Public Safety in society is crucial there are so many stories that occur everyday to the point you don't realize how your safety and the safety of others has a great affect on you. Thank goodness we have Law Enforcement to protect us.
I have experienced several situations where people tend to forget that wait a minute at any moment of the day a situation can occur. Haven't we learned from that within this last decade. With the many curveballs that have been thrown at us you would think all the young women and men would take this seriously now.
As we come upon a new decade about to emerge I can say it is important for all women and men to respect that your safety goes hand in hand with your freedom. People tend to abuse that a lot and there's a problem with that. Society tends to forget that we have people who forget the law, what our country is founded upon, and how we have to deal with that every single day living in America. If you abuse any of the laws...I am talking about invading privacy, not paying for an item, or even just simply not following rules. Yes there are rules in our society they are not written down in a book for us to get once we live here in whatever state we live our lives. We learn these rules and laws over time from the day we first step foot out in society.
These are rules,laws, and order that we follow and develop as a society and in human culture every single day. One example... you have a man or woman who is of limited means. They really need to get to a place they have no form of transportation. They have no money at all. Or not even a home so what comes about for this person? They choose the survival of the fittest mentality. I need to get to this place and the only way this will happen is if I jump on this bus, train, trolley, or wherever and get on because I have no money. Now this person may not be harming you directly but it sets a bad example to young people.
That they do not have to pay when they are taking public transportation. Next case you have young people on a train or bus they are obnoxious, rude, loud, they can be intoxicated as well. Then you suddenly realize while they may not harm you directly they are disturbing you. They are disturbing you because you have paid your money to get from one place to another location. You are not looking to harm anyone but they are disturbing you though. Why is this occurring you say because of lack of discipline, lack of understanding society, and also not realizing that when people are out in the world they forget you are not just putting yourself at risk. You are putting those around you in society at risk too. Public Safety is crucial now while I may not agree 100 percent with misbehaving all the time. I agree with respect and following order. People abuse it that is why we have such chaos sometimes. All because you don't want to follow directions. Yes we have freedom and liberty. However, you also have to have the knowledge not abuse your freedom or affect another person's personal space. If you forget that then issues occur and that's where problems develop too. Now parents may teach their children how to behave, how to speak, but they can never actually stay with them the entire time. This is something that occurs over time and they develop it while they are learning from the time they are children. We have to learn right from wrong immediately and if we don't obey those rules there are repercussions. Actions will follow immediately and then we have a problem.
The next step is this...since you have disobeyed the law we will give you punishment because you have disturbed the public. I believe we have a system of order for a reason and I respect that a lot actually. I guess because I know for a fact that people tend to break rules every single day. If they disrespect the law and the people who are in society then you learn and realize that they actually need to learn how to obey and respect what is in society. We have these rules for a reason all to protect every single human being living in their neighborhood.
I wrote this article inspired by a situation recently...I was on a bus and some young teenagers probably between the ages of 16-19 I want to say and they came on the bus where I was intoxicated, belligerent, and they were making an older African-American woman's evening difficult. The teens were so loud to the point they were disturbing passengers and they also started pushing the woman's seat. The scene was like something out of a movie. The bus driver flew to the back of the bus squirming through a crowded bus and told the kids to get off. The kid refused and then was told to leave after slapping the woman. She hit him back as well as hit the bus driver. Everyone was in shock and awe because the kid was out of line. These are the things I am talking about because a lot of teens forget you must respect your elders as well as the people you around as well. Something they have a tendency to forget in our society. Obey the law, obey the rules, and realize that you have to obey the law otherwise you will put yourself in harm's way. Also the public as well and someone will be affected by your actions too.
Remember our culture, our world, and everything in it is not free. It is about sacrifice and people have to sacrifice their freedom for us every day. You must realize our public safety physical, mental, everything can be affected. Words are important your Actions even more. Respect the public in our society otherwise you have to deal with law enforcement.
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