Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Public Safety in Society


Public Safety in society is crucial there are so many stories that occur everyday to the point you don't realize how your safety and the safety of others has a great affect on you. Thank goodness we have Law Enforcement to protect us.
I have experienced several situations where people tend to forget that wait a minute at any moment of the day a situation can occur. Haven't we learned from that within this last decade. With the many curveballs that have been thrown at us you would think all the young women and men would take this seriously now.
As we come upon a new decade about to emerge I can say it is important for all women and men to respect that your safety goes hand in hand with your freedom. People tend to abuse that a lot and there's a problem with that. Society tends to forget that we have people who forget the law, what our country is founded upon, and how we have to deal with that every single day living in America. If you abuse any of the laws...I am talking about invading privacy, not paying for an item, or even just simply not following rules. Yes there are rules in our society they are not written down in a book for us to get once we live here in whatever state we live our lives. We learn these rules and laws over time from the day we first step foot out in society.
These are rules,laws, and order that we follow and develop as a society and in human culture every single day. One example... you have a man or woman who is of limited means. They really need to get to a place they have no form of transportation. They have no money at all. Or not even a home so what comes about for this person? They choose the survival of the fittest mentality. I need to get to this place and the only way this will happen is if I jump on this bus, train, trolley, or wherever and get on because I have no money. Now this person may not be harming you directly but it sets a bad example to young people.
That they do not have to pay when they are taking public transportation. Next case you have young people on a train or bus they are obnoxious, rude, loud, they can be intoxicated as well. Then you suddenly realize while they may not harm you directly they are disturbing you. They are disturbing you because you have paid your money to get from one place to another location. You are not looking to harm anyone but they are disturbing you though. Why is this occurring you say because of lack of discipline, lack of understanding society, and also not realizing that when people are out in the world they forget you are not just putting yourself at risk. You are putting those around you in society at risk too. Public Safety is crucial now while I may not agree 100 percent with misbehaving all the time. I agree with respect and following order. People abuse it that is why we have such chaos sometimes. All because you don't want to follow directions. Yes we have freedom and liberty. However, you also have to have the knowledge not abuse your freedom or affect another person's personal space. If you forget that then issues occur and that's where problems develop too. Now parents may teach their children how to behave, how to speak, but they can never actually stay with them the entire time. This is something that occurs over time and they develop it while they are learning from the time they are children. We have to learn right from wrong immediately and if we don't obey those rules there are repercussions. Actions will follow immediately and then we have a problem.
The next step is this...since you have disobeyed the law we will give you punishment because you have disturbed the public. I believe we have a system of order for a reason and I respect that a lot actually. I guess because I know for a fact that people tend to break rules every single day. If they disrespect the law and the people who are in society then you learn and realize that they actually need to learn how to obey and respect what is in society. We have these rules for a reason all to protect every single human being living in their neighborhood.
I wrote this article inspired by a situation recently...I was on a bus and some young teenagers probably between the ages of 16-19 I want to say and they came on the bus where I was intoxicated, belligerent, and they were making an older African-American woman's evening difficult. The teens were so loud to the point they were disturbing passengers and they also started pushing the woman's seat. The scene was like something out of a movie. The bus driver flew to the back of the bus squirming through a crowded bus and told the kids to get off. The kid refused and then was told to leave after slapping the woman. She hit him back as well as hit the bus driver. Everyone was in shock and awe because the kid was out of line. These are the things I am talking about because a lot of teens forget you must respect your elders as well as the people you around as well. Something they have a tendency to forget in our society. Obey the law, obey the rules, and realize that you have to obey the law otherwise you will put yourself in harm's way. Also the public as well and someone will be affected by your actions too.
Remember our culture, our world, and everything in it is not free. It is about sacrifice and people have to sacrifice their freedom for us every day. You must realize our public safety physical, mental, everything can be affected. Words are important your Actions even more. Respect the public in our society otherwise you have to deal with law enforcement.

American Educational Systems and Schools We have to change some things!


