Tuesday, April 5, 2011


After some soul-searching, I am getting back into my roots again and I believe that's what has helped me make and see a big dream come true.
I kind of went through a little storm clouds for a minute not my normal,cheery, or excited self for a minute. I needed to figure out my passionate I believe. I needed some time to figure out what made me happy about my life the most. What makes me proud to be who I am or just feel fulfilled with what makes me want to continue to live and enjoy myself. I went back to God that's step one for me, step two I went to my parents that gave me clarity on my mission, my past is what helps me understand my mission in life, and then I looked within myself to see through all the challenges and everything that has come a long my way. I still kept my goals in place. I focused on the plan. When I get side-tracked with the challenges I don't see the bigger picture which is these little challenges are going to help you get to the major challenges in your life.

So what do I mean by that three or four months ago I was in a place where I kept feeling like I am not doing what I truly desired. I knew there was something I had to do in order to get to where I really wanted to be which was making the "big" dream come true. So I looked at everything within my life. I looked and searched to find a way to get a way to get to my next mission...which was how do I get my passion back. My mother noticed it in me I lacked passion and drive. What happened? Why was I giving up on something that was still attainable. So then after soul searching, reading, being home allowed me to refocus my priorities again. Now, I can tell you I am living my dream. I am in the media field and I am jumping in like a big sponge ready to soak up knowledge. I will never forget my roots, my mission, and what keeps me grounded. The challenges and my family keep me grounded. Knowing that there's still something for me to do keeps me focused always. So for now I am too excited there will be a lot to share and talk about soon.

One thing I will say a word of advice to my blog readers: "Dream as big and wide as you can."

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