The other night I was talking to a close relative of mine and I realized that wow...damn I guess a lot is expected of me and my generation too. I keep thinking of how sometimes you get so caught up in other things. You often forget why are you really doing the things you are every day. Sometimes we get caught up in just getting up everyday. We forget our purpose and the reason we are here. I have been forgetting that a lot sometimes...I had to remember this and I am glad this lesson was given to me over the years. It's something I had to keep in mind that there really is a purpose to my life. There's a reason I am in the circumstances I am in sometimes. Also there's a reason I have been blessed and now I have to give that back to people who need help. I tend to forget that's one of the main reasons I wanted to get into this business of journalism, media, and so much more. Also why I used to feel blessed I kind of got caught up in my own mess and didn't see the light....I kept seeing too many clouds, too much rain, I had to remember that I had to focus on the positive side of things....I am here...I have a purpose...now what are we going to do about this situation....I am going to get myself out of this now.
I have had a few days to really contemplate a lot of things and I realize that every challenge that has been thrown at me I have managed to get passed it. I thank God for that everyday. I am happy to know that I am here. I know some people probably think what is she talking about?
You want to know the truth....I almost gave up...everything!!!! I almost gave up everything but I had to remember one thing...God gave me a purpose to be here....to stand here and to fight through everything. I have been going through some personal things that almost made me question myself, my life, everything. I had to remember I have been given every gift any one can ask for to be here. I couldn't forget that I have a purpose more than just writing, more than just breathing, or existing. I have a purpose to make my goals and dreams come true as well. So since I have been given this gift...I will try my best to live up to the expectations of my family now. I promise to never question or being ungrateful....I'll keep in mind that I have to remember there's more to give....more to focus on as well.
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