American Educational Systems I was discussing this topic with some special close family members about recently on a trip to one of my old hometowns. The topic of education it kept being raised a lot during a discussion and it made me realize how sometimes even though going to school is so wonderful and great. We often get caught up in other things and forget about some of the problems going on in other areas of our educational system. I have forgotten that yes spending most of my time in a parochial or private school environment it was about discipline, action, and also learning as much as possible to benefit your education and put it to use. I often forget the other school systems out there in different states across the country too. The public school system how it affects so many parents, children, and the educational system. When your child is in school and they have to deal with many problems that come up and face while they are attending their classes. There's a lot to deal with in the whole educational system and school itself....There needs to be things that have to be stressed, changed, and fixed because there are some problems that need to be resolved too.

1. SAFETY- Your child feeling safe is the most important thing for a person to feel while attending school. They need a sense of feeling secure because they want to feel comfortable in the school with the interaction between friends, classmates, teachers, and the faculty. From the moment they walk inside those doors until they leave the building. Safety is crucial.

2.THE CLASSROOM-Interaction and behavior in class. From preschoolers, grade school, middle school, and of course high school children. Communication is so important for the students, teachers, and as well as their parents. If you are not involved in your children's schooling and what they learn. You will never fully know or be aware of what your child is learning at all. The classroom is important because teachers, parents, and students need that interaction to discuss the child's abilities, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how they match up with some of the most successful students in the classroom as well. As well as the students who are struggling. The classroom from when you enter and you leave is the place of you learning. It is crucial for parents to make sure their child eats, sleeps, learns, studies, and communicates to get what they need. These tools are important....they are overlooked and that is sad at times. They should not be because they are necessary for their young children because when they become adults that will affect them when the time comes and they have to get a job.

3. THE HOME- What you learn at home...is what you will learn and use in school as well. The home is where everything starts. Parents forget your behavior is emulated by your children. The example you set for them communication, interaction, respect, discipline, and all the tools they need to carry on into the classroom. Parents have to set the ground rules for that immediately before their child enters the public or private school system. They need to have communication about everything.

4. ACTIVITIES- What your child does in school is going to prepare them for the rest of their lives and I believe 100 percent that without some of the activities I was enthralled into and became apart of or even I spent time doing in the past I know in my heart it is valuable for other children as well. They need it because what they learn in extracurricular activities is what will carry on in the future. Team work, Leadership, Creativity, and social skills. All that is essential for every single child and what they need.

5. SOCIETY- How your child acts, behaves, speaks, and what they say in society...it is important to be aware of it because that is exactly how they will act and behave at home and in the school. I believe parents have to remember they are adults....you are raising this person. If you don't show them they have to respect their elders, respect authority figures in society. Your child is going to have a lack of respect completely towards everyone in the community.

6. GOOD STUDY HABITS- I say this I learned this from my mother....I didn't develop this until probably high school or college. I learned over time....but they didn't become strong for me until I realized the importance of using a library is essential. They were built for a reason. People don't see how many resources we have along with the internet. You have a library, you have people around you, and you have to learn how to memorize, study, and think because it is crucial. People think it's simple to just get a job....no it's not. Not if you are illiterate or you cannot do basic math. Or you

7. CONFIDENCE--Yes confidence is crucial....when a child doesn't have that confidence in the classroom to speak infront of other children, teens around other teens...it will affect them in the future as well. I learned this over the years...if you don't develop a relationship with your teachers or professors. You won't be able to be successful or get what you need from them. What is that for you to learn as much as possible. Also to grow and just feel free to speak up and speak your mind in the classroom. Good debates should be developed in class. It shows who's paying attention and who also is doing their homework as well. Confidence should be developed from the teachers. Not just them learning their subjects but also giving them a gift that can carry them a long way into the future.

8. HEALTHY GOOD EATING HABITS-No junk food I say!!! lol...just kidding I don't want to deprive children from eating sweets or chips let's say....but eating healthy food is a necessary thing because your children will be able to focus, eat, and they are wired and ready to learn the new topics that will be taught for the lesson in school. Healthy good eating habits...fruits, vegetables, get creative recipes if young children don't like the taste. Oatmeal bars, crackers, peanut butter and jelly, fruit juices, limitations to soda. All of that is crucial for children to have good eating habits.

