Sunday, February 27, 2011

The King's Speech film vs The Social Network who will win?

Who will win it's two of the most successful films of the 2010-2011 movie season going head to head, "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech".
I just saw the King's Speech yesterday just in time for the Oscars and the film was phenomenal I got there just in time to watch the film. The movie started and as soon as I watched it I knew I was going to be touched by it. The film is about King George VI (the sixth). He became king after his father King Edward passed and he stepped in succeeded his father. Colin Firth who plays King George VI he managed to transform himself completely his voice, his personality, and appearance as well. He went through a real character transformation. King George the sixth actually struggled with a disability where he struggled with stammering. His wife, the queen managed to come along a speech therapist as well. The rest is history and he changed everything completely for himself and his family.
Personally it hit home for me actually. I used to get really nervous during speeches and sometimes stutter myself and it was something I kind of struggled with and I know some people who have dealt with it as well. I was inspired instantly and fell in love with Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter's characters and Geoffrey Rush. I instantly knew for a fact that I would walk out feeling really strongly about this film because just the fact he was royalty and a prominent human being. You don't find a person's story or a movie like this everyday. It was golden because you know that everyone can identify with a story like this the underdog. He succeeded and he kept fighting to get where he wanted to be which was to take over his father's reign and take the next step. I loved the scenery, the costumes, the set, and it the fact it went from the 1930's to the early 1940s time period. It really showed me how important his family and the current royal family. They are all intertwined together and how important you see them not just as prominent figures but you also see them as people who have struggled and fought with things personally. I really enjoyed this story line and the characters as well. I have a good feeling that this will be a classic for years to come. Please see this film you really have to get into this film and engulf yourself into the role as well.

The Social Network the film about the boy genius who started and became the youngest multimillionaire to start a social media network that would change the lives of college students and businesses. Mark Zuckerberg's story also is one where a person struggled to overcome being an underdog. In the way of social cliques, pressure, personally, and financial status. It has really changed the way people interact with one another and has the changed how we all can promote ourselves as well. I enjoyed the film because it shed light on a lot of different things for people in college and society as well. It shows you that the guy who may be the smartest college student on campus he may just become one of the most powerful and successful people in the world. I cannot wait until the story unfolds and people see what is in store as well. So we'll see who wins on Oscar night. The story will continue soon......We shall see the results soon. UPDATE!!!!! Yes the King's Speech won for best picture, best actor played by Colin Firth, and also best screenplay. Other awards may not have been listed during the Oscars but yes these talented individuals won and now this movie will go on to become a classic in homes now. Five Awards were received for this movie show it whenever you can. I highly recommend it to students especially children who have to ever do speeches too. It takes the pressure off to make a speech too.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Girl, You Better Love Yourself!

I believe this is crucial and important for young ladies everyday. It's just something that's been on my mind and something I believe that young women need to hear sometimes. It's something that should always be discussed. Self-Love, Self- Respect, Self-Worth, and Self-Image. It's a topic that is not really discussed a lot sometimes. I am not saying we all have a problem with thinking of ourselves or caring for ourselves. I just think it's important for young women to see positive images and be influenced by people who can give them a chance to shine so to speak. Give them the opportunity to build their self-worth too.
Sometimes when I see women the nurturers, the protectors doing things sometimes that really are not setting a positive image for themselves, their peers, or even children. You have to remember it's so important you have to love yourself. I was watching a movie where the theme was about self-love, love, faith and respect. I think that's one thing I never really discussed here. How important it is for self-worth and those values for women too.

Girl, you better love yourself good luck and much happiness to all.

For young women to really love themselves and to believe they can do anything.
We're powerful strong individuals and I really believe it's crucial that you keep that in mind a lot. I just found a book that a very well known artist is promoting. Someone I know actually helped publish the book and I think this is something young women really need now a days.
You can do things sometimes that will compromise yourself but it's so important to really find love for yourself. At the end of the day you really don't know what can change you and you need to love yourself it's so important. So honey, I say Girl You Better Love Yourself. Here are two recommendations for books I believe to help young women and all women. I recommend these three books:
1.Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through what you're going through, by the funny and talented, Iyanla Vanzant
2.Fabulosity by the oh so fabulous, Kimora Lee Simmons, and lastly
3."True You": A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself by the beautiful and amazingly talented, Janet Jackson.

