I believe this is crucial and important for young ladies everyday. It's just something that's been on my mind and something I believe that young women need to hear sometimes. It's something that should always be discussed. Self-Love, Self- Respect, Self-Worth, and Self-Image. It's a topic that is not really discussed a lot sometimes. I am not saying we all have a problem with thinking of ourselves or caring for ourselves. I just think it's important for young women to see positive images and be influenced by people who can give them a chance to shine so to speak. Give them the opportunity to build their self-worth too.
Sometimes when I see women the nurturers, the protectors doing things sometimes that really are not setting a positive image for themselves, their peers, or even children. You have to remember it's so important you have to love yourself. I was watching a movie where the theme was about self-love, love, faith and respect. I think that's one thing I never really discussed here. How important it is for self-worth and those values for women too.
Girl, you better love yourself good luck and much happiness to all.
For young women to really love themselves and to believe they can do anything.
We're powerful strong individuals and I really believe it's crucial that you keep that in mind a lot. I just found a book that a very well known artist is promoting. Someone I know actually helped publish the book and I think this is something young women really need now a days.
You can do things sometimes that will compromise yourself but it's so important to really find love for yourself. At the end of the day you really don't know what can change you and you need to love yourself it's so important. So honey, I say Girl You Better Love Yourself. Here are two recommendations for books I believe to help young women and all women. I recommend these three books:
1.Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through what you're going through, by the funny and talented, Iyanla Vanzant
2.Fabulosity by the oh so fabulous, Kimora Lee Simmons, and lastly
3."True You": A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself by the beautiful and amazingly talented, Janet Jackson.
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