-noun 1. A non-sexual relationship between two men that are unusually close. -verb -mans-ing 1. The act of wooing a fellow male friend for the purpose of becoming closer. 2. Going to unusual lengths in an attempt to become closer with another male friend. also: "Bromancing the Stone" 1. The act of truly and thoroughly enjoying the process of getting and/or being high/stoned. Provenance/Origin: "Bromance" is a portmanteau of the two words "brother" and "romance". Originally coined by author/editor Dave Carnie in "Big Brother Magazine."
A close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple
All right ladies you know when you see men talking among themselves and they are in a social gathering together? They're chatting, drinking some elixir concoction made of their favorite beverage, they're out at a sporting event, or they have all of their friends gathered together to discuss their business at work (if employed), their families, women of course, etc. That's the time when he should be without you. Why do I say that because lately men feel the need to bring along their girlfriends with them or their potential mate on a date or a social function. There is not a problem with that at all because yes it is good to get other people in your inner circles judgment or opinion. However at the end of the day the only persons opinion that matters is your own. Not your family, not your friends, your bosses, or anyone else. Your opinion matters the most. It seems that some men feel that in order to be with someone who is worthy of their time and space they have to have approval of their friends. Why should it matter it is not important at all. This is how bromances develop and then we have a bit of a problem. Why do you care what Joey, Luke,Mark, Dave, Paul, Roger, Rayquan, Marcus, or whoever he cares about. They don't matter at all actually because the truth is your opinion counts on who your with. Bromances should not turn into Bromances period. They're shouldn't be at least more of a 5 hour limit for a man to be spending time with another straight(heterosexual) man. In my opinion I see it as if you really want to spend time with your male friends then keep a balance. Spend time with them but don't ignore your girlfriends. Also don't be so willing to introduce them to your latest "flavor of the month" girlfriend. I see it as there's time to introduce a person to you when you have a chance. I just believe that your homeboys opinion really should not matter at all when it comes to your relationships and the people you want to be with as well. Bromances need to go out the door and the word...it should just be Guy Time. That's it Guy Time or Men's Night Out. I think Bromances is going to far because once you drop the B it's simply just two men in a potential romance and that should not be the case. Or else this would be a totally different topic I am talking about right now. Don't be caught in a "bad BROMANCE" lol just kidding had to throw that in there. But seriously, a bromance should not conflict with your relationship with your current girlfriend/boyfriend,fiancee, spouse. Your relationships should be separated because with everything in life. Balance, moderation, and time are really important and when it comes to all relationships personal and professional. You need your space just as the other person does. I don't disagree with male bonding hear me out I just believe that men shouldn't depend so heavily on what their friends think of their relationships unless there is a problem. Or if the couple has been together a long period of time. When they are just in the midst of dating one another. His friends meeting her and vice versa should not happen until after a long period of time. There needs to be a time frame where they spend time together first before they actually become a couple and join together. A male's friendships are just as important as a woman's friendships. But the Bromance thing and the male's friends opinions should not matter. It is simply about the couple joining together. So men in bromances check that at the door and leave it there. Focus on your relationships with your girlfriends first before you may make a big mistake. All your relationships and friendships are important but don't let it affect your time with your girlfriend too.
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