Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My my my......another year has come and gone by so quickly. It is time to say good-bye to 2010 and look forward into 2011. I realize it now that it really was an incredible year though for me personally and professionally. Over all I have to say I learned a lot this year and I look forward to so much more in the future. 2011 is around the corner and I believe we have another impeccable and exciting year to look forward to again. I want to do something big, something different. I have spent a lot of New Years occasions indoors. Lol partially because of the weather or economical reasons. But I am going to do something a little different because I was watching one of my favorite movies. In one scene it made me realize how important the New Year is actually because the person you are with at that moment. That day will define the rest of the year. This year my New Year's 2010 I wanted to spend with someone I cared about at that time. It was important to me because I wanted to share that moment with them. Having done a lot of soul searching, thinking, and discovering a lot about what I really enjoy and like now as an adult. I believe you need to celebrate!!!!! Don't sit home alone people, be with your friends, family, go out, start your year off right with something new.

This year I plan to party and really enjoy myself. Look with things with a new perspective of taking on some new chances. I want to continue to do what I desire in my heart. I believe this year will be successful for myself and others who I am close to as well. So let's go in with 2011 with a new positive outlook, new start, no new year's resolutions. I am going to look at this year ahead with new adventures coming ahead, new opportunities for a successful year.

I am not promising anything I just plan to enjoy myself and do something different. Something I want to do not what everyone else wants to do. So live it up, toast, drink, be safe, and let's get ready for a new exciting year ahead. To tell you the truth it really is a new beginning for me personally because I am done with college and I don't plan to go back for quite some time. Probably not until I have a stable career set first. Also there's so much I want to do and I think this year for me is about really starting my adult life and saying good-bye to the college days and all of that for now. So for 2011 it's a new start in the life of Chloe aka "Honey Brown Sugar". I will be completing my blog entries the end of this year and make my blog into a book. So my last blog entry of this year will take place on the 31st of December, 2010. Then I go to print in January. I dedicate it this to you my beloved blog readers thank you for sharing your comments, reading my blog, and showing interest, I wish you all a successful year ahead, joyful smiles in your heart, excitement, and so much more.
Also people if you don't have anything to do please check out

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


When it comes to relationships everyone is looking for that perfect partner to determine who can complete their life and make them happy in a relationship. However when you look at the love of your life how can you determine if they will be faithful to you? You can look them in the eye all you want, try to believe their words, but actions and behavior always really convey the truth. You find out more about a person I heard from non verbal communication and it is so true. Let's say for instance you will never know if they will be completely monogamous and faithful but what if you hear he or she utter these words to you. "I am sorry baby I didn't mean it...I cheated because it's in my genes!" LMAO!!!! When I heard this I thought are you serious? You really have to be playing with me on this one. The new perfect excuse for cheaters to say "Yeah man...I got that DRD4" but really though all joking and playing aside. Scientists have decoded and found that cheating can take place in your DNA? Now it's not like your born a cheater but technically it is behavior that can be developed over time from adolescence and into becoming an adult too. First thing is first though the reason why there is such a problem with it is because of a little known thing called DRD4...this gene trait is what affects people with cheating. They have a strong thrill seeking personality. They're the people who want to go sky diving, bungee-jumping, and trying all these crazy daredevil activities. The thing about this behavior is that not only does it affect the way they act and doing all these crazy activities but you have to also let your partner to continue to behave the way they are though too. It can become too much for the woman and man in the relationship. Now I don't want anyone to drive themselves up the wall wondering if their man or lady has this gene. Only time will tell and you have to give them time in the relationship to prove their true side.
If you have misconceptions about them right away about cheating it will affect your relationship. The best solution is to have proof first and look at their behavior and actions first before you presume that they may be cheating or have the gene too. Make sure that before you both start dating or a relationship you don't get that inkling or conscience tells you this man or woman may be a cheater. If that is something you feel go with your instinct and let everything play out in time before you. As far as the DNA is concerned if this behavior is something that can be hereditary then it's something people will just have to live with as well. You cannot change your DNA just because of this one condition hopefully the man or woman who would be living with this they will manage it wisely, intelligently, and also consider their partner's feelings too.


Emancipation-To emancipate, free oneself from bondage.

Now this is a poem only just a symbol of being emancipated, free, nothing to be taken out of context this is mostly about just freedom of being oneself and to be free in one's skin, opinions, thoughts, dreams, and to follow what's in your heart.

Forescore and several years ago...I was born on a cold autumn day. I have chosen now as an adult in my twenties to take an oath of Emancipation.

Emancipation being free within oneself to make choices and decisions based on the way I feel and what I believe. It is hard enough sometimes being a woman, being a person, and then coming from a place where at times you don't feel complete freedom.

I am taking a stand against that to be free to do what I want, say what I want to say, and feel what I want to feel. Basically let me be who I am because this is the way it is going to be as long as I can breathe, see, walk, talk, and can feel.