9. EXERCISE- Exercise that muscle! The mind "the brain", your body, and your spirit.....Exercise is so necessary and it is important that schools start stressing that in all the educational systems...Private and Public. It is a must....you have to exercise with your children (students) I mean. At home and in school is important it keeps them alert, awake, and eager to learn even more.

10. COUNSELING-For children will special needs mental, psychological, educational disabilities, special disabilities. Counseling should be crucial for your children. I am fortunate some of my schools had counseling programs for us and that helped a lot. We were able to develop ways to grow and manage our problems as well.

All these tools are what are important for a child to develop in the future for the American Educational System because they need this in order to succeed. It is a system. There are different levels of the system that children need to grow. It is part government, part community, part societal factors as well. All that is needed for children because without it they will not be able to become the intelligent, successful, well rounded people they need to be. When I hear people say oh why did this happen, why is he/she failing, where is the motivation, why aren't they doing better. Or it becomes a racial issue, a societal issue. No it really is just a people issue too. It's about teachers wanting and having a passion to see their children succeed. We are losing that a lot. Some teachers lack the spirit....and forget a child needs a teacher who is willing to learn and grow. American Educational Systems have to enstall that.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bromances...Why do they exist when you have a girlfriend?

-noun 1. A non-sexual relationship between two men that are unusually close. -verb -mans-ing 1. The act of wooing a fellow male friend for the purpose of becoming closer. 2. Going to unusual lengths in an attempt to become closer with another male friend. also: "Bromancing the Stone" 1. The act of truly and thoroughly enjoying the process of getting and/or being high/stoned. Provenance/Origin: "Bromance" is a portmanteau of the two words "brother" and "romance". Originally coined by author/editor Dave Carnie in "Big Brother Magazine."

A close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple

All right ladies you know when you see men talking among themselves and they are in a social gathering together? They're chatting, drinking some elixir concoction made of their favorite beverage, they're out at a sporting event, or they have all of their friends gathered together to discuss their business at work (if employed), their families, women of course, etc. That's the time when he should be without you. Why do I say that because lately men feel the need to bring along their girlfriends with them or their potential mate on a date or a social function. There is not a problem with that at all because yes it is good to get other people in your inner circles judgment or opinion. However at the end of the day the only persons opinion that matters is your own. Not your family, not your friends, your bosses, or anyone else. Your opinion matters the most. It seems that some men feel that in order to be with someone who is worthy of their time and space they have to have approval of their friends. Why should it matter it is not important at all. This is how bromances develop and then we have a bit of a problem. Why do you care what Joey, Luke,Mark, Dave, Paul, Roger, Rayquan, Marcus, or whoever he cares about. They don't matter at all actually because the truth is your opinion counts on who your with. Bromances should not turn into Bromances period. They're shouldn't be at least more of a 5 hour limit for a man to be spending time with another straight(heterosexual) man. In my opinion I see it as if you really want to spend time with your male friends then keep a balance. Spend time with them but don't ignore your girlfriends. Also don't be so willing to introduce them to your latest "flavor of the month" girlfriend. I see it as there's time to introduce a person to you when you have a chance. I just believe that your homeboys opinion really should not matter at all when it comes to your relationships and the people you want to be with as well. Bromances need to go out the door and the word...it should just be Guy Time. That's it Guy Time or Men's Night Out. I think Bromances is going to far because once you drop the B it's simply just two men in a potential romance and that should not be the case. Or else this would be a totally different topic I am talking about right now. Don't be caught in a "bad BROMANCE" lol just kidding had to throw that in there. But seriously, a bromance should not conflict with your relationship with your current girlfriend/boyfriend,fiancee, spouse. Your relationships should be separated because with everything in life. Balance, moderation, and time are really important and when it comes to all relationships personal and professional. You need your space just as the other person does. I don't disagree with male bonding hear me out I just believe that men shouldn't depend so heavily on what their friends think of their relationships unless there is a problem. Or if the couple has been together a long period of time. When they are just in the midst of dating one another. His friends meeting her and vice versa should not happen until after a long period of time. There needs to be a time frame where they spend time together first before they actually become a couple and join together. A male's friendships are just as important as a woman's friendships. But the Bromance thing and the male's friends opinions should not matter. It is simply about the couple joining together. So men in bromances check that at the door and leave it there. Focus on your relationships with your girlfriends first before you may make a big mistake. All your relationships and friendships are important but don't let it affect your time with your girlfriend too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010