Anti-Abortion Poster Strikes Attention and Offensive Results

This morning I was watching "The View" yes I am a fan of the show and this topic really hit a nerve and really got my attention as soon as I heard it. There is a poster in the Soho section of New York. That has the most offensive message for me to hear as a young woman with an African-American background I am outraged actually. Now if you know me this immediately sets me off right away. I am proud of my African-American roots and to even hear this is so offensive. You may think I am overreacting but for me this hits every single African American woman and woman of color believe me. I have no children but I plan to have children one day and for me to have to even worry about children being targeted against for racism even before they are born. That right there shows me where America's point-of-view is now. This is offensive, hurtful, and extremely effective as well. I know you may wonder why does she say effective because they purposely did this to the get attention of all individuals to discuss this topic. So I applaud the person who has the boldness to even think of a controversial topic like this and actually put how they feel about this out there for all New Yorkers, America, women and men to see as well.
That does not mean I agree with it no I do not at all. I agree with being bold and taking a risk to cause attention but I don't agree with the way they presented this poster. It is offensive and there is nothing wrong with a woman making a decision based on what she wants to do with her life and the life of her child. I believe a woman has to make that decision based on what she wants to do with her life, her body, her choice, her decisions, her actions. I believe for them to target one group it is hurtful because why aren't there other minority groups being targeted. Is this because it is Black History Month? Or just because this is the way society still wants to view things and their opinions. If this is where we are headed then I believe we are in for a reality check, a wake up call, and we need to really open our minds again. It's a shame sometimes we have come so far and now this. Really is this what it comes to people are so desperate for attention you want to put your own integrity and yourself at risk to be scrutinized that's a shame. That you have to put a company known to help women and children and try to destroy their image. That's really a shame. If this is what it takes to come up with a marketing plan for more people. Planned Parenthood and the marketing team. Whoever is responsible for this I believe you can do so much better than that.
UPDATE: The little girl and her mom did fight back with this case and they actually ended up removing the poster and they ended up taking it down all because the controversy it caused. Al Sharpton who is a political activist was ready to take on this story. They stopped the story and they ended up not going through with promoting this cause. There were other posters in Texas and other locations. All posters will be removed and taken down. Thank goodness the power of media works and they received justice!

Monday, February 21, 2011

To Whom Much Is Given....A lot is Expected

The other night I was talking to a close relative of mine and I realized that wow...damn I guess a lot is expected of me and my generation too. I keep thinking of how sometimes you get so caught up in other things. You often forget why are you really doing the things you are every day. Sometimes we get caught up in just getting up everyday. We forget our purpose and the reason we are here. I have been forgetting that a lot sometimes...I had to remember this and I am glad this lesson was given to me over the years. It's something I had to keep in mind that there really is a purpose to my life. There's a reason I am in the circumstances I am in sometimes. Also there's a reason I have been blessed and now I have to give that back to people who need help. I tend to forget that's one of the main reasons I wanted to get into this business of journalism, media, and so much more. Also why I used to feel blessed I kind of got caught up in my own mess and didn't see the light....I kept seeing too many clouds, too much rain, I had to remember that I had to focus on the positive side of things....I am here...I have a what are we going to do about this situation....I am going to get myself out of this now.

I have had a few days to really contemplate a lot of things and I realize that every challenge that has been thrown at me I have managed to get passed it. I thank God for that everyday. I am happy to know that I am here. I know some people probably think what is she talking about?
You want to know the truth....I almost gave up...everything!!!! I almost gave up everything but I had to remember one thing...God gave me a purpose to be stand here and to fight through everything. I have been going through some personal things that almost made me question myself, my life, everything. I had to remember I have been given every gift any one can ask for to be here. I couldn't forget that I have a purpose more than just writing, more than just breathing, or existing. I have a purpose to make my goals and dreams come true as well. So since I have been given this gift...I will try my best to live up to the expectations of my family now. I promise to never question or being ungrateful....I'll keep in mind that I have to remember there's more to give....more to focus on as well.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Crush just won't go away"

“Crush just won’t go away” by:Chloe J. Riccardo

Back in the day I had a crush on you
For a little girl I didn’t understand the meaning and the feelings behind that.