There are so many restrictions at time especially at being a woman. You have to obtain an image that is positive, wholesome, and that doesn't unscathe people's opinions of you. Sometimes it's for the best to have a certain image. Other times you want to be free to do what you want without offending someone. Inside of me is a person that wants to break out and say I am here I can do this set me free. Let me live my life and be who I want to become.

It's about inner freedom, freedom to say what's on your mind so you don't feel so constricted or smothered. I guess at times I feel that way.

So today I take a stand and for the rest of my days of living I choose to be emancipated, free, I choose liberty, joie de vivre, and a sense of being free to do what I have always imagined. It is the only way to live to be who you want to be which is a free person inside and out. Non confinements, I don't have to confine to what every one else wants. Let me choose what I want and do what I want. This is my moment of Emancipation and I choose this from now on for life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st, 2010



I am titling this day December 1st because it is such a monumental day for people in our society and shouldn't be taken lightly. One it is World Aids Day a day that is important for those who want to take the time to support the cause. I am a big fighter for that considering I had a relative who passed from it at 31 years old from the disease that develops from it HIV (Human immunodeficency Virus). I have always wanted to partake in the Walk for Aids marathon that is something I definitely will do when I have the time.

HIV or Aids does not get talked about often it's not a dinner conversation topic but it is something that should be discussed in the household, in schools, and the community too. They are at the top of the "food chain list " when it comes to STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

It should be discussed because about thirty years ago in the 1980s the disease became more prevalent and more of a hush hush topic. It was not discussed by many people in social communities. It was something that people only targeted one audience. However it can affect any race, male or female, any age group as well. Unfortunately due to statistics my age group the 18-25 year olds have it rough because we are known not to be responsible for our safety when it comes to engaging in certain activity with one another. Also drugs as well its still out there and it does not affect just us in America but all the other continents as well Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, Australia, etc. All over the world is being hit and devastated by this terrible disease and there is still no cure but there have been medications to help people deal with the side affects physical and mental as well. There has to be a change hopefully there will be a cure for this one day.

In honor of my relative, in honor of the people suffering from this disease I give you prayers, hope, and love as well. I hope and pray that things will be resolved, pain will be lessened, and love so that you live to fight another day and enjoy your life too.

Secondly why is December 1st, important I should know better because this woman is so influential every time I enter a bus it's because of her heroic achievement and her courage that all minorities: women, people of all different backgrounds and be treated as common civilians. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks is the African American woman from Tuskegee, Alabama who took a chance to stand up for herself when sitting in the white section of the bus on her way home from work on December 1st, 1955. Her heroic victory after being arrested was ignited a spark and flame for all African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. She took a stand and refused to move. People threatened her and fought against her but with her sweet but tough demeanor and personality she refused and fought against the community. Her fight along with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the many leaders who paved the way gave us all a chance across the nation to now sit where ever we choose on a bus, train, or any form of transportation. I never take that lightly at all. I am honored to write about this woman. So on this 55th anniversary during the 21st century I salute you Rosa Parks and all of the leaders and people who fought to make sure every person on in society is treated with respect, dignity, and can stand up for themselves. You can now raise your voice no matter what background you come from. You inspire me and others also. I thank you and honor your memory and sacrifice. I believe things happen for a reason and your courage during that moment changed the world.

So my beloved blog readers I want you to take time to think about this day....Take care of your health your body, your mind, and spirit. Also take the time to realize you have a voice and if anything is preventing you from not getting the respect you deserve fight for it. Our country was founded upon that and take the time to be safe as well. It is important people remain safe and healthy. Life is precious and you should take care of yourself and those you care for as well.
If you would like to learn more information or take part in helping those there are tons of charities to become apart of out there.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Public Safety in Society