BET recently just did an award show for the first annual Black Girls Rock Award Show. I had to be apart of this because I knew in my heart...One I am an African American young woman, 2. I am in media and I had to be apart of this, and 3. I absolutely love the message for black women saying that we rock, we have confidence, and style to flaunt and show who we are as a culture and people. I knew as soon as the showed aired this would be something I was going to love. I love the message, the foundation, and the people who decided to come up with this as well. Women who were honored and have paved the way in various fields that we are familiar with around the world. I was so happy to see one of my favorite actresses actually, Nia Long (Friday,Love Jones, Soul Food, Alfie, etc....) she was the host of the award show. They picked the right person she's stylish and incredibly talented, and kept the crowd entertained. Loved Keri Hilson's performance, Shontelle's performance as well...I swear "Impossible" is like one of my theme songs for this year. Love her whole outfit and the everyone did an amazing job too. Deborah Lee l have to give a special shout out too because she holds it down at BET as CEO for the women. Also there was a special woman I saw they nominated on their site a woman who I am a little familiar with as well...Ms.Cathy Hughes..she hired my beautiful mama a long time ago for Radio One. So I had to give her a shout out too. So to all the ladies who were nominated, all the black sisters out there, all my favorite people, and all women around the world, from all walks of life. No that Women Rock not just Black Girls but all women rock. Loved the award show cannot wait to see what you all will do next. =) Love you BET!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010




Hello Everyone All my family, my friends, people who know me, All the people I love, and my beloved blog readers who pass by and read and check out my blog daily. I am turning 24 years old...yes I am I know we're not at the milestone age yet (25) but I have had an incredible year and I really had to do a blog post for this year. I graduated from Hunter College with my Bachelor of Arts degree this year and soon about to get my degree and it will be official. I went through so many challenges at that school my CPE exam, payment, making friends, finding my way, studying to make decent grades, everything. I did an internship with one of the most well known radio deejays and hilarious. I went to see Wendy Williams this past spring with two of my very close friends. I saw Kimora Lee Simmons at Macy's on Fashion Night Out in New York. I am also getting ready to embark on a big change in my life pretty soon such as my career, my first tattoo, my license (finally), and one day my own apartment too. I am blessed really blessed these past 24 years I have gone through a lot of challenges physically, mentally, emotionally, and even personally. So this year was an exciting year for me. Why are birthdays to me so important because it's the day you arrived to tell and live your story. Here's part of my story....Now you know why I am the way I am sometimes. I was premature when I was born and weighed in at 2 pounds and 9 ounces on November 6, 1986 at Mt.Sinai Hospital. My doctors told my parents I would not make it unless surgery was performed. I have the scars to even show you proof . I am a survivor and I am not afraid to say it. Every morning I wake up and realize God really has a purpose for me and whether I believe it or not there's something about that it keeps me motivated every single day to get to my goals. Live a fun, exciting, sometimes dramatic, crazy life. My life has stories that would make people laugh, cry, feel all kinds of emotions really. I am grateful every day that I am here to walk, live, read, breathe, dance, party, and all of those things. So many things have happened where I really could have been in harms way sometimes. So that's why life and celebrating birthdays to me are important because you have to cherish and love every moment you can. No matter what people say, think, and do. We really do have a purpose every day to live, learn, and grow. I believe in making things happen and really following your heart because life is precious. So this birthday thank goodness it's on a Saturday...(lol) I will take something someone told me to heart...enjoy myself have fun and really just enjoy my day for once.
To all my family my mother in particular who is always here no matter what I do. I love you and my dad like I always say for making me....and making sure I am safe, loved, and respected every single day.