Then I became a teen the feelings still kept just sitting there. So giggly, so naïve, so shy, too innocent, so unexperienced, and not aware of what the future would bring. I understood that I was too young but these feelings still never went away.

Suddenly life started for me…experiences, time, relationships, and maturity changed me but these feelings they still existed and they keep telling me…you….he may just be the person you need.

Why won’t these feelings ever go away?

After years of growing up and many experiences have changed me into a young woman.

I still cannot put this behind me.

Will my heart ever let this go?

I don’t know sometimes.

I wonder though why can’t we ever just see the fact.

Perhaps we may just work together as a couple.

We have so much in common it’s unbelievable

Why can’t I ever kick this feeling out of my heart?

I have shared brief time with you but I still can’t let this go.

What does one do when feelings for a person don’t go away?

I swear we’re so close yet so far.

You and I are only miles apart but not that distant for us to begin a new start.

Why haven’t we ever considered at least trying for the sake of trying.

I keep thinking of that.

Tell me will we ever get to that point.

Will you ever discover I may just be the right person for you?

When will you see that?

You probably know me better than I know you and I the same.

One day you’re going to see that you and I may just be the two people who need to be together one day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Survive College Life: My Little Survival Kit

So as a graduate of the Class of 2010 from Hunter College I never had a chance to really put some advice together for the students who will take a next step into the future of college. I have put a survival kit together for you all. I hope you all will enjoy this and will take some of these little tips into consideration as well.

TIP 1. You need people in your life who have been to college. I say this because it helps a lot. I am telling you this helps a lot because you need people around who have more experience than you when it comes to this believe me. One of these tips came in handy for me during my time in college believe me. I had several people around to show me the ropes before I even stepped foot on a campus. An older brother or sister, a cousin,uncle,aunt, a neighbor, or even an old teacher can help with this tip. If you keep this in mind I guarantee you will graduate from college on time, successful, and a little stress free.

TIP 2. The Library-- I know what you're thinking--BORING!! Boooo I don't want to go to the Library but trust me it helps a lot. I stayed in the library so much for doing homework, studying, or even chatting with friends. This helped a lot and it really did pave the way to some degree for me to get my focus and my act together. The library is your friend trust me. No distractions, nothing to really bother you. You keep your focus, you can concentrate, think clearly, freely, and it helps for all the papers you need. It also helps to ask the librarians for your research papers and to also gather what you need for all of your classes. The world of the library is an enlightening one I tell you.

TIP3.Get to know the most important people on campus...this includes the faculty. Try to get to know the people who are in charge of offices like the Board of Trustees. The head of the department, and most importantly the Dean of the College. I guarantee to you this will help in times of need when you really need to make important decisions or if you are stuck in a tough situation. Get to know them just saying hello or asking questions it shows you care, your interested, and your paying attention.

TIP4. Prioritize-I know how hard this is believe of the things I had to learn the hard way and this probably didn't sink in heavily until I was a sophomore or junior. I think that's when I realized prioritizing helps so much. Try to do buy an agenda, two make a chart for yourself, and three write down what's important to you while you're in college. What do you really want to gain from this 4 or 5 year experience of life. If you feel the need to get things on track just look at your list. For example, you are out partying with friends, you're working on a project, or you are managing a job working and going to college. A list will keep your focus on school, your classes, your education, your social life, and most importantly you! Without you there would be no student population. Without you there would be no successful colleges. That is something to keep in mind always. This is for you not for them. It's all about gaining experience.

TIP5.F.E.S.-Food,Exercise, & Sleep-Yes I said it The three most powerful components of the human body that help you properly function as a human being, a person, and to keep you healthy. Food is important good food healthy, clean, fresh food. I know sometimes college food can be a bit tricky at times to eat but I know on campus now they do serve fresh food. I learned this the hard way too. You often can get distracted doing a lot of things in college. You may participate in activities, work, take classes day or night, and may have other responsibilities. However, while you're in college this is your job. Your professors are like the employers you will very soon work with as well. If you are not performing your work, preparing, and studying for your classes to get there. You might as well not participate or show up. It is an insult to your professor and to your classmates. If you show up on time, eat a good breakfast, and have slept completely. I trust you will be able to focus and concentrate. Exercise while I attended B.C.C. (Bergen Community College) I kept this plan on my mind a lot. I knew the best way to focus was eating right before I studied, sleeping for an hour, and then waking up to prepare for my studies and doing homework. It helped a lot my Psychology professor stressed that to us and I took that seriously. A lot can happen in one day and I know sleep did pave the way. So F.E.S-Food, Exercise, and Sleep. Exercise in the morning for 30 minutes you will be focused, alert, awake, and energized. Keep the coffee to a minimum unless you have really fallen into a comatose state of sleep. Otherwise sugary drinks will make you crash. Water and Orange Juice will wake you up and keep you hydrated. I hope all of this helps. Good Luck incoming students and those who are attending classes now. You are the future leaders of this country. It is important for you to be responsible for this and to help as much as you can.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