Public Safety in society is crucial there are so many stories that occur everyday to the point you don't realize how your safety and the safety of others has a great affect on you. Thank goodness we have Law Enforcement to protect us.
I have experienced several situations where people tend to forget that wait a minute at any moment of the day a situation can occur. Haven't we learned from that within this last decade. With the many curveballs that have been thrown at us you would think all the young women and men would take this seriously now.
As we come upon a new decade about to emerge I can say it is important for all women and men to respect that your safety goes hand in hand with your freedom. People tend to abuse that a lot and there's a problem with that. Society tends to forget that we have people who forget the law, what our country is founded upon, and how we have to deal with that every single day living in America. If you abuse any of the laws...I am talking about invading privacy, not paying for an item, or even just simply not following rules. Yes there are rules in our society they are not written down in a book for us to get once we live here in whatever state we live our lives. We learn these rules and laws over time from the day we first step foot out in society.
These are rules,laws, and order that we follow and develop as a society and in human culture every single day. One example... you have a man or woman who is of limited means. They really need to get to a place they have no form of transportation. They have no money at all. Or not even a home so what comes about for this person? They choose the survival of the fittest mentality. I need to get to this place and the only way this will happen is if I jump on this bus, train, trolley, or wherever and get on because I have no money. Now this person may not be harming you directly but it sets a bad example to young people.
That they do not have to pay when they are taking public transportation. Next case you have young people on a train or bus they are obnoxious, rude, loud, they can be intoxicated as well. Then you suddenly realize while they may not harm you directly they are disturbing you. They are disturbing you because you have paid your money to get from one place to another location. You are not looking to harm anyone but they are disturbing you though. Why is this occurring you say because of lack of discipline, lack of understanding society, and also not realizing that when people are out in the world they forget you are not just putting yourself at risk. You are putting those around you in society at risk too. Public Safety is crucial now while I may not agree 100 percent with misbehaving all the time. I agree with respect and following order. People abuse it that is why we have such chaos sometimes. All because you don't want to follow directions. Yes we have freedom and liberty. However, you also have to have the knowledge not abuse your freedom or affect another person's personal space. If you forget that then issues occur and that's where problems develop too. Now parents may teach their children how to behave, how to speak, but they can never actually stay with them the entire time. This is something that occurs over time and they develop it while they are learning from the time they are children. We have to learn right from wrong immediately and if we don't obey those rules there are repercussions. Actions will follow immediately and then we have a problem.
The next step is this...since you have disobeyed the law we will give you punishment because you have disturbed the public. I believe we have a system of order for a reason and I respect that a lot actually. I guess because I know for a fact that people tend to break rules every single day. If they disrespect the law and the people who are in society then you learn and realize that they actually need to learn how to obey and respect what is in society. We have these rules for a reason all to protect every single human being living in their neighborhood.
I wrote this article inspired by a situation recently...I was on a bus and some young teenagers probably between the ages of 16-19 I want to say and they came on the bus where I was intoxicated, belligerent, and they were making an older African-American woman's evening difficult. The teens were so loud to the point they were disturbing passengers and they also started pushing the woman's seat. The scene was like something out of a movie. The bus driver flew to the back of the bus squirming through a crowded bus and told the kids to get off. The kid refused and then was told to leave after slapping the woman. She hit him back as well as hit the bus driver. Everyone was in shock and awe because the kid was out of line. These are the things I am talking about because a lot of teens forget you must respect your elders as well as the people you around as well. Something they have a tendency to forget in our society. Obey the law, obey the rules, and realize that you have to obey the law otherwise you will put yourself in harm's way. Also the public as well and someone will be affected by your actions too.
Remember our culture, our world, and everything in it is not free. It is about sacrifice and people have to sacrifice their freedom for us every day. You must realize our public safety physical, mental, everything can be affected. Words are important your Actions even more. Respect the public in our society otherwise you have to deal with law enforcement.

American Educational Systems and Schools We have to change some things!


American Educational Systems I was discussing this topic with some special close family members about recently on a trip to one of my old hometowns. The topic of education it kept being raised a lot during a discussion and it made me realize how sometimes even though going to school is so wonderful and great. We often get caught up in other things and forget about some of the problems going on in other areas of our educational system. I have forgotten that yes spending most of my time in a parochial or private school environment it was about discipline, action, and also learning as much as possible to benefit your education and put it to use. I often forget the other school systems out there in different states across the country too. The public school system how it affects so many parents, children, and the educational system. When your child is in school and they have to deal with many problems that come up and face while they are attending their classes. There's a lot to deal with in the whole educational system and school itself....There needs to be things that have to be stressed, changed, and fixed because there are some problems that need to be resolved too.

1. SAFETY- Your child feeling safe is the most important thing for a person to feel while attending school. They need a sense of feeling secure because they want to feel comfortable in the school with the interaction between friends, classmates, teachers, and the faculty. From the moment they walk inside those doors until they leave the building. Safety is crucial.

2.THE CLASSROOM-Interaction and behavior in class. From preschoolers, grade school, middle school, and of course high school children. Communication is so important for the students, teachers, and as well as their parents. If you are not involved in your children's schooling and what they learn. You will never fully know or be aware of what your child is learning at all. The classroom is important because teachers, parents, and students need that interaction to discuss the child's abilities, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how they match up with some of the most successful students in the classroom as well. As well as the students who are struggling. The classroom from when you enter and you leave is the place of you learning. It is crucial for parents to make sure their child eats, sleeps, learns, studies, and communicates to get what they need. These tools are important....they are overlooked and that is sad at times. They should not be because they are necessary for their young children because when they become adults that will affect them when the time comes and they have to get a job.

3. THE HOME- What you learn at what you will learn and use in school as well. The home is where everything starts. Parents forget your behavior is emulated by your children. The example you set for them communication, interaction, respect, discipline, and all the tools they need to carry on into the classroom. Parents have to set the ground rules for that immediately before their child enters the public or private school system. They need to have communication about everything.

4. ACTIVITIES- What your child does in school is going to prepare them for the rest of their lives and I believe 100 percent that without some of the activities I was enthralled into and became apart of or even I spent time doing in the past I know in my heart it is valuable for other children as well. They need it because what they learn in extracurricular activities is what will carry on in the future. Team work, Leadership, Creativity, and social skills. All that is essential for every single child and what they need.

