This morning I was watching "The View" yes I am a fan of the show and this topic really hit a nerve and really got my attention as soon as I heard it. There is a poster in the Soho section of New York. That has the most offensive message for me to hear as a young woman with an African-American background I am outraged actually. Now if you know me this immediately sets me off right away. I am proud of my African-American roots and to even hear this is so offensive. You may think I am overreacting but for me this hits every single African American woman and woman of color believe me. I have no children but I plan to have children one day and for me to have to even worry about children being targeted against for racism even before they are born. That right there shows me where America's point-of-view is now. This is offensive, hurtful, and extremely effective as well. I know you may wonder why does she say effective because they purposely did this to the get attention of all individuals to discuss this topic. So I applaud the person who has the boldness to even think of a controversial topic like this and actually put how they feel about this out there for all New Yorkers, America, women and men to see as well.
That does not mean I agree with it no I do not at all. I agree with being bold and taking a risk to cause attention but I don't agree with the way they presented this poster. It is offensive and there is nothing wrong with a woman making a decision based on what she wants to do with her life and the life of her child. I believe a woman has to make that decision based on what she wants to do with her life, her body, her choice, her decisions, her actions. I believe for them to target one group it is hurtful because why aren't there other minority groups being targeted. Is this because it is Black History Month? Or just because this is the way society still wants to view things and their opinions. If this is where we are headed then I believe we are in for a reality check, a wake up call, and we need to really open our minds again. It's a shame sometimes we have come so far and now this. Really is this what it comes to people are so desperate for attention you want to put your own integrity and yourself at risk to be scrutinized that's a shame. That you have to put a company known to help women and children and try to destroy their image. That's really a shame. If this is what it takes to come up with a marketing plan for more people. Planned Parenthood and the marketing team. Whoever is responsible for this I believe you can do so much better than that.
UPDATE: The little girl and her mom did fight back with this case and they actually ended up removing the poster and they ended up taking it down all because the controversy it caused. Al Sharpton who is a political activist was ready to take on this story. They stopped the story and they ended up not going through with promoting this cause. There were other posters in Texas and other locations. All posters will be removed and taken down. Thank goodness the power of media works and they received justice!
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