Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can Romance & the Workplace Go Hand in Hand?

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately and I am sure a lot of twenty-somethings, new college graduates, adults, and everyone. The topic comes up so frequently. It's the age old discussion of mixing business with pleasure. Can you date or be in a relationship with someone in the workplace? Can this ever happen? In the workplace environment can a man and a woman or just two people find love and function properly in the workplace to? I have no idea anymore I am used to keeping and sticking to the books. You don't want to cross that line because too many emotions, reputations, and business is at stake. 

The awful knowledge of your co-workers suddenly finding out about your romance and relationship. You don't want their knowledge of what is happening in your relationship. Next is also the issue of what problems you both can face.  You have to deal with the fact of your business being disclosed, the possibility of your relationship becoming a water cooler conversation. Also displays of affection, conversations, and the couple disputes becoming part of office party gossip. 

Is this where you want to head towards? Who knows but what about the two people who are involved. What if the couple knew of each other before they even worked at the same office. Suppose they have been friends for years. Or they could have worked and dated together for years. In this day and age anything is possible. I just wonder how can you keep your relationship private and happy. Without all the knowledge of your co-workers, bosses, and anyone else involved at your company or field. 

Is it better to keep you work at work. For example they say "Don't S**T Where you eat!" So what do you do now? How can you make the relationship work and still keep your eye on the prize? How can you reach your goal and allow them to focus on their tasks. Is it better to keep pleasure and love out of the equation at work. Can we only focus on business? Or is their a fine line too. 

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