5. SOCIETY- How your child acts, behaves, speaks, and what they say in is important to be aware of it because that is exactly how they will act and behave at home and in the school. I believe parents have to remember they are are raising this person. If you don't show them they have to respect their elders, respect authority figures in society. Your child is going to have a lack of respect completely towards everyone in the community.

6. GOOD STUDY HABITS- I say this I learned this from my mother....I didn't develop this until probably high school or college. I learned over time....but they didn't become strong for me until I realized the importance of using a library is essential. They were built for a reason. People don't see how many resources we have along with the internet. You have a library, you have people around you, and you have to learn how to memorize, study, and think because it is crucial. People think it's simple to just get a it's not. Not if you are illiterate or you cannot do basic math. Or you

7. CONFIDENCE--Yes confidence is crucial....when a child doesn't have that confidence in the classroom to speak infront of other children, teens around other will affect them in the future as well. I learned this over the years...if you don't develop a relationship with your teachers or professors. You won't be able to be successful or get what you need from them. What is that for you to learn as much as possible. Also to grow and just feel free to speak up and speak your mind in the classroom. Good debates should be developed in class. It shows who's paying attention and who also is doing their homework as well. Confidence should be developed from the teachers. Not just them learning their subjects but also giving them a gift that can carry them a long way into the future.

8. HEALTHY GOOD EATING HABITS-No junk food I say!!! lol...just kidding I don't want to deprive children from eating sweets or chips let's say....but eating healthy food is a necessary thing because your children will be able to focus, eat, and they are wired and ready to learn the new topics that will be taught for the lesson in school. Healthy good eating habits...fruits, vegetables, get creative recipes if young children don't like the taste. Oatmeal bars, crackers, peanut butter and jelly, fruit juices, limitations to soda. All of that is crucial for children to have good eating habits.

9. EXERCISE- Exercise that muscle! The mind "the brain", your body, and your spirit.....Exercise is so necessary and it is important that schools start stressing that in all the educational systems...Private and Public. It is a have to exercise with your children (students) I mean. At home and in school is important it keeps them alert, awake, and eager to learn even more.

10. COUNSELING-For children will special needs mental, psychological, educational disabilities, special disabilities. Counseling should be crucial for your children. I am fortunate some of my schools had counseling programs for us and that helped a lot. We were able to develop ways to grow and manage our problems as well.

All these tools are what are important for a child to develop in the future for the American Educational System because they need this in order to succeed. It is a system. There are different levels of the system that children need to grow. It is part government, part community, part societal factors as well. All that is needed for children because without it they will not be able to become the intelligent, successful, well rounded people they need to be. When I hear people say oh why did this happen, why is he/she failing, where is the motivation, why aren't they doing better. Or it becomes a racial issue, a societal issue. No it really is just a people issue too. It's about teachers wanting and having a passion to see their children succeed. We are losing that a lot. Some teachers lack the spirit....and forget a child needs a teacher who is willing to learn and grow. American Educational Systems have to enstall that.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bromances...Why do they exist when you have a girlfriend?

-noun 1. A non-sexual relationship between two men that are unusually close. -verb -mans-ing 1. The act of wooing a fellow male friend for the purpose of becoming closer. 2. Going to unusual lengths in an attempt to become closer with another male friend. also: "Bromancing the Stone" 1. The act of truly and thoroughly enjoying the process of getting and/or being high/stoned. Provenance/Origin: "Bromance" is a portmanteau of the two words "brother" and "romance". Originally coined by author/editor Dave Carnie in "Big Brother Magazine."

A close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple

All right ladies you know when you see men talking among themselves and they are in a social gathering together? They're chatting, drinking some elixir concoction made of their favorite beverage, they're out at a sporting event, or they have all of their friends gathered together to discuss their business at work (if employed), their families, women of course, etc. That's the time when he should be without you. Why do I say that because lately men feel the need to bring along their girlfriends with them or their potential mate on a date or a social function. There is not a problem with that at all because yes it is good to get other people in your inner circles judgment or opinion. However at the end of the day the only persons opinion that matters is your own. Not your family, not your friends, your bosses, or anyone else. Your opinion matters the most. It seems that some men feel that in order to be with someone who is worthy of their time and space they have to have approval of their friends. Why should it matter it is not important at all. This is how bromances develop and then we have a bit of a problem. Why do you care what Joey, Luke,Mark, Dave, Paul, Roger, Rayquan, Marcus, or whoever he cares about. They don't matter at all actually because the truth is your opinion counts on who your with. Bromances should not turn into Bromances period. They're shouldn't be at least more of a 5 hour limit for a man to be spending time with another straight(heterosexual) man. In my opinion I see it as if you really want to spend time with your male friends then keep a balance. Spend time with them but don't ignore your girlfriends. Also don't be so willing to introduce them to your latest "flavor of the month" girlfriend. I see it as there's time to introduce a person to you when you have a chance. I just believe that your homeboys opinion really should not matter at all when it comes to your relationships and the people you want to be with as well. Bromances need to go out the door and the should just be Guy Time. That's it Guy Time or Men's Night Out. I think Bromances is going to far because once you drop the B it's simply just two men in a potential romance and that should not be the case. Or else this would be a totally different topic I am talking about right now. Don't be caught in a "bad BROMANCE" lol just kidding had to throw that in there. But seriously, a bromance should not conflict with your relationship with your current girlfriend/boyfriend,fiancee, spouse. Your relationships should be separated because with everything in life. Balance, moderation, and time are really important and when it comes to all relationships personal and professional. You need your space just as the other person does. I don't disagree with male bonding hear me out I just believe that men shouldn't depend so heavily on what their friends think of their relationships unless there is a problem. Or if the couple has been together a long period of time. When they are just in the midst of dating one another. His friends meeting her and vice versa should not happen until after a long period of time. There needs to be a time frame where they spend time together first before they actually become a couple and join together. A male's friendships are just as important as a woman's friendships. But the Bromance thing and the male's friends opinions should not matter. It is simply about the couple joining together. So men in bromances check that at the door and leave it there. Focus on your relationships with your girlfriends first before you may make a big mistake. All your relationships and friendships are important but don't let it affect your time with your girlfriend too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010