Full Name: Chloe Jewel Riccardo--My mom named me Chloe because it means "pure hearted" and something she found in a baby book it also means blooming and verdant. She gave my dad's name as my middle name so he is always apart of me. He made sure of that lolz it's also a family name I have an uncle named Jewel too so it's a popular name on my dad's side of the family.

LITTLE UNKNOWN FACT: YES I AM A BORN NEW YORKER!!!!! LOLZ I used to live here as a child and I have lived in three states within my life time....NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, D.C., AND NEW JERSEY.

Favorite Colors: Pink, Black, White, Red, Blues, Greens, Purples.

Favorite designers: Chanel, Coach, Versace, XOXO, Baby Phat, Gucci, Louis Vuitton

Favorite place to shop: Forever 21, H&M, Joyce Leslie, Mystique, Victoria's Secret, Target I love Target, and Pay Half lolz =) All over

Favorite movies: I love romance, comedies, horror films, dramatic films...I love Clueless, What's Love Got to Do With It, Inception, Halloween, The Exorcist, The Mask with Jim Carrey, Charlie's Angels, Roscoe's Family Reunion....too many movies too list. The Princess & The Frog , Grease, Sound of Music. I love musicals....really love musicals. If I didn't choose journalism and writing as my field...I probably was going to end up being an actress lolz, singer, or dancer probably =) Some of my favorite movies have been hit musicals on Broadway!!! Lolz

Favorite music: I listen to everything seriously I do...I am on my computer and listen to the radio way too much...so everything you name a person I will probably recognize the song. I love pop, rock, rap, R&B, soul, oldies, classics, everything.

Favorite food:I eat everything I do seriously....Spanish,Italian,Jamaican, Soul Food, I eat everything Sushi all of it...I eat. Little known fact once in a while I get allergic to shrimp lolz =)

Favorite television show: I am an MTV fanatic...I watch everything on MTV, I am a bit of a news junkie cause of my career interest, I love The Nanny, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Sex and the City, House of Paynes, Real World, King of Queens, the Real Housewives, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, the Today Show... everything i watch i identify with it somehow lolz.

Favorite Place: I love Europe I really do my dream place is France I have gone to Italy (Summe r of 2005 for a month July-August) with one of my good friends from high school....but France, Tokyo, London, and a lot of places are where I want to be.

My heroes: My mom, my grandmothers, and my greatmother they come first....Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Kimora Lee Simmons, Josephine Baker, Marylin Monroe and too many others.

My prize possessions: Childhood photos, my videos, and all the things my family has ever given me. My betty boop collection, My poems, my songs, ( I love Betty Boop always) and my purses. Lolz....=)

One thing I want is to publish a book about my life story so people know about me....children's books, a self help book, own a restaurant, and maybe my own publishing or record label. You never know.

One thing I commonly say: "You always have to have faith and believe you can achieve your dreams and goals cause it's possible and real".

Little unknown fact: I speak Spanish and a little Italian lolz

Celebrity Crushes: Usher, Will Smith, Jeremih, Boris Kodjoe, Paul Walker, Ne-Yo, Dwight Howard, Drake, and too many people lolz =) Love You all.

Big dream besides a journalist, a big family, and to live somewhere beautiful and warm with all of them. With a white maltese puppy named, Marshmallow lolz =) Cheesey I know....but that's what I want. =) So i can throw dinner parties and be with my loved ones and friends.

I sketch clothes by the way I wanted to be a fashion designer too...lol it was gonna be Sugar Dumplin' Fashions One of my hobbies. =)

Funniest memories: Almost getting locked out of my hotel room with my best friends Marisa and Chris. Seeing Flavor Flav in Las Vegas. Meeting "Monica" at Planet Hollywood, Meeting Immature aka IMX at a radio station, My ballet accident lol it was crazy I ran into a girl, Going to Italy, Partying with my girls at the club always celebrating life, Going to 106 & Park when i was 15, My sweet 16 party, Singing at a karaoke bar, My 18th bday and Sooo many memories.

Kendrick Lamar will headline for the 49th Superbowl NFL games halftime show with Surprise Guests

SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...