All Photos are of Couples in Love & Famous or Well Known couples in entertainment, history, or television.

In honor of Valentine's Day coming up I give this poem and oath to all the lovers, dreamers, people who have been married, in relationships, and everything in between. Even for the women and men who are looking for their special person this is for you. I dedicate it this to you all. Especially the women who are looking for their man with the key to their heart.

"The Key to My Heart" by: Chloe Jewel Riccardo

"The man with the golden sincere heart, the blessed mind, and strong sense of character gets the key to this Jewel's heart."

My heart has been broken before lol....along with many other people who have probably felt the same way.

So the person who gets the key to my heart and there is literally a key for you to take as a symbol of our lives becoming one and a symbol of our worlds intertwined.

If you take the time to get to know me. Allow me to have conversations with you. Open your mind, your heart, be real, honest, non judgmental. Cause we have flaws and that's what makes every individual unique, special, and outstanding.

Every person's path and story on this beautiful, powerful, creative, and amazing Earth is different.
I do believe we have several loves in our lives. Not just one but they prepare us mentally and emotionally to get to the person who really should get the key to your heart.

I know in reality there is no one who is perfect at all but I believe people can be just as they are and find that one who will accept them exactly the way they were born and how they will be for the rest of their days. They will support them through challenges, guide them through rough times, celebrate with them in joyous occasions, and share their lives with them as well.

If this brave individual can open his heart and look at me and see who I really am. I guarantee to you will earn the key to Ms.Chloe Jewel Riccardo's heart. You have to be willing to see that I have had a life one full of journeys, adventures, and stories that will keep you wondering how did she make each day to the next? That answer will be discovered after you have earned the key. I promise you with this key to my heart is a journey that will be full of love, happiness, joy, forgiveness, strength, loyalty, and promise. The key will allow you to get into places you never imagined you would see for yourself. I give you my word on that.
So you brave and strong individual....I promise to give you the key to my heart, after the day we both know it is time.
and Yes there is an actual key too for you to keep. I hope we will have a timeless love like the couples who have been known throughout history too like Romeo & Juliet =). When you have proven your likability, your worthiness, your loyalty, your faith, your love, and your friendship. The key will be only yours for you to have.

You could dedicate this to all of those you love and cherish too.


Kind of feel like I haven't had anything to write in a while besides the holidays I guess I am going to talk about what's going on inside the world of Ms.HoneyBrownSugar now.....All right I am seven months out of college right now. I am a single young woman looking for a new life and a new beginning right now. Times have been tough....and hear me out it may look like I have been making irrational decisions lately. But perhaps I haven't.I don't know I feel like they're is something in me that wants to either run away or just go somewhere. Perhaps that's my personality always ready for the next thing....the next beginning...a new start. I feel like I am waiting for something though. I think I am waiting to hear the've got the've got the money....let's make a new's time to really take control of your life now. Perhaps that's what I am waiting for right now....I am tired of sometimes holding back certain things...I just want the chance to get my life in order. I need a job, I should have my own car, I am 24 years old and I haven't taken my road test yet. I still need that so I don't know what to This is where I am right now on this cold February night on the 9th day of 2011....Perhaps things will change in the coming weeks and they say change is constant we'll see where I am in a month from now.

I have been a bit distracted with some other things....perhaps things will fall in place once the money does come in. Patience they have all been telling me. I am waiting patiently for a lot of things you have no idea.

Kendrick Lamar will headline for the 49th Superbowl NFL games halftime show with Surprise Guests

SZA and others will join Kendrick on stage.  Kendrick Lamar, 37 will take over "The Crescent City" at the Superdome for the 49th N...