BET recently just did an award show for the first annual Black Girls Rock Award Show. I had to be apart of this because I knew in my heart...One I am an African American young woman, 2. I am in media and I had to be apart of this, and 3. I absolutely love the message for black women saying that we rock, we have confidence, and style to flaunt and show who we are as a culture and people. I knew as soon as the showed aired this would be something I was going to love. I love the message, the foundation, and the people who decided to come up with this as well. Women who were honored and have paved the way in various fields that we are familiar with around the world. I was so happy to see one of my favorite actresses actually, Nia Long (Friday,Love Jones, Soul Food, Alfie, etc....) she was the host of the award show. They picked the right person she's stylish and incredibly talented, and kept the crowd entertained. Loved Keri Hilson's performance, Shontelle's performance as well...I swear "Impossible" is like one of my theme songs for this year. Love her whole outfit and the everyone did an amazing job too. Deborah Lee l have to give a special shout out too because she holds it down at BET as CEO for the women. Also there was a special woman I saw they nominated on their site a woman who I am a little familiar with as well...Ms.Cathy Hughes..she hired my beautiful mama a long time ago for Radio One. So I had to give her a shout out too. So to all the ladies who were nominated, all the black sisters out there, all my favorite people, and all women around the world, from all walks of life. No that Women Rock not just Black Girls but all women rock. Loved the award show cannot wait to see what you all will do next. =) Love you BET!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010




Hello Everyone All my family, my friends, people who know me, All the people I love, and my beloved blog readers who pass by and read and check out my blog daily. I am turning 24 years old...yes I am I know we're not at the milestone age yet (25) but I have had an incredible year and I really had to do a blog post for this year. I graduated from Hunter College with my Bachelor of Arts degree this year and soon about to get my degree and it will be official. I went through so many challenges at that school my CPE exam, payment, making friends, finding my way, studying to make decent grades, everything. I did an internship with one of the most well known radio deejays and hilarious. I went to see Wendy Williams this past spring with two of my very close friends. I saw Kimora Lee Simmons at Macy's on Fashion Night Out in New York. I am also getting ready to embark on a big change in my life pretty soon such as my career, my first tattoo, my license (finally), and one day my own apartment too. I am blessed really blessed these past 24 years I have gone through a lot of challenges physically, mentally, emotionally, and even personally. So this year was an exciting year for me. Why are birthdays to me so important because it's the day you arrived to tell and live your story. Here's part of my story....Now you know why I am the way I am sometimes. I was premature when I was born and weighed in at 2 pounds and 9 ounces on November 6, 1986 at Mt.Sinai Hospital. My doctors told my parents I would not make it unless surgery was performed. I have the scars to even show you proof . I am a survivor and I am not afraid to say it. Every morning I wake up and realize God really has a purpose for me and whether I believe it or not there's something about that it keeps me motivated every single day to get to my goals. Live a fun, exciting, sometimes dramatic, crazy life. My life has stories that would make people laugh, cry, feel all kinds of emotions really. I am grateful every day that I am here to walk, live, read, breathe, dance, party, and all of those things. So many things have happened where I really could have been in harms way sometimes. So that's why life and celebrating birthdays to me are important because you have to cherish and love every moment you can. No matter what people say, think, and do. We really do have a purpose every day to live, learn, and grow. I believe in making things happen and really following your heart because life is precious. So this birthday thank goodness it's on a Saturday...(lol) I will take something someone told me to heart...enjoy myself have fun and really just enjoy my day for once.
To all my family my mother in particular who is always here no matter what I do. I love you and my dad like I always say for making me....and making sure I am safe, loved, and respected every single day.


