeling really strongly about this film because just the fact he was royalty and a prominent human being. You don't find a person's story or a movie like this everyday. It was golden because you know that everyone can identify with a story like this the underdog. He succeeded and he kept fighting to get where he wanted to be which was to take over his father's reign and take the next step. I loved the scenery, the costumes, the set, and it the fact it went from the 1930's to the early 1940s time period. It really showed me how important his family and the current royal family. They are all intertwined together and how important you see them not just as prominent figures but you also see them as people who have struggled and fought with things personally. I really enjoyed this story line and the characters as well. I have a good feeling that this will be a classic for years to come. Please see this film you really have to get into this film and engulf yourself into the role as well.
The Social Network the film about the boy genius who started and became the youngest multimillionaire to start a social media network that would change the lives of college students and businesses. Mark Zuckerberg's story also is one where a person struggled to overcome being an underdog. In the way of social cliques, pressure, personally, and financial status. It has really changed the way people interact with one another and has the changed how we all can promote ourselves as well. I enjoyed the film because it shed light on a lot of different things for people in college and society as well. It shows you that the guy who may be the smartest college student on campus he may just become one of the most powerful and successful people in the world. I cannot wait until the story unfolds and people see what is in store as well. So we'll see who wins on Oscar night. The story will continue soon......We shall see the results soon. UPDATE!!!!! Yes the King's Speech won for best picture, best actor played by Colin Firth, and also best screenplay. Other awards may not have been listed during the Oscars but yes these talented individuals won and now this movie will go on to become a classic in homes now. Five Awards were received for this movie show it whenever you can. I highly recommend it to students especially children who have to ever do speeches too. It takes the pressure off to make a speech too.
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