Full Name: Chloe Jewel Riccardo--My mom named me Chloe because it means "pure hearted" and something she found in a baby book it also means blooming and verdant. She gave my dad's name as my middle name so he is always apart of me. He made sure of that lolz it's also a family name I have an uncle named Jewel too so it's a popular name on my dad's side of the family.

LITTLE UNKNOWN FACT: YES I AM A BORN NEW YORKER!!!!! LOLZ I used to live here as a child and I have lived in three states within my life time....NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, D.C., AND NEW JERSEY.

Favorite Colors: Pink, Black, White, Red, Blues, Greens, Purples.

Favorite designers: Chanel, Coach, Versace, XOXO, Baby Phat, Gucci, Louis Vuitton

Favorite place to shop: Forever 21, H&M, Joyce Leslie, Mystique, Victoria's Secret, Target I love Target, and Pay Half lolz =) All over

Favorite movies: I love romance, comedies, horror films, dramatic films...I love Clueless, What's Love Got to Do With It, Inception, Halloween, The Exorcist, The Mask with Jim Carrey, Charlie's Angels, Roscoe's Family Reunion....too many movies too list. The Princess & The Frog , Grease, Sound of Music. I love musicals....really love musicals. If I didn't choose journalism and writing as my field...I probably was going to end up being an actress lolz, singer, or dancer probably =) Some of my favorite movies have been hit musicals on Broadway!!! Lolz

Favorite music: I listen to everything seriously I do...I am on my computer and listen to the radio way too everything you name a person I will probably recognize the song. I love pop, rock, rap, R&B, soul, oldies, classics, everything.

Favorite food:I eat everything I do seriously....Spanish,Italian,Jamaican, Soul Food, I eat everything Sushi all of it...I eat. Little known fact once in a while I get allergic to shrimp lolz =)

Favorite television show: I am an MTV fanatic...I watch everything on MTV, I am a bit of a news junkie cause of my career interest, I love The Nanny, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Sex and the City, House of Paynes, Real World, King of Queens, the Real Housewives, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, the Today Show... everything i watch i identify with it somehow lolz.

Favorite Place: I love Europe I really do my dream place is France I have gone to Italy (Summe r of 2005 for a month July-August) with one of my good friends from high school....but France, Tokyo, London, and a lot of places are where I want to be.

My heroes: My mom, my grandmothers, and my greatmother they come first....Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Kimora Lee Simmons, Josephine Baker, Marylin Monroe and too many others.

My prize possessions: Childhood photos, my videos, and all the things my family has ever given me. My betty boop collection, My poems, my songs, ( I love Betty Boop always) and my purses. Lolz....=)

One thing I want is to publish a book about my life story so people know about me....children's books, a self help book, own a restaurant, and maybe my own publishing or record label. You never know.

One thing I commonly say: "You always have to have faith and believe you can achieve your dreams and goals cause it's possible and real".

Little unknown fact: I speak Spanish and a little Italian lolz

Celebrity Crushes: Usher, Will Smith, Jeremih, Boris Kodjoe, Paul Walker, Ne-Yo, Dwight Howard, Drake, and too many people lolz =) Love You all.

Big dream besides a journalist, a big family, and to live somewhere beautiful and warm with all of them. With a white maltese puppy named, Marshmallow lolz =) Cheesey I know....but that's what I want. =) So i can throw dinner parties and be with my loved ones and friends.

I sketch clothes by the way I wanted to be a fashion designer it was gonna be Sugar Dumplin' Fashions One of my hobbies. =)

Funniest memories: Almost getting locked out of my hotel room with my best friends Marisa and Chris. Seeing Flavor Flav in Las Vegas. Meeting "Monica" at Planet Hollywood, Meeting Immature aka IMX at a radio station, My ballet accident lol it was crazy I ran into a girl, Going to Italy, Partying with my girls at the club always celebrating life, Going to 106 & Park when i was 15, My sweet 16 party, Singing at a karaoke bar, My 18th bday and Sooo many memories.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In honor of 2 years since President Obama's win Vote this year too!!!

My generation has seen some fascinating things within the last ten years I am proud to see that so much change has evolved and a lot has been done in the world to improve and make things so much better. My generation as Millenials we have seen a variety of things taken place technology such as social media, Mac Books, advances in medicine, political changes, advances with the internet, and I believe the progress that took place was definitely on the day of August of 2008 that was a turning point for my generation .

The day that changed everything was on November 4, 2008 when President Obama announced and became the president elect for the 44th president of the United States. When he announced it of course it was overwhelming and just a beautiful way to see the progression of a country evolve. So in honor of election day this year coming up I dedicate this blog entry to President Obama and all the presidents before who have served the country. He is doing an amazing job thus far and I know everyone has millions of opinions about some of the things that have taken place since he has stepped in office. The things that have happened have been pretty crazy, bizarre, or a little out of the ordinary but wouldn't you say some of the same things that occurred in history happened in the past as well. I think of it and makes me always realize that each president who does step into the office not only does his hair turn gray and it progressively gets grayer. They also make some of the hardest decisions that its impossible to imagine what they feel, think, and the weight they carry on their shoulders. They carry pressure can you imagine making a decision based off not only for yourself but then you have to consider the country, your family, their families, their children emphasis on children because they are the people responsible for the country as well. Then you have to decide another country's fate as well. Then how people will deal with pretty much everything known to man on Earth and in the country itself. The president of the U.S. is not only dealing with America his influence affects the other continents and countries around the world as well. What we do here in America affects everyone around the world. As well as their opinions of us too.

So I can only imagine what President Obama and every other president as felt as well. They are feeling tons of pressure because their decisions affect our lives and our future generations lives as well. All ready I have felt the impact so far from his presidency one because when I stepped in to vote for him that impacted my life immediately. Also just the changes in and around the world I am still very proud no matter what people say just to know he made a decision to take on this job it's amazing. I think people forget that at the end of the day this is his job you have to make all kinds of decisions every day and this is his job to make choices and the right choices. In honor of your year as president and the two years you made that wonderful, amazing choice. To all the politicians and one in particular, President Obama Happy Election Day...and may the rest of this term be a happy, productive one as well. Remember your decision, your choice affects my generation, this country, and also how other politicians and people view our country as well.
I LOVE OBAMA Always and I am definitely going to be there and vote on November 2nd, 2010 Tuesday at the voting booth.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Couldn't Say A Word

Ever have a moment when you see someone you're interested in and you didn't speak
Here's a poem dedicated to all you people.
"Couldn't Say A Word" by: Honey Brown Sugar
I couldn't say a I couldn't say a word to you at all.
Is that so wrong that I cannot even speak to you and I turn into a little schoolgirl shy and timid when I didn't say anything. I come from a place where emotions aren't disclosed until you sit and speak your peace. I couldn't say a word to you because my emotions cannot be shown when I am in front of you. You will never know and I can't show you and let you hear my feelings until the time is right. But yes I do have feelings for you and maybe its time for me to say a word. Maybe I should and let you see that yes I speak and quite profoundly. Especially about what I feel and think of you. When we have the chance to sit then I will speak and simply tell you all the things I've locked up in my heart for all this time.


Inspired by a person i know and inspired by all the experiences I have been through or ever dreamed of with those people. =)
"From A Dream to Reality" (Dedicated to "You" & All the People who dream of someone they have in there heart *) By:Chloe J. Riccardo
*You may know who you are...=)

It's amazing how the world works sometimes.

A simple dream can become a reality.

Once had a dream so real I didn't want to wake up.

Felt so real too bizarre that I would be with this person. Even though in reality and real life I never was.
Then came a simple moment and
I was.

Yes you are my dream.

The dream which I never want to wake up from at all.

Is that so strange?

Who am I to blame.

That you're my dream and a simple moment with you made things all the more clear. The dreams come true it's not hard to believe. It's possible and real.

Now I know in my heart dreams can come true. Patience and faith have kept me motivated. Also my heart in belief that one day it will be full reality for me and my world will be complete when you and I can share that all together one day.
I keep that alive in me. Cause simply every dream can become a reality.

Perhaps you and I will make this a reality for the both of our
lives. It would be a beautiful reality no matter if I am asleep dreaming or wide awake with you
or even dreaming next to you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"City Life"

Dedicated to a little city I know called New York and all cities around the country.

I hear ambulances, fire trucks, and motorcycles zooming by in the day. Trains pass by sweeping and getting to their next destination. Birds are chirping early in the morning getting ready to start their day. These are the sounds of the city early in the morning. Dogs are barking early in the morning as their owners are walking them and starting the day. Children are laughing outside as they start their morning going off to school. Little school buses go off and disappear

People pass by and they're starting their morning outside drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes as well. Hot dog venders are on every street corner trying to sell some busy passer by a bagel, cup of coffee, or a crumb cake to give them their energy for their day. I see people riding bikes, rolling on skateboards, and mothers guiding their children back to their cars after their busy day at work. This is the city life where you see people hustling every single day like bees in their busy hives. We start our days in the city and this is the city life mentality. Busy working hard, striving to get to our next destination and engulfing in the city air. Taking in all the scenery you see this really is the city and the place of all dreams coming true and the place where big opportunities are given, chances you take, and the life you make and the path you take is all your own. Welcome to City Life =)

Friday, October 15, 2010



Well it's that fun time of year again when all the big holidays come into the year like Halloween, the leaves have changed colors, and summer has come and gone but that doesn't mean the fun stops at all. Little kids and Big kids are all preparing for Halloween now. The night when the ghouls and goblins come out for All Hallow's Eve. Everyone prepares for halloween costumes, sweet treats, and tons of delicious candy for the kids.

Some activities for the children that are always fun to do and adults:

I did this too when I was a child too lolz....HONEY BROWN SUGAR'S TOP 10 IDEAS FOR HALLOWEEN THIS YEAR!!!

1. HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTESTS!!! and Yes I won one when I was about eight-years-old lolz as a cheerleader. I have always been into Halloween since I was a baby actually my mom and dad always dressed me every year. So even as an adult I am still into it. Have a Halloween costume for the kids and that will help them to enjoy themselves and give prizes like "Most Creative", "Most Popular", "Best TV or Movie Costume"

2. HALLOWEEN PARTIES...You can't go wrong with a Halloween party at all.

3. HAUNTED HAY RIDES...Yes they have haunted hay rides for children and they get to go on them at nighttime with all the adults and have a pretty frightening time just kidding they should enjoy themselves.

4. FRIGHTFEST AT SIX FLAGS...I have done this before and boy was I freezing when I did it but I suggest Frightfest cause it's always a good time just bundle up and enjoy the rides.

5. HAUNTED HOUSE There are actual haunted houses all over the country I suggest you find them and look them up always pretty exciting for the kids.


7.APPLE BOBBING-I suggest an adult's supervision ( a mature responsible adult!!!!)to let the kids do this it can fun and plus whatever the kids find you can make an apple you kill two birds with one stone. =)

8. TRICK OR TREATING-It always fun but be safe kids and have a good time.




Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NE-YO'S "LIBRA SCALE" & TREY SONGZ'S "PASSION PAIN,AND PLEASURE Will they measure up to their past successes?


I am a big Ne-Yo fan who is Ne-Yo some of you may ask if you don't know. Ne-Yo is Shaffer Smith the R&B up and coming superstar who has had major success with three albums under his belt from Las Vegas, Nevada. Who also has penned some of the most beautiful love songs for the best known artist. He arrived on the scene with his first song "Stay with Me" in 2006. His music has become a major success all ready and even making his other fellow R&B musicians sweat. Case in point....Tremaine Neverson aka Trey Songz I am a Trey Songz fan. I am a big R&B fan and music lover period.

Trey Songz the twenty-five year old songwriter,producer, and singer is the artist who has had major success with last years, "Say Aah","Neighbors Know My Name", and "Invented Sex"
I have been thinking a lot about how Ne-Yo and Trey Songz within the last four or five year period they have released albums back to back consecutively and they have managed to actually succeed. I wonder though can they pull this off and be just as successful now? Will it happen for them both and will they be able to take their success to let's say a grammy? Will they win a grammy next year? That's all I am saying because they have worked so hard within this time frame it makes me wonder will they be able to both and the other R&B crooners and swooners for the ladies to make their albums really successful? I would love to see that. Ne-Yo is coming out with his fourth album...can you believe it since his 2006 break out of "In my own words..." he's coming back with "Libra Scale" he has done an amazingjob over these years beyond belief for his own success and even his music counterparts.
He had major success with "Because of You" (2007), "The Year of the Gentlemen"(2008) "Closer" a huge club hit and is still successful , and even success with cameo appearances and other songwriting contributions. Now he comes back with "Libra Scale" (2010) the album drops this November 22, 2010 Yes, Ne-Yo rechanged the date for his album to be released. So now all you Ne-Yo fans 11/22/10 is the new date. and all ready on the radio, videos, and online he has two new hit singles out now "One in a Million", "Beautiful Monster", and "Champagne Life" how can you not expect this man to top himself. I personally would have to say that when it comes to this Ne-Yo and his songwriting and producing skills. It does not get any better than what he is capable of with his music. He can write a song and immediately it will become a hit. I always wonder does it work simply because he has experience with the ladies? Or does it work because of experiences he takes and put into his songs that make them so successful? I am not sure but whatever his secret is this maestro knows what he is doing to make his name stick and so it will remain in the music industry and for years to come.

Tremaine Neverson better known as "Trey Songz" the kid from St. Petersburg,Virginia who has stolen our hearts with his song "Gotta Go Right Now" he has instant success with his first single "Gotta Make It"...and he proved he had the singing chops with his second album then and in 2009 with "Ready". "Ready" was the perfect title for him because he was exactly that ready to prove to the music industry I will be a success and the fans will love my music. Ready was the album that showcased his writing skills "Say Aah" ft. Brooklyn native and rapper,Fabolous , "Neighbors know my name", "I need a girl", and he had at least four hits on this album. Also has had major success with other artists as well. It makes me wonder with the release of " Passion, Pain, & Pleasure" will there be a success with this album as well. I think the singles have proven themselves already "Bottoms Up" feat. Nicki Minaj and "Can't Be Friends" have already been a major success. With the release of these two albums for Ne-Yo and Trey Songz will this be just as successful as they have already done and made in the past. I guess we will all have to wait and see. Who will have more success on the radio, concert sales, and promotion. Trey Songz did a whole 10-part series on BET for "My Moment". It gave a glimpse into his life and the artist he has evolved into as well. "Passion, Pain, & Pleasure" is in stores now and came out September 13, 2010 you can download it on Itunes and buy the album at your local entertainment store. Also look out for Libra Scale coming out in October. You be the judge on the better R&B swooner and crooner? Who has enough swagger to sell more albums. We will see.
For more information on both R&B Princes go to

For Trey Songz

For Ne-